Flat design

>flat design

Why do you hate flat design? CLI is fucking beutiful and is also flat design.

I need to vent. This is offtopic.

I'm trying to study and do work here but some little chinese faggot keeps talking on his phone behind me. In front of a door that would take him outside. Fucking piece of shit.

cool story bro

thanks. sharing it made me feel better :)

Flat design is intentionally avoiding any visual cues that identify interactive components for the sake of trendiness.

CLI isn't flat design, it's just text.

Flat design is the best thing ever happened in the normie tech world for autistic geeks.
At last clean UIs and not some 15 year old's riced Windows desktop shit anymore.

Flat design is garbage, mobile devices ruined the internet and UIs in general. It's the reason why I've dumped front end web development and concentrated on back end.

>Material Design

>fluent design

Flat design in itself isn't bad, It's just today its executed horribly. Huge amounts of padding and empty space. Stuff ultimately takes up more screen real estate while presenting even less information than before

Why no both?

studies are showing flat design reduces productivity significantly.

I'd rather have flat design over any kind of skeuomorphism, ever

Superior taste: Flat design
Tard: skeuomorphism

Minimalism is best artstyle.

Flat design fucking sucks.


this, I don't comprehend how Windows 7's taskbar and iOS 6's UI looks decent to some people, glossyness and horribly executed skeumorphism trigger me so badly that I'd rather have minimalism and use a bit of my brain to figure out what I'm looking at


>Huge amounts of padding and empty space
Flat design 1.0 was San Fransisco hipster bullshit, flat design 2.0 is about user experience. The reason for all the unnecessary padding and literal minimalism is to make everything easier to focus on and read (by reducing characters per line) and make it easier for you to quickly find what you want and perform tasks in any given interface.

>he doesn't use a skeuomorphic CLI

are you even trying to make it

> Using a phone-like enviroment

Comp his chink-ass sushi, steve

Flat is justice

>make everything easier ... to read by reducing characters per line
I have never seen someone try to justify more noise and less signal like this before- holy shit

I don't mind flat designs, and I don't mind the obnoxious padding between shit in mobile versions of the software, but the excessive padding doesn't belong in desktop applications.



Is it the same tripfag that sells everyone stickers?

the flat is justice one is from no grip slip club iirc.

I mean the /o/ shitbox

2007 GT?

flat design is superior

it looks great in dark themes and allows the same UI across multiple applications

before material design everything clashed with individual layouts and color palletes

we all are past the 90s-2000s glossy icons and useless components in a bloated interface

minimalism is the new sexy.

oh no. thats kansei project. patchdynamics took/stole/idk what the idea and ran with it.
03 legacy l

Oh man, way off. I think they used the same roof mold for the 07-09(?), mine has the same pattern I think and it's an 08L. What kinda mileage you get?

>What kinda mileage you get?
to be fair, i do thrash her a lot.

>material design

>criticizing flat design with a flat girl