What is objectively the best unix shell?

What is objectively the best unix shell?

Once I find the one true shell, I will switch to it.

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OP said best not worst.

Zsh has nice autocomplete.

I find it better to embrace bash as the standard and use that.
I would suggest that you look into what you can modify, there is a lot of options a lot of people never use.
Eg I have the up key mapped to history, so if I type cd (up) I get the most recent time I wrote cd.
You can alter a ton of things.

I use fish for general use, bash for development purposes

Im using zsh because a guy told me its good, so far I agree.

>best unix shell
ksh forevah

>I find it better to slow down computers with bash as the standard and use that.

I like bash because conveniences like autocomplete for commands when you press tab

csh roxors. goto is a must have.

>no other shell has autocomplete

>t. bash user

Please don’t fall for the zsh bullshit le hax0r meme

dash certainly doesn't

elvish because im a dumb hipster

bash, everything else is either obsolete or for ricers

complete newb here, what's the difference between all these shells?

ls -g

Some shells have more scripting features than others

bash is really really slow

if you ever open up ksh and use it for a minute you'll know


Fish or Zsh for everyday use

Bash for compatibility reasons(scripts)

Install Sup Forumsshell

>not writing your own shell

What's the run command for?

It opens the current active browser (or any other application) and send keys into it, like "run google test{TAB}^C{ENTER}". It's actually pretty useless, windows already has a command called "start" that does the same thing

rc. its the future. its the best. please read this. rc.cat-v.org
it's pretty far from old sh (because it's better), but you can run it on unices.

The one written in Rust ofc: github.com/redox-os/ion


GNU Bash

simple and gets the job done efecient enough

I like zsh for the global aliases and the inline autocomplete.
Any scripting should be done in bash(or sh) for compatibility sake.

Philosophically rc is gr8 but it has issues making it pretty annoying to use on any UNIX system - e.g., Ctrl+F autocomplete is part of rio, not rc, so you can't use it at all.

OP, I'm a big proponent of pdksh, the ksh fork used as OpenBSDs default shell. It's around 20k LOC. zsh is around 13k, bash a whopping 320k. LOC is not necessarily a good measure of quality but ksh has done everything I need while being significantly smaller.


130k not 13k for zsh, thanks mobile

bash is fine

mksh or dash


I'd really like to switch to zsh or fish, unfortunately they shit the bed when you pass links to them without using quotations
Really ruined the efficiency of my scripts

isn't it related to zsh regex parsing or something?

I use fish
Because I'm a pleb and can't get bash and zsh to do fuzzy completion for me.

not sure desu

either way I'm sure as fuck not going to use

yt "youtube.com/watch?v=ld5H2L4j6LE"

instead of

yt youtube.com/watch?v=ld5H2L4j6LE


No one ever lost their job for using bash.

cat-v fucking TOLD you all

>what is bracketed paste

bash is good for progamming and development. zsh is pretty rad since it has autocomplete and built in debuggers.

bash because it just werks

bash is the best, so you can stop trying to be a special snowflake.

>he needs ten minutes to type two "s


Isn't that about newlines?

Possible point of interest, Chet Ramey, the long time bash maintainer, mostly uses mac for day to day stuff.

what about rc-like es and xs?

>bourne again shell shell

who quote
