Acer Mixed Reality HMD ($400)
Dell Visor ($450)
Lenovo Explorer ($450)
HP Mixed Reality Headset ($450)
Samsung HMD Odyssey ($500)
Asus HC102 ($400)
Will more people fall for it?
Acer Mixed Reality HMD ($400)
Dell Visor ($450)
Lenovo Explorer ($450)
HP Mixed Reality Headset ($450)
Samsung HMD Odyssey ($500)
Asus HC102 ($400)
Will more people fall for it?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm competing at OC4 in unspoken and the rift had already paid for itself in cash prizes, I don't feel that I fell for anything except the esports meme
At 1440x1600 per eye it may actually be worth falling for.
I hope you actually mean 4K per eye.
I hope you actually mean 8K per eye
I hope you actually mean 16K per eye
Virtual tulips
I hope you actually mean 32K per eye
I hope you actually mean 64K per eye
Fuck you
I can't (can) believe Microsoft bought Altspace. That is the buggiest software I've used in my entire life
I want it.
4k u
As if Microsoft has any problem with buying and selling buggy software.
640K should be enough for anyone.
yeah I know, but it's basically unplayable
>go into settings
>game crashes
>go into new world
>walk 5 steps
>game crashes
etc etc
I realize it's built from the ground up without an engine, but still they should just start over from scratch desu
The $200 all-in-one Oculus set coming next year will make the leap into mainstream. At that price regular people with zero PC building experience can afford to watch VR videos and see simple VR experiences. Once they have a taste they'll want the real thing. By then we'll have more 4K and 8K headsets which is required to finally have the perfect illusion without screendoor.
For $200 people will buy it just for porn.
I hope you actually mean 1G per eye
The eye can't see more than 1K
Maybe your eyes can't, eyelet
>the videogame meme is getting bigger
>I can't believe people pay half a paycheck for Atari consoles just to play inane shit like pacman lmao
>will more people fall for it?
my dad is an eye doctor
My Optometrist is named Dr I. Ball
When a meme gets big enough it stops being a meme
I am looking forward to one of these dudes getting forced out of the market and picking up their devices dirt cheap.
The new pimax with laser tracking is going to be great.
Somewhere around here but also at 1 kHz and up.
Daydream 2
What pixel density is required when the screen is a few cms from your face?
128bit cpus built into headsets when.
Is there a competition at OC4? Where and which day? Doesn't show up on the schedule as far as I can see.
I saw this and vomited a little in my mouth. Apparently it took a staff of like 30 people or something to come up with this Unity app...
He forgot about how VR is now a safe space.
High but also you need oled.
I'm waiting for this. Google has made some nice advancements in VR
4k + panel with good pixel arrangement.
so around 800 ppi
Anyone new tried Sairento yet?
Seems pretty ie one of the best fps experiences on VR to date, Robo Recall without the arcade feel
>Sup Forums not knowing how to use them correctly
my sides. In orbit.
This reddit humor on here makes me uncomfortable.
watching now
my plan for vr is 90's internet
not a meme if you use it for porn honestly.
Recently got a pc wheel for racing Sims and really wanting to get vr but I'm not sure if I should just get oculus or wait a month or so and see what the new Samsung one will be like
Call me when they are less than £200 and don't require stupid connectivity and sensors to use.
Oh and no fucking screen door effect (needs more megapickles) and a WIIIIIDE FOV.
I come from the frontpage, did someone say plebbit?
not until Apple VR headset
>your avatar name can be abuse
Apple invented VR?
vr is the future.
as soon as they fix:
-game motions triggering severe nausea that lasts for an hour even after you take the headset off and lie down.
-teleport game mechanics to try and stop the nausea that break the games immersion.
-the annoyance of setting it up.
-the annoyance of tidying it up.
-the dumb cables on the good vr sets with decent location tracking.
-accidentally punching your surroundings/pets and even your ceiling if your over 6 foot.
>not having dedicated room for vr
poorfags get off my board
VR is not the future. AR is.
Gen 2 VR starts with eytracking. Inside out is only good when it works with hands too.
Call me when they're actually a neural input so i can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste in VR with the ability to disable each sense individually
Though i will accept a full body suit and headset where electrical impulses cause me to feel things. I want to feel it when I punch someone, or they punch me (though obviously with the ability to control intensity) and i suppose with a sort of dick tube it could be used for pr0n
Direct neural input would be very dangerous in a world where appliance makers and financial institutions fail to use even the most basic opsec measures to protect consumers. Imagine we go from swatting people to scrambling, very nasty indeed.
Now, devices that can read eeg, I think, are a viable step for headset makers. Locomotion would be easy to do, you can quickly pull up hotkeys or use telekinesis. Vestibular devices are interesting as well for realistic sensations of movement and defeating motion sickness.
I don't think full dive is really necessary or safe, especially in the long run.
Come back in 100 years
how do these compare to the htc vive?
Is roomscale & handtracking possible with these?
a bit late
Only the Samsung worth a damn there. Shitty LCD is shitty.
meh Im gonna wait out and just get the best/ cheapest
But what about walking around?
get a big empty room
Fucking Americans
Anybody here try out google's Daydream yet?
Bought a Pixel so I'm wondering how it'll be.
bought it and tried it a few times but the experience didn't make me want to come back to it.
the thing that gave me a sour taste about it was the combat didn't feel as good as the trailer makes it look. your main power is being able to slow down time. most of the time i was using it to reposition myself physically in my room to actually be able to hit the enemies with my sword. to move, you teleport, and then your character physically moves to that spot. if i teleported into or too close to an enemy with my sword out, not even in an offensive stance, it would kill the enemy. often times when i teleported to an enemy, i'd slow time down when they're just far enough away to not be able to kill them with my sword, so i can either teleport again, or physically move towards them and risk punching my lamp over or something.
not very much of how the game works is explained to you so you can expect to spend a bit of time figuring out what to do and/or being lost/stuck. i'm pretty neutral about this title because like i said, i only played it a few times, and other VR titles have captivated my interest, so i don't dislike the game but those are some reasons to reconsider. it's not the best FPS experience to date, numbers would show Arizona Sunshine is the victor there, but Sairento itself has potential.
-i've only had motion sickness maybe once and that's more likely caused by the fact that i wasn't hydrated very well that day and i'm an extreme alcoholic
-someone solved the locomotion issue but vr devs either wont implement it or don't know/care. teleporting is better for saving your physical energy for hand movements anyway.
-it's not annoying to set up. tape the damn sensors to your walls and plug them in.
-i don't know what you're taking about, maybe your room's a mess but mine i might put a cat toy away and start playing.
-the Vive cable is cumbersome and you're never not aware of it so i'll give you that. there is a wireless mod for pre-order but it's too expensive and there's still a cable. (Vive's tracking is superb btw.)
-you're definitely not over 6' but i appreciate your concern for me.
full dive isn't safe but it's the only way vr can actually be enjoyed for anything other than racing
I disagree. Given enough time, the technology will evolve enough to produce convincing simulations of all sensations except giving you're waifu a kissu.
A suspended exoskeleton can be used to simulate various forces and walking on uneven terrain. Haptic feedback and thermal materials can be used to simulate impact, temperature, moisture and wind direction. Pneumatic actuation or controlled ultrasound waves can be used to creative realistic sensations of touch. Perfume palettes could be used to form a multitude of different smells, I don't know how practical that is at the moment since the only company working on such a thing is focusing on single smells. There's research being done in nipland that uses electrodes to stimulate the mouth into chewing multiple textures and tasting different things, combined with a scent device will fool most people, if not induce virtual anorexia.
All of this however will be outpaced by the telidildonics industry. All they gotta do is figure out kissing, then it's over.
This would cover 99% of use cases, and even without the ridiculous tech, I find it hard to confine VR to only one genre of games.
that's literally never going to be economically viable, even now VR adoption is at less than 1% and headsets cost less than a 1000 bucks, do you realize how much your silly exoskeleton will cost + it can physically hurt you
Well yeah, that's an idealistic enthusiast setup. VR and by extension AR hardware will drop dramatic in the next 5 years as adoption increases and we move away from monitors and televisions, so there's really no worthy there. I expect consumer exoskeletons to not be a thing for a long while until we see a defense contractor like raytheon start mass producing them for the DoD. Not to mention both VR/AR and exosuits have tangible consumer uses outside of virtual reality and video games and are both more likely to be realized within our lifetimes than full dive.
I also find it strange that you emphasize the (temporary!) damage hehe emporium hat could be caused by an exoskeleton while ignoring that fact that a direct brain interface could be used to harm your neural system, erased or alter memories, become a treasure trove for hackers or coporations to steal personal data or make you lose awareness of the simulation altogether.
Can you run just any windows program and have it as a floating window in this, or does it restrict you to their trash apps?
>as adoption increases and we move away from monitors and televisions
First you need 8k vr and the graphics cards to run them, plus viable control methods. Then vr will be replacing some screens.
It's shit for any kind of user interface/text anyways. Imagine 1440x1440 stretched up to your entire field of vision. That plus the ar with kinda shitty cameras I gonna look extremely dull.
I was just wondering about putting up normal 2D games up in there.
Every single time I try to use the new Gear VR it makes me sick as fuck
I just cannot get it to focus correctly.
Im getting a daydream in the mail for a promotion, im guessing its not going to be much better for me
>Apple fag assumes apple always did it first
>makes me sick as fuck
I'm lucky enough not to have this problem. Watching this on my new s8
Any good VR gaems?
>erp session hacked
>tortured endlessly for days without release
>death from dehydration
What is the point of these? Just Oculus/Vive headsets with shittier hardware?
why did they HAVE to put a black dude on that image? Fucking forced diversity RRREEEE
>be black
>like VR
Problem white user?
>viable control methods
If AR takes off, I pick these. Don't tell me these aren't cyberpunk as fuck.
not but they sure as fuck are the ones to make it a mainstream thing
Higher res and you don't need to set up external trackers
My Rift arrives on Tuesday.
>$500 Samsung oled
Are you mad you didn't wait?
The Microsoft controllers suck.
Samsung has a nice screen for sure, but if there isn't a relatively easy way to use my own headphones instead of integrated trash then i'm not touching it
I'm so shit at that game. I don't want to play it because the starter class is just garbage. Grind to win to get the better characters. And I don't want to grind against people that will beat me all the time
Note that it doesn't stretch it equally. You get more dense image in the center and less dense outwards.
>with shittier hardware?
Except it is better hardware in every way.
It is very likely that ice lake 5ghz 8 cores and volta ti will be able to push 4k at 90hz per eye since they are being designed to push 4k at 144+hz.
VR is at least 5 years away from being worthwhile.
What happened to Hololens?
It's targeted at businesses, not gaymurs
It's definitely a "play more to enjoy more" type of game but you have to learn everything yourself, the more you get used to how specific enemies move the easier it is to predict where they go for a sword kill, bonus score for slide kills with the sword and slide kills stop you having to reach out with your controller in reality.
Overall I've had fun with the cannon gun, revolver, uzi and slide kills with the sword. Still it's pretty shitty that they don't explain much which means you have to play more to learn and experiment. It gets better when you start getting good loot aswell