>revolutionizes the Ph0ne industry
nothing personnel p00dr0id
Revolutionizes the Ph0ne industry
2 shekels have been deposited into your account.
stay mad pajeet
not gonna lie i'd buy one if i was not poor
>uses leftover binned OLEDs from Samsung\
Stay in your ((safe area)) applefag
How many shillz?? today I have used both, but desu g/ is becoming a Linux /ios shilling ground..
What are you, gay?
>still using smartphones
what are you, pajeet?
wtf i love iphone x now
not gonna Jamal, I'd poor one if perfection was not admit it revolutionary headphones
i know brotha rajeesh i know
>can't spell "personal"
typical iFaggot
What's the most popular smartphone in the world got to do with your repressed fantasies?
>using a 4 chan pass
>applefags and shitdroid cucks fighting it out.
>meanwhile enjoying superior chinkphone with linux.
Do you fags even know who the CEO of apple is.
Oh I'm sorry, I was talking about humans. Why do you care about what $40 shitphone Africans and pajeets buy? They're irrelevant human waste. We only discuss real countries on Sup Forums. Back to whatever pajeet subr*ddit you came from.
That's what I'm saying.
What's the problem with that image? I've seen this like 600 times in the past month. I even checked the archives and you're literally the same 1 guy spamming this macro. Not making the other side look too good are you? India seems to require Apple by law to build things it wants to sell in India, inside India. What's the problem with Apple? Do explain.
>t. iPanjeet
Still hasn't got USB-C
Fucking Apple are masters at jewry
>1000$ for a phone
Nigga even my pc isn't worth 1000$
it's just not fair... maybe i can afford a used 7 this christmas..
Are you even 18.
Adults get iPhones on $30/month leases to pretend they're not poor.
Apple shills really suck ass, dont they?
Apple shills really suck cock, dont they?*
>revolutionizes the Phone industry
>sets up the standard for the next 19 years
>1 year later than others
How about a real answer to the question I just asked you fucking insufferable shitposting cunt? All you do is post macros daily over and over and dodge anything directed to you. How the fuck are you not rangebanned yet?
this shilling campaign is going just swell. apple marketing is on top of its game.
>tfw im gay and use android
Yeah Apple shills on Sup Forums like some obscure chink company with no marketing money.
>this is what delusional neckbeards really believe
it wouldn't surprise me
"there is still some budget left, and we are losing touch with the younger generation, we need some innovative approach!"
>we are losing touch with the younger generation
>90% of people under 30 probably have an iphone or mac
Whats wrong with it is.... shitting in public, on the public streets and walkways is fucking disgusting and 4th world tier.
If you don't think excreting bodily waste and fluids inches from others is 3rd world behavior then you will never leave the 3rd world. (and honestly thats ok with us 1st worlders)
Because it's not just him. Sup Forums collectively hates iPhone users due to how tech illiterate and stupid they are. I used to be an iPhone user before I grew up and got a Note 8 and I can understand the hate desu.
Yes, the 'younger generation' are on Sup Forums. A $800 BN company is allocating resources to a half-dead obscure chan site which has around 80 posts an hour consisting of racism, animoo and general shitposting and for the most part hates Apple. Yes.
Fucking mongoloid
Got 'em. ^:)
Nice try iJeet
Everyone has an iPhone and most people aren't tech literate. Correlation, not causation. I dated a chick who didn't even know what her phone was. It was a Galaxy S6. You're an autist and your little story never happened. Unless you 'grew up' last week. Which is still a strange thing to say because most adults in the west use iPhones.
>Everyone has an iPhone and most people aren't tech literate.
No they don't and most people are.
>Which is still a strange thing to say because most adults in the west use iPhones.
Again, they don't.
Most iPhone users are brown people that got them on leases especially here in DC.
Anyway I'll say this: I can understand why some people get iPhones. They're dead simple to use and look nice.
Huh. Maybe it's just a DMV thing bruh... Most white people near me use Android and I'm just outside of DC. The only people using iPhones around here are clueless sorority sluts and shit skins.
It's like half and half around some places here especially in georgetown (god help you find a fucking parking spot less than 3 blocks away).
Anyway I loved my iPhone 4S and 6 Plus. They did everything I wanted them too but I got tired of dealing with iTunes and the lack of useful features I've always really wanted.
>offers the same admittedly snappy service for a hefty sum
>but we changed the screen, you know that thing android phones have been fucking with for a while, we're messing with it now
>edge function (which may or may not be retarded) nah dude, thats gay shit
>we have a built in face cam sensor that doesnt work though
thatl be 12 billion dollars plus tip, or else im telling teach you have a gameboy in your rucksack nigga
Same duder. I used only iPhones from their launch until two weeks ago when i switched to a Moto g5+ and i don't miss my iPhone 7 at fucking all.
I'm all in with this Android shit. This phone does literally everything short of sucking my dick, and I'm even starting to fuck around with building my own kernel and ROMs from source and I'm loving it. I feel like the first time i installed Linux on the desktop i bought to replace my powerpc Mac when apple switched to intel... I am getting this whole new world of customization and control i never had with applel
just leaving this here
>evolution of iPhone - ditching 3.5 jack like some sort of parasite ditched digesting system