Which terminal emu does Sup Forums recommend?

which one do you use and why?

For me, it is Konsole


I have used a few
rxvt-unicode is extremely lightweight and customizable. It can be made transparent or 'fake transparent', customized easily using your .Xdefaults file, and it even has Perl extensions for various things. It is GPL as well.

Another one is st, which is a terminal made by suckless. This is another very nice one, and probably the lightest/fastest terminal, but there is an issue. It does not have a config file, instead requiring the user to edit the C header file, and recompile it. It is made by suckless. The license is not copyleft.

KDE is life



Gnome Terminal is fine. Konsole is fine. Never had any reason to switch to anything else.

Gnome but it needs a split window function like iterm2. Terminator fits that bill but doesn't integrate well with Unity.

finally a terminal with relevant features


It's the only way to install node modules

Tilix if you need a gtk3 terminator alternative.

I use suckless terminal because I had some issues with urxvt at some point. My hotkey launches suckless-terminal with tmux to provide backbuffer and the ability to detach them any time (in case I wanna restart X or whatever).


konsole all the way

is this the compiz of modern terminals?

Konsole or Hyper

Whatever I feel like using that day


download hyper-terminal and this cringy extension called "wow"

I use termite because it's light and simple and easy to configure

It's quite lite, and doesn't have any dependency

Is there anything good on wayland?

anything else is fucked




Terminator usually

urxvt comfy

the built in anti-tear is nice if you're a brainlet I guess

What else would you need?

Gnome Terminal


Gnome term is good, but the problem with it (and all gnome shit) is that it pulls like 300mb of dependencies.

I managed to pull down the weight to 200MB on arch linux by installing wayland + only the necessary gnome parts like the panel, window manager, terminal, dbus etc. epiphany is light as fuck and comfy, and the keyboard shortcuts are nice.

>a terminal emulator
Yeah that's still bloated as fuck my dude.

nothing flashy, but it's reasonably fast, light and has everything i need

>not having enough space for a 200mb terminal
are you a poorfag lmao?


The inactive terminal dimming is nice for twm with no titlebars. Maybe other terminals have that feature too, I dunno.



I just use git bash desu

I use this only because it comes with Xubuntu-core, but it doesn't let you change row spacing. Which terminal does?

cmder on windows
urxvt on linux

urxvt, it can run daemonized with one main process and terminal windows being clients, great for low memory footprint

I have tried st but experienced a lot of problems and unresponsiveness in things like scrolling vim quickly, might have been a patch though that caused it and not base application, might give it another look someday but it didn't strike me as a great terminal, lack of w3m image support is also not too appealing to me personally.

it is like decades of optimizing code and algo's and than this shit.

Whatever with tmux.




Urxvt is da best.
St and xterm are ok.
Else is trash.