> open web page > pop up opens > "It looks like you're using an ad blocker, that's cool and all, but...
> go to website with new interface > "chill out, everything is right where you left it..."
Why does every app or website message/alert have the conversational tone of some douche hipster these days?
Adam Bennett
Because douche hipsters write them. Not that hard to figure out.
Jose Morales
ikr, I think the same, is so fucking cringy
Logan Price
>"that's cool and all, but..."
aka: "pls unblock, I spent all my money on this startup idea and I won't have enough to pay my rent this month ;_;"
Michael Howard
Douche hipsters have always written them, but they haven't always been styled like this. What gives?
Cooper Jenkins
In the middle ages, you'd have beggars at the door asking for table scraps.
Now you have sites begging you to drop your security to let in trackers so they can get their 5 cents after sending your info to clickfucks.com.
Gabriel Scott
I can't believe the internet has got to this point but that's what happens when normalfags starting being the target audience. I knew when simple buttons such as Upload or Share were replaced with goof-ass undecipherable symbols that we were already too far gone.
Adam Richardson
As a web developer, the way it goes is that I work of a wireframe made by a designer. The text in the wireframe is writen by some cunt in the marketing department or some other non-tech position.
We don't put in our own text. If we could, I'd go full Sup Forums
Landon Howard
Normalfags. They try and appeal to them by talking down to them. In the past the websites and computers where slow to where animations where a literal waste of time.
Jace Jones
being a hipster became cool
Blake Gutierrez
That's pretty shitty tbqh. whats the worst UI text you were forced to implement?
Oliver Kelly
Zachary Baker
Maybe stop stealing from content creators?
Aaron Moore
Jaxon Sanchez
Chatty copy, it's what happens when an industry is stagnant for decades on end, things in general have a tendency to move in cycles, but there were none in the copy writing industry ever since it became a thing.
Joseph Reed
I use adblock because I want them to stop acting like clowns to entertain 14yo kids on youtube. They ought to get a real job like everyone else.
Adam Jackson
I can confirm, I die a little every time the "UX Designer" (a woman who doesn't know how computers work, thinks every user is a dumbass just like her who gives out private info with no regard for privacy, and sits on the phone 24/7) sends me a design to implement. Not only is it every single time designed as though she had no idea how HTML and CSS worked, it is also without fail filled with condescending messages written with the same retarded attitude. "Oops! You got lost? Looks like there's no page at the address you clicked!" "Wow! Something went wrong! But don't worry, it's not you, it's us!"
Please remove women from all stages of software development, they consistently make everything suck.
Adrian Robinson
tumblr is a great example, unsurprisingly
Julian James
Because you're a 14yo on youtube?
Nicholas Collins
>stealing >not taking something that is offered is stealing now
Gabriel Parker
Wow why are you so against the websites you regularly go to that you use an adblocker, refusing to support them? People like you are the reason why all of these websites are going out of buisness.
Josiah Robinson
Yes, so many of these sites are going out of business because people who go to www.site.com don't want to connect to www.ads.com. I, too, buy something from every kiosk I pass by at the mall, every newspaper stand, and every pan handler I see on the street. If I don't, I'm stealing and I don't want to be a thief! Support those poor businesses by viewing and clicking ads!! How can they afford 7 solid gold yachts a year if you don't?
Luke Bailey
There's no other way for sites to make money at this point. Hence why the web's content grows shittier and more click baity. Start your own and see how hard it is and how much of your mom's money comes goes into paying hosting for a site nobody goes to because you can't afford a good writer. Then come back and tell us that you are a clueless fuck ass.
Jack Peterson
>web sites are shit because no ads Maybe they're shit because sites need to push out "content" to continue getting ad support. Honestly though, how a web site makes money is of no concern to me. If I can absolutely destroy their business model by adding a line of text to a file on my computer, maybe they should find a different method for income. Seriously, it's the absolute minimum effort, and I do it not to deny them income, but to protect my computer and data from harmful programs. If they agreed, in writing, to reimburse any damage their ads do to my machine I might consider not blocking them
Isaiah Myers
> 5 cents Hohohoho wouldn't that be amazing
Dylan Butler
Or rather, if a company loses money is of no concern to me.
Jose Sanchez
>w-we’re just f-following orders Nah, go fuck yourself
Caleb Moore
Go ahead. That's your choice. But please consider that it's not so black and white as you make it out to be. This is a whole web problem
Isaiah Hernandez
Isaiah Ward
You just triggered me, this is my life right now.
Grayson Ortiz
Sounds like they need a way to make money that doesn't involve scummy advertising and data mining.
Anthony Jackson
I no longer have my mom and dad's teets to suck on unfortunately
Ayden Myers
Ok, neither do I. I don't know what that has to do with anything. Also, why would you suck on your dad's boobs?
Ian Adams
If your site has no traffic, hosting will be cheap by nature.
Luke Bailey
Hosting a site with low-to-none users costs around 1-3 dollars a month. Everybody had one back when the internet wasn't a facebook ridden cesspool.
Jason Wilson
Austin Hill
They're all shit so I can't pick one.
I work for a very big tech company, I'm talking one of the top 20 companies in the world. So things are much more professional here with men running most things but back when I was doing an Internship at a smaller outsourcing company, it was a fucking shit fest.
Every time we work on a new project, one of the fags suggest we change the text to sound smart or funny.
For example, this is what you would and should write if the user enters the wrong password -
> Incorrect Password. Please try again or Click here to recover it
What we were forced to write -
> Oops looks like you're having issues remembering your password. That's Okay, we forget our passwords all the time. Try again or click here to recover it.
It all went to shit when they started including women in software development. Women and dumb cunts who don't know shit about usability or how the application is supposed to work. You can speak up and say something about it but then the whole office starts to hate you.
Pretty much
Noah Cooper
Internet companies don't actually know who their market is, so its just the default. If they actually had a plan and a market they could reach them.
They just use this "hip", "tech savy", "consumer friendly" tone because other people did.
Tyler Richardson
They teach this exact shit in my UX class. Prof calls it part of creating a "friendly and casual user experience", a lot of "those types" think it's "so fun" to design UI elements that talk to users like they're retards.
Ryder Campbell
>sankaku has a new anti-adblock thing >disable adblock >also disable ad domains in umatrix >no anti-adblock things and no ads, but the space the ads take up is still visible