Why aren't you using Nightly as your daily driver?

Why aren't you using Nightly as your daily driver?

This shit is fucking blowing my mind. I thought everyone was meming when they were talking about how fast it is. I'm a believer.

Other urls found in this thread:

chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/ /master/styleguide/gender_neutral_code.md

I'm currently using. Its no faster than normal firefox, its alright I guess.

I don't care about saving a quarter second per page load. I care about muh privacy add-ons. So I'm using Waterfox.

I don't want to have to update all the time. I don't want to have to fix shit all the time. I don't want to have to turn telemetry off over and over again. Speed is the least important quality of a browser, after privacy, security, and not pissing me off with a constant need for attention. That last bit is the main reason I run ESR.


Because Chrome exists and I don't want
>da sjw virus
that Sup Forums keeps telling me about

how many firefox shilling threads does Sup Forums get in a day?

Nightly user here. It's BLEEDING EDGE so shit's bound to break sometime.
I hate to break your bubble, but if you're so concerned about (((SJWs))), why the hell are you using a (((Google))) product?
chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/ /master/styleguide/gender_neutral_code.md

This, also actual UI customization.


>daily driver
kys. Also, what the fuck is the benefit of ~0.001 seconds saved per webpage if Firefox takes 2 seconds to update every time you start it.

I am.

Holy shit, what's going on in the mind of these people...

I noticed that the thumbnail on my phone says it's Firefox Nigger. Should I be concerned about that?

I've used it for about a year now. It's usually ok and I like blue icon. I have to say though for yt content battery life it is absolute shit it also occasionally breaks if you load like 10 webms in a row.

?? Webm work on Nightly. It's on edge that it doesn't work

>multiprocess uses more memory than chromium
>still slower than chromium

Because Firefox quantum beta is faster

I'm not gonna compile firefox every night.

Let settle this once and for all, Waterfox or Chromium?

Nightly is newer and has more fixes. Only reason Beta would be faster is if a regression got through.

Because when you have some add-ons for over half a decade you get used them in your workflow.
Same reason why I moved from aurora to mainline. Going to be a sad day next month when mainline legacy extensions get killed.

Why did addons stop working on about: pages. vimium doesn't work on them. It cucks me completely.

Huge titlebar and no H-Title working replacement

Quantum is a different branch of ff afaik

Weird. All 3 versions on mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/#beta link to mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/57.0beta/releasenotes/


does not support wayland

>wow look how fast it is
>buy master race computer
>get excited cause it works as it was expected
>is OP a fa/GG/ot already ?

but it will, right?

Still laggy as shit on YouTube

Today's update fucked with the bookmarks toolbar

Is Nightly the same as Quantum? if not how do I make Nightly as fast as quantum? about:config tweaks?

It sucks on mac. Videos play like shit in any version of FF including nightly. Scrolling used to be shit too until quantum.