ITT things iPoors can't do

ITT things iPoors can't do.

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now that's some next level autism


Lg stylo 3. It's actually easy to code with a stylus.

Use TempleOS on their phone

No one cares you faggot

this only took 45 minutes to write

Butthurt iNigger detected.

More like 2 minutes.

I'm not an Apple fan, I use Android myself, so don't take it the wrong way, but honestly, who gives a shit?
Sure I can run vim and clang on termux, but that doesn't mean that it's a good idea.
You don't develop software on a phone, especially C.

this is a major reason for using android imo, being able to test your apps for free is good,

also, piracy n shit

But user, you can test your apps on iOS for free. All you do is build it in Xcode and push it to your iPhone. You cannot test pre-built software sure, but source built is fair game

No but its useful to practice C. I can write simple programs on my phone to learn stuff without having to pull out a huge laptop. Also something to do on the toilet.

ITT: technolofy Illiterate Android fans first steps into programming believing you can’t develop a fully working game solely on iOS

It’s almost like finding 20 cents and saying “take that Bill Gates!”

> pic related


Why would I want to program on a phone, that's completely retarded

But user, can you tell your friends or fans to test your apps without having to pay Play/App Store fees?


This is a "things Android can't do" thread now.

Yes and no, if you give them your source they can deploy to their device locally, otherwise you would need to pay the fee and use something called TestFlight.

>your testers need to compile the app from source
that's just plain retarded

also, Android fags will never ever have something similar. Enjoy your audio latency while iOS can handle live guitar pedals with virtually no delays.

What year is it? Are we back in 2013 all of a sudden?


Please sur, do the needful and delete this then revert back. Thank you sur

> the absolute state of Sup Forums

Why not try a relevant one?

Ipoors cannot make their fone not make a sound except for a ring... And keep notifications on.

Checkmate Ifags.

holy temple

Apparently we're back in 1980, since Android still can't even drag and drop between apps.

>except for a ring
false, you can actually use any music as a ringtone if you're not a retard

> And keep notifications on

Obviously didn't read.

Try making ab iPhone make no noise but the ring when you get a call.

Cmon. I'm waiting.

> iPoors
> 720x1280
> that shitty code

top kek, are you too poor to afford pic related or what?

> something to do on the toilet
I legit feel bad for you OP.

I've taken a ton of use out of the ffmpeg encoder for android.

LOL Ipoors don't even know. Probably cause they like it when their fone makes a noise for EVERYTHING. And you can't turn it off. You'd have to sacrifice notifications to greatly reduce it.


>programming on a phone
i can barely text thru it

>tfw iPoors can't do something as massively basic and custom download a audio and video stream from youtube and then mux it together in a minute or less

That's actually pretty neat

That's possible, but that would require Jailbreak

Why in the living fuck would anyone choose a phone to do these things on instead of a computer system?

Spend weekends alone
Can't be kissless virgin
Send nasty ass green bubbles whenthey are connected to network.

>having to jailbreak ios to do anything useful

>i use a massive gaping privilege escalation security hole exploit to get root privilege and basic android features and then prevent apple from patching it so i can keep those features, while inviting russian hackers to freely steal all of my login/passwords and data
>this is how utterly shit stock iOS is and what i'd rather settle with so i can "break out of jail"

lol, so you're poor AND stupid?

legally own their devices.

OP is a faggot

This. Owning a fruity toddler toy literally made by gays for gays wouldn't make him gay, not 1 bit.

>being this much of an apple numale
wew. smartphones have been proven to lower IQ but keep smugposting geniusboy, im so jelly of your shitty apple biOS code lolololololololololololololol

Apelfag here, agree with your post but the pic you posted is autism tier, looks like it came from /r/pcmasterrace.

t. iFag


Equal homosexual

Posted from my S6 :^)

Install an alternative to the default app store dedicated to FOSS without jailbreaking tomfoolery


Wow, dude, you're fucking cool! Do you show girls how you program on your phone, you geeky computer nerd xD?

yeah i mean if you hate on robotic legos you're a terrible person

Haven't used ios in years. Can you torrent shit on it yet? Can you plug it into any computer and drag and drop files yet? Does it have a file manager yet? Terminal? Can you freely install and make third party apps yet? Does it even play webms? Can I install custom Roms on it?

Otherwise it's a toy for children. I want a portable computer in my pocket, not a locked down baby toy. What are you even doing on the technology board if you compute on a baby toy?



Video overlay

How exactly have they been proven to lower IQ? Through what means? Think about that long and hard.

Cheating mode

Secret apps


did I break my iphone?

What is this dumb shit? I can definitely turn my iPhone silent without it vibrating. What am I missing?

I don't even own any Apple products and I can tell you 75% of these are false. *flips hair dismissively and leaves thread with a "heh"*

Sent from my iPad

I can admit, that without being a fucking faggot, this looks pretty cool, but that bottom bar is distracting. Can you disable it?

Also when I search “IDE” on the AppStore, the first result is LITERALLY CppCode, an IDE with equal features to OP pic related. I hope you kill yourself

I've had devices that could do that forever.
And it's fucking retarded. Get an SSH client and a bluetooth keyboard and do it on a real computer, not a fruity facebook toy.

Yesterday i installed a packagemanager on my NAS. And it workes on android, too !
About 1800 packages!

You can do this on the iPhone. How are all of you guys retarded?

does iOS even have a Sup Forums client you don't have to pay for?
>inb4 hurr use a web browser
Tabs are fucking retarded for phonebrowsing.

people who buy apple are in general plain retarded.

Truly Xiaomi is a step ahead of the others chink phones but it still lack basic support for the SD. Thanks google I guess.

android or ios, who the fuck develops on a goddamn phone/tablet?

>90mb Sup Forums app
Kek m8

S6 is not waterproof whatsoever

why would you code on a fucking phone ?