Can I get a Windows 10/7 version of this?

Can I get a Windows 10/7 version of this?

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Why would you want to change something if it does everything you need and more?

trips check

damn right. why fix what isn't broken?

All you have to do is change 2010 to 2017, replace Vista with 8, and replace 7 with 10.
Besides, Windows XP is still GOAT.

because microsoft will break it for you

Not if it's EOL

which 7 isn't yet

a new OS every year is a huge mistake
SAAS sucks
let's go back

Windows 10 released in 2015, user.

why hasn't windblows moved to a rolling release subscription model yet? its not like anyone is actually buying $100 discs from best buy anymore

That 1998 dude is rad as fuck. Why would I listen to 2010 man who looks preachy and condescending over him?

you're making it sound like Windows 11 is going to be a thing

*presses turbo button*

there u go

+1 for you
that's just great

but windows 10 is filled with blatant spyware

so is 7, whats your point?

install gentoo

lol the author of this comic has probably never even seen a windows 98

Acceptable upgrade path a Windows user
>Windows 3.1
>Windows 95
>Windows 98
>Windows 98SE
>Windows 2000
>Windows XP SP2+
>Windows 7

Didn't the first release of 98 have some pretty bad driver and stability issues?


Linux is a kernel

Windows 95 was worse, 98 was bad too. 98SE is still the best DOS based Windows version before it went over to the NT kernel.

Let's not talk about Windows ME.

I followed this from XP onwards.


Windows 2000 is still the most aesthetic. I never liked the way XP looked. Strangely, I thought Vista was nice looking too, except for the constant BSoD and my antivirus murdering it.

>Windows 7 followed by Linux
pretty much

I agree, the thing that made me go from 2000 to XP is certain games were OS-locked for no technical reason. There was a period where I dual booted 2k and XP and found I could install on XP and just run them on 2k.

Original XP SP0 was very much a Windows Vista to 2k.

The #1 Windows XP feature was backported to Windows 2000 anyways:

Remove Windows XP and Linux and add Windows Vista and Windows 8.


cheap millenial upgrade path
>windows XP
>pirated windows 10

if you're going to do something, you might as well do it for the best.

I've used all those versions of windows and more. I have never once paid for Windows. I haven't even bought an OEM computer since Windows ME.

also I'm technically a millennial, you fucking young millennials

why do I feel /comfy/ just looking at that disk space?

is it because it reminds me of a time before the entire world became sick?

Is there anons that never liked 7, like me? I loved xp, i had to switch to 7 because of games, but i switched to 8-8.1-10 as soon as they were released, because i hated 7. Now i'm on linux anyway.

Never met anyone talk like that about 9x before. It seems to me like everyone was totally fine with 95 and 98(se) back during the late 90s. There were some people that insisted on using plain old MSDOS tho. Just a few years later, there were loads of people that refused to downgrade to XP tho. I don't really know how or why XP became so popular.


Forgot to delete alpha, and I fucked it up.

Literally nobody ever held any of these opinions.
During 3.1 we were itching for more stability
During XP we were itching for better gaymen performance.

you fucked that up. nice self portrait in top panel though.

+2 for you

Windows 10 officialy track every keystroke.

>+1 for you

>tfw used Windows 3.1 until late 1996

Feels poor man.

Windows 7

>8 is just 8
Well fucking done

Acceptable upgrade path a Windows user
>Windows 3.1
>Windows 95
>Windows NT 4
>Windows 2000
>Windows 7

Yes, like it happens with the first version of literally everything.

The first version of Windows 95 wasn't great, but was revolutionary, and Windows 3.1 was always pretty shitty only the worst of neckbeards would say it was better than 95 at any point.

Windows 95 OSR2 worked pretty well and better than the initial release of Windows 98.

Windows ME was just 98SE reskined and with updated software, I really don't know what people's problem was with it, worked great for me, just a little bit more bloated.

10 has more and is harder to disable, 7 is more moddable if you know what you are doing.

>Windows ME
because it BSoD constantly, probably more than any OS since 95. Infinitely more buggy than 98SE with primarily removed features.

And o bet that you play a lot of games...

I guess I got lucky then, it really worked as well as 98 for me, if not better.

The same with Vista, but for Vista I can say that maybe is because of SP2, didn't use the original release.

Here, you faggot

Sorry, I'm fucking dumb

+1 (you) you fuking retard


>I..I was only pretending to be a newfag guys I..I swear

windows 10 should be a pajeet

fucking PERFECT

hahaha yes

Sounds about right to me

You're very lucky indeed

>unironically using wingdings for the aesthetic
>not using a windows DE on linux
these kids don't know how to do it