You got to be kidding me, this is not funny anymore

You got to be kidding me, this is not funny anymore

That girl isn't even white.

What am I supposed to be looking at?

Kek, I literally haven't seen a Google ad with a single white male yesterday

>viva la resistance
What did Google mean by this?

Even the black guy isn't having any of this shit.

Stop noticing coincidences!!!!

>a more impressive camera
>Ok google take a selfie

is it too late ?

>company makes ad with no people of color
>SJW in frenzy over it
>company makes ad with no white people
>alt liters go on frenzy over it
Literally can't make this up

what do you mean, that they copy apple marketing down to the propaganda?

It's almost like people want their group to have the majority representation

One is the objectively superior laundering strategy though.
>7 billion people
>roughly 1 billion white
>of that billion, at least half are progressive/aren't racist
6.5 > 0.5



The typical white female-black male stereotype. It has kinda started to sicken me the way black males fetishize white women. Black males have some kind of sick obsession over white women.

There's about 0.7 billion white people on this planet. Not even 1 billion.

>unironically saying 'people of color'
retard alert

>brown eyes

and nothing of value was lost

have you seen black women?

Bet you're ok with White x Asian bitches. Oh wait! Anime website, of course....


best post
