>windows/gnu+linux will never be this comfy
Windows/gnu+linux will never be this comfy
Who are you quoting?
Canonical is now making GNOME look good.
I'm interested to see what they do, but they already stated it will just be gnome with extensions and customizations so I'm not getting my hopes up.
XFCE really comfy.
I do love the macOS interface.
>default pape
>mfw OP was trying to make macOS look as bad as possible and yet it still looked better than lesser OSes
xfce is pure comfiness.
Finder is a shit!
owo desktop thread?
Is this the new desktop thread?
ew. that is ugly as fuck.
macOS truly is the comfiest
Is it really? I did a clean install of High Sierra two days ago and I haven't changed the wallpaper.
uwu lewd Illya.
Sauce on pape?
you can try the beta, it's pretty good imo, better than unity, i'm sticking with 16.04.1 until 18.04.1, i'm a boring old fuck though
I disagree.
Deepin Linux is just as "comfy." I just don't like MacOS.
Boy, you sure got me interested in MacOS, with all that shit that nobody should ever touch. Maybe you can show me a MacOS of BonziBuddy, too.
Man I wished Windows 7 or Hell, the NT Kernel was open source. Windows would be the best desktop x86 operating system in existence.
>Compatible Binaries
>DOS Support
>Unix Support
>Cross-Platform Libraries and API
>Infinite Driver support as well as backwards compatibility for Drivers
>Billions and Billions of Software
The only flaws would bet .NET and the Security issues, which would probably be patched in months if not weeks.
Windows 7
>he can't into greentext
away with you
Even macOS right now is closer to your dream then Windows ever will be.
I need that wallpaper, please
Foobar >>>> MoC >>>>>>> iTunes.
Windows desktop >> macOS > KDE >>> GNOME.
Fuck macOS, it corrupted the entire filesystem because of one bad sector. Now I cant boot it or repair it.
I really am happier using Windows than I ever was using GNU+Linux; even with all the issues that are possible.
I honestly think Windows 7 _is_ the best desktop operating system in existence.
>tfw playing Steam games in a GNU+Linux VM on Windows 7 ;3
Nice resolution
Apple's user will never have wallet so comfy
>tfw playing Steam games in a GNU+Linux VM on Windows 7 ;3
>macOS is used more than Windows
Sorry, Sweetie.
It's way comfier. I have a Hackintosh as my desktop for Photoshop and Office though.
go back
That feeling is boredom.
>floral shoppe
get the fuck out of here you piece of shit I'll find where you fucking live and torture you and feed you alive to flesh eating beetles
How do you modify windows 7 to look like this?
This is mine
and it is the Classic theme lightly modified using the Personalization control panel applet, some registry changes to modify the taskbar tab size, Tclock.exe and Desktop.exe from Sysinternals.
I also used Resource Hacker to change the Start button icon and the Task Manager colors.
The other one probably requires the sucking of a bag full of dicks.
Ok, I really have to ask.
Is Safari worth using over Chrome in OSX these days?
nice, I'll check some of that out
top meme
ntfs = bloat
you can use fuse with ntfs 3g
it just werks senpai
>116 packages
teach me the way
But why is it called Macintosh Plus
It's shit.
Wow, did you make that picture 5 years ago?
yesterday why?
dank vapormeme meme
>imblying imblications
But user, we are not thieves!
You are ein bisschen wrong bud. GNOME is comfy present day, present time.
Russians fuck off na sosach pozhaluysta.
Nice music taste you got there
Holy shit, that looks stupid as hell.
is this the thinly veiled desktop thread?
>King Geedorah
Good taste.
Personally I enjoy KDE. I use macOS on my macbook of course. But on my x230 and t430s I use KDE.
Literally first resultwallpapers.wallhaven.cc
>use Gentoo the OS of choice
>default plasmoid faggotry tagged right on the desktop
ty sir
yw bro
saint ignacious richard stallman wallpaper
So your post actually I have to say.
Personally I see no problem in it. I just enjoy portage.
What? Are you as stupid as that shitty software?
Bundes landen confirmed GNU/Linux pilled.
I see no problem as well, I was just pointing out how silly it is to me for someone to use default on an system they built themself.
True I guess. What else besides the KDE symbol in the top left is KDEish? I keep meaning to change it. Just honestly forget. Only this laptop has it, my desktop has a gentoo symbol in the top left, as does my x230.
Do software update that macOS version is from like 2011.
>using chrome
Yep, I like google. Get mad if you want.
stop being mad, floral shoppe is great
>uses kde
>uses google play and facebook
truly redpilled
I agree with your assessment of Windows 7.
Is there *any* possibility of somebody weaving a DX12 fix into Win7?
I agree with your assessment of Windows 7.
Is there *any* possibility of somebody weaving a DX12 fix into Win7?
Nice theme. Where did you get it?
Hey :3
I love how well organized your setup is.
What has to go wrong in someone's life that they end up like pic related and make threads like these 20x a day:
>that looks stupid as hell
It's Gnome3... Wait until you start using it for 5 minutes.
I need the font
What has to go wrong in someone's life that they end up tracking every single thread that contains something he doesn't like all day long instead of doing something productive
god is dead
Gotham rounded medium
Install Gentoo.
What are some good programs/'apps' to have on macOS?
I have iTerm and Dash. I mostly use C++, I'd get CLion but the free version is a thirty-day trial.
BetterTouchTool if you have a trackpad
Best video player is IINA
>Spent 2 years with macOS, getting used to it
>Fairly happy with it
>Summertime, decide to install Windows
>Use Windows and Windows only for a while
>High Sierra comes out, go back to it
>Feel empty
Ehhh. I don't know.
>Best video player is IINA
I use mpv, what does IINA have over it?