Let me guess, apple.com?

let me guess, apple.com?

I just got mine 3 days ago and there's a lot of things I love but also a lot of things I hate. This control panel thing is one of them. I don't understand why the fuck they decided to make it more intrusive by making it bigger and blur out the rest of the screen when you pull it up. It also looks chunky and cluttered and there's no way to customize it.

however the haptics are absolutely gorgeous on my 8+. probably one of the best things they implemented after jobs died

Looks like shitty "concept art" from deviantart

android user here
I actually don't dislike this bar. Sure, it could be organized better, but everything really necessary is there.
blurring/occluding whatever's currently on screen is meant to make the quick options more visible and it works. I wouldn't want a totally transparent background

The new control Centre is much better. It looks better than the old one. It doesn’t matter that it is intrusive, it’s not like you use anything else at the same time.


>It doesn’t matter that it is intrusive, it’s not like you use anything else at the same time.
but it supports multitouch, allowing you to tap controls with one finger while another is still swiping to fully reveal them.
On the iPhone, this means you can “peek” at Control Center and pause music without full expansion, making it quicker than iOS 10.

meh, it's actually better compared to the previous control center

When you customize it it isn't so bad. I hated it at first, now I like it, it's much more convenient than the older ones.

Wow, that sounds great! I think I'll go buy my new Apple™ iPhone X right now! Thanks for the honest reviews Sup Forums!


the music panel is way too small
its annoying when you're reading/watching something and you have to pull it up to adjust the brightness or whatever and it blurs the entire fucking screen
the flat symbols are shit. skeuomorphism ftw

It is customizable though. The bottom buttons are customizable in the settings app.

> the music panel is way too small
It takes .5 seconds to force touch it for more detail

never forget alot of applels iOS features were ripped off from jailbreak tweakers and devs

you used to have to crack your phone to get a controll panel FFS...

>not controlling lossless music from your watch

... KYS

Thank you, for informing us all of public knowledge for the last 15 years

I'd rather wear a literal fedora than a "smart" watch

I don’t see the advantage an Apple Watch offers that an iPod nano doesn’t
They both play music. They both reject/ignore phone calls for you. And the iPod has an earphone plug

pretty sure there alot of 12 year olds here that have never used anything less than iOS 7 TBPHF

>unironical poverty IEMs
>phone as a source
>muh lossless

That's cute.

>have to fucking drag along the screen to make it bigger which isnt even what i want
no thanks

literally all i want is ios 6 with haptics

>I hate how it blurs the background!!!
>ah covering over half the screen for 3 button interface, much better
What did he mean by this?

How's the lag btw? :^)
Enjoying beta testing for us?

There is no lag...

Hope you enjoy the wait until 11.1 makes iOS 11 even stable

> 95% performance of $2000 Astell and Kern and Audeze iSine combo is listened to at my local hifi shop...

>confirmed ignorant faggot who's never bothered to even research what a normal iphone does

i have no idea why his retarded chinese knockoff phone did that but it typically only covers a 3rd of the screen on an iphone6+

>being this mad
>doesn't even recognize iOS versions and the CC differences

Looks like badly done widgets.

Its actually more fitness tracker / cycle computer
its actually a samsung gear fit 2 and for me its purfect
>3day battery life
>THIIN (opposite to THIIC)

who /9.3.5 for life/ here?

Really feels like iOS has taken a step back every time since iOS 9. In iOS 10 they updated it with an ugly redesign and made it two pages for no reason. Now they're making it take up the entire screen and filling it with a bunch of useless features no one actually use to just take up screen real estate.

But no, it's great because "customization"! What a joke.

JB 9.2.1 6s here... if anything happens to that phone i am going to cry ... well specifically cry and use my emergency 4s for a while

life without JB is pain

why do your icons in the background look like cancer

Windows Phone 11 look pretty rad desu