I do not see a guts thread. Post them!

Where the fuck are the rest of your DIMMS?

On order, and hidden behind the coolers.

Anyhow this is a guts thread, get posting.




7700k/GTX 1080


>all that pci sag

Christ. Get bigger cases. And the one with the water loop, for god's sake, your poor GPU. Holy shit.

specs? That case/build looks almost brand new. What CPUs? Usually old 2nd gen Xeon builds ad their motherboards all look dusty/old.

Some day ima build me one of them fancy ryzen peesees

what are you currently running? Ryzen is awesome. Currently running a 1700X myself.

Optiplex 990

i5 2500
120gb ssd

bought the comp for $50 threw in the psu/ssd and gpu

That's not bad at all for $50. What's your budget like? What do you use your PC for?

not much anymore.... basic stuff, some wow, Might pick up Destiny 2. This rig is def fine I just miss having decent custom builds.

This was my last setup, nothing overly extravagant

here you go

damn user that was a pretty good deal.

What did you do with your old build? And if you're not doing anything crazy, look at the Ryzen 1300X for a decent quad core. Or the 1400 if you want 8 threads.

yea got lucky with the bareebones, ended up buying the psu used for $35, and bought the gpu new.

Ill likely reuse the psu and GPU in my next build

it was an 8320e rx 470 I sold the tower and monitor for like $600 along with a couple accessories I wasnt using

oh ok. Well that 8320e/470 was OK. Ryzen and that 1050ti would be even better. And if you play WoW, the Ryzen 1600 would be your best bet. WoW actually takes advantage of multiple cores.

>Dual CPU
My dick is diamonds, OP.


hello guts


bad meme

Yep, I regret making that decision. I should have gotten at least a 4790k.

Is that the 360mm EK AiO? The one where the pump/reservoir are integrated into the end of the radiator? If so, how is it? Any issues?

Yes, it sure is.

I don't have any issues with it now, but I've had to RMA it 3 times in the past.
EK discontinued them because of extremely high failure rates, specifically the little extension fitting between the pump and actual fitting that was made of plastic and cracked a lot.

They fixed the issues in later revisions, but afaik these were only sent out to people that had RMA'ed older units, they were never actually up for sale anywhere because they were made after EK discontinued the entire lineup.

The last revision (which I have in my system) uses more metal bits and a nicer acetal Supremacy EVO block instead of the Supremacy MX block they originally shipped with. No issues since I got this one, but plenty of issues with the earlier units. Thankfully no hardware was damaged by them.

That's sad to hear. I wanted one. I'm currently on an air cooler as it is, but I'd really like to go back under water again at some point. A full coverage block for my CPU+Asus Crosshair VI is like $140.

My 980ti is impossible to find a block for however, so I'm waiting for the new lines of GPUs to come out so I can buy a block for it. Go full loop again. Those EK Predator's seemed so nice. Remove the hassle of pump/res placement.

>Those EK Predator's seemed so nice. Remove the hassle of pump/res placement.
Yeah, that's why I got one in the first place. I really like the way the pump/res is mounted to the radiator, even though it means the entire assembly is quite a bit longer than a standard 360mm radiator. It makes for a much cleaner look than a seperate pump/res, and the CPU block looks better than those combo units too.

I guess you could try to look around for one on ebay, but make damn sure you get a "new" one with the Supremacy EVO block. Anything else is a ticking timebomb.

eh, I'd rather not have the unit potentially kill an $800+ GPU if it happens to die in use. I'm considering a full blown rebuild soon anyhow. Caselabs custom made Merlin case. Dual 480mmx80mm thick radiators with push/pull. Maybe play around with nickel plated soft copper tubing.

ayy what xeons you running?


Get yourself some hex-cores. They aint that expensive.

I want to get X5690's but I don't know if an extra $230 is worth it, or I should just budget it for a DP 2011 upgrade

Get some X5680s or 5670s. Much cheaper. Going up to LGA 2011 is going to be fairly expensive.


just the board and CPU's isn't that expensive
these ones are similar to X5690's in single thread, but allow me to go up to much higher single thread performance, which is more of what I need than anything

Probably gonna upgrade to a 8700k when it is released

Bump the CPUs to the E5-2667. They're only slightly more expensive on ebay, and the max single core clock turbo is identical to the 2643s. All core max clock is naturally less due to the extra 2 cores, but 3300mhz x8 cores vs 3200mhz x12 cores is a pretty good tradeoff IMO.

is that the 24" 1440p 165hz dell? thats what I'm rocking right now and its a godsend


If you had/have a bigger budget and are willing to blow $400 on a pair of CPUs, E5-2687W for that juicy 3.8ghz 1C turbo and 3400mhz 8C Turbo.


>CableMod wants to charge $25 for a 1ft LED strip
>I laugh all the way over to Aliexpress and get 3ft for $6

sort of jelly. enjoy your high temps though m-itx idiot

i have a dual lga1366 board too.
i was thinking about getting the 5660, because they cost about 30 $ where i live. but the lga2011 is also intriguing.


No much lower end :/ it was the 24" 1080p 75hz Freesync budget monitor from dell.



I like it, looks like a well loved setup in a comfy mad scientist sort of way.

OP Here,

Running E5-2650's.

It's a brand new build, got the CPU's for ridiculously cheap (Used of course). The rest is all brand new, even the motherboard and RAM.


I get that the big water block is causing his graphics card to sag, but why the fuck is his sound card slagging too?

Yeah, who needs a PSU? Pussies & faggots, that's who.
> Hard drives? Fuck hard drives. I'm running this cunt on memes alone.

>not LTSB

>Server board
>Only one stick of RAM in sight
OP, what are you doing
Oh and just wondering, do both sockets need to be occupied and if so do they both need to be the same CPU?

If that motherboard is similar to dual socket servers I've worked on, no, you can have one socket empty and one filled. If you fill them both they do have to be the exact same however.

God I hate that fucking icon so much, looks like A FUCKING TRAMP STAMP

Here are my guts. The pump is connected now and there's also water in the loop. I'm too lazy to take a picture now though.

Ive been considering doing this with one of the SFF ones to get a cheap portable rig

Looks really good.

waiting for volta before i upgrade my video cards.

how long would it take to do any kind of maintenance/upgrades on that thing?

What case is it?

This is as good as it gets. Never seen such a nice and clean build. You did well sir.

Doing cable management on the HAF XB EVO is harder than i thought, or maybe I'm just incompetent. Either way this is the first case I haven't gotten good looking cable management in easily.

Ended up just routing most cables through the side and hiding them behind the side panel.

your gpu looks like it's about to break in half. Look at it in relation to the top expansion card. Funny enough I had that exact 960 for a good 11 months.

It's not sagging because of weight, it's bending from how tight the block is mounted and no backplate.

Soundcard is sagging a bit from the copper shielding plate (Nvidia Coilwhine™) mounted on it and only pcie x1 in a x16 slot.

Other side of the case, old Yeong Yang cube.. Gonna take another updated pic one of these days and add to it.

Draining and partially disassembling the loop takes an hour or so at most. Putting it back together and filling it up again about the same amount of time.

So swapping the CPU/memory or cleaning is easily done in a few hours.

Changing major components requires some new tube cutting, though. So switching the motherboard or GPU might actually take 5 or 6 hours.

I really enjoy doing custom loops though so it's no biggie for me. Most of the time I'm actually sad when the building is done because I don't know what to do with my computer.

Thanks bruv.

Thank you for your kind words.

>C.P. Technology

ye. CP the letters for PowerColor

Looks pretty good from the other side though.

it does look good user


I have same wifi adapter as you. it's semi fast but lags out in GTA online sometimes. I rate it 7/10. Ethernet being an 11/10 on this scale.

which UPS is this?

oh well, if you like it, who am I to judge? I just don't trust myself enough to have the patience to do custom watercooling properly or to spend all that time when replacing parts, I know it's something you'd only have to do once each 6 or 9 months, but still

I use ethernet, I just put in the wifi adapter in so I can connect to my printer that doesn't want to connect to my local network.

Is that normal? I get crazy when my computer is at 50°C.

Dual cpu master rase reporting

1 block two cpu'z