Daily reminder C is a literal cuck language with no modules. Everything has to be written from scratch...

Daily reminder C is a literal cuck language with no modules. Everything has to be written from scratch. C cucks spend their entire lives reinventing the wheel everyday. You might as well spend your time learning sanskrit or fucking latin.

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>Everything has to be written from scratch
Opinion discarded.

>Libraries and includes don't exist



Let us know when one of your hipster languages will ever be used in mission critical systems.

>tfw you wrote a linked list library in college but then the c police came and made you delete it so you'd have it again from scratch each time you needed it

C is hugely inappropriate for mission critical systems.

thanks for listing your alternatives with reasons to support it!

there is literally no better language

as opposed to metaphorically?

>Cerebellum latinam non scit.


not easily importable though. have to browse obscure forums to find them. C doesn't have a repo like pip.

I was just about to make a thread about C. I’ve struggled learning other languages, but for some reason this one has been easy for me.
Why!? I was always told Java was for brainlets

Every library that's worth a damn is written in C simply because everyone knows C and it works together well with other programming languages. C is the lingua franca of programming. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>C doesn't have a repo like pip.
of course it does, just say apt instead of pip

Repo? Wtf do you think they use c for?
Build buttons, drop down menus and check if user has seen this new ad?

Wrong reply.
I wanted to reply the other post

Itcs not about "everybody knows c".
First it's about performance and then it's about linking.
Every fucking language can link to libraries made with C

>Everything has to be written from scratch

As far as I'm concerned, that's the whole point. I would never waste my time trying to learn how to use something someone else did when I can make exactly what I need do exactly what I need exactly how I want in less time.

>googling and problem solving is too hard for me and C shows my real brain level to my face so I hate it
this is what I got from this post.

>Every fucking language can link to libraries made with C
Yes, because the people that created those languages made it so, because they know C. Or do you think the ability to link to a foreign language is something that just falls out of the sky every time someone creates a new language?

ok then include a module to sort a list. Since C "has everything" lets see you put your money where your filthy mouth is.

produce the code or shutup forever.

>produce the code
I don't work for free tho.

that's just it. you just proved my point without even realizing it. If you hate a goddamn module it wouldn't even be "work".

C's strength is speed and low-memory usage, packaging shit into big bloated modules intended for everybody to use directly defeats the purpose.
C is tailor made for everything it does, you shouldn't be fucking importing every algorithm on the planet because you're too stupid to write it yourself.

This is correct. Cheers, my man.

I said:
>Every library that's worth a damn

One function is not a good reason to include a dependency. Sorting a list is one of the very first things they teach you in any computer science course. Why the fuck do you need a library for that? Don't be mistaken: if you're a Pajeet C is not the language for you.

So you don't have to write all that code over and over again. Like i said you C programmers just sit around reinventing the wheel all day long.

But you can't.

You write it ONCE in your life. It's ONE function. COPY-PASTE exists you fucking tool. Learn to write actual algorithms instead of gluing other peoples work together like a fucking Indian script kiddie.

>learn to reinvent the wheel

Is it possible to write C without those fucking header files? So annoying.

>ideas are property

I can't what? Anything I want to do in C I learn how to do. Not everything is done in C.

No. C needs at least 4 of them just to do trivial tasks.

Maybe learn what the fucking wheel is before expecting someone else to provide it for you. If you don't know how to sort a fucking list you have no business criticizing C or any other language.

Fuck this, I'm going to just program in Nim and let it compile to C.

When did I ever say that, jackass? work != intellectual property

do you know how every part of your car works? No. Yet you drive it to work everyday. By your logic you should stop driving it until you learn how every since part of it works or perhaps reimplement every single part of it from scratch.

If I had a job as a car mechanic then yes, I would have to know everything about how a car works. Similarly, as a software engineer, you should fucking know how to write algorithms before mindlessly stringing shit together.

but your not a mechanic. your a software engineer that knows nothing about cars. Maybe you should stop driving.

When did I ever say that people who don't know how to write software should stop using their computer? Also, in case you were wondering, I don't even own a car. I also don't create threads on /o/ about how a certain brand of car is shitty despite the fact I don't know jack shit about cars. Your analogy makes no fucking sense.

Okay, there's no way someone can be retarded enough to think he's using the analogy properly here. B8/10, you deserve a (You) for this

pip is cancer
Use a real package manager like pacman instead

Oh it makes perfect sense. Your just running away from it like the coward you are. Maybe you should go re read some of your posts.

Wtf is this thread?
That's beyond retarded.
I can't even.
Sup Forums outperformed itself again.

Explain how it makes 'perfect sense'.

so keep up with your java pajeet

run quicksort on an array of pointers you muppet

Fuck you I'm already learning Sanskrit.

I use Nim. nim-lang.org/

wtf is this fucking language chaos its a fucking mess just learn the fucking old school nice languages like a fucking real man you moron pieces of shit.

Compiles to C,. Fucking come at me.

How do you sort a list

Asking for friend

Indian right wing group RSS might recruit you. But only if you're white, know enough Sanskrit to understand Hindu scriptures and hate Muslims.

timsort or gtfo


I create header files so my code can be more organized, you can still write a long ass program in C without using any header file

for what language b

the language something's written in doesn't mean a goddamned thing if you're using libraries and you aren't retarded

Swap entries until they are sorted.


one second, lemme pull up some old code from my old C++ coding class


Include copy paste the content of the file.
You can include your C files if you want.
But you have to declare a function before you call it and you can't compile in parallel if it is one long file.
Just accept that header files is a good thing and if you cant be a programmer without learning to use headers.

pulled up what I was gonna give you, but this works pretty well for sorting imo

Lol butthurt guy tries to learn to socrates

I use Nim now. nim-lang.org/

Auto compile to C then I natively compile after that. Fuck C. I'm way more productive now.

>why the fuck do you need a library for that
>has both a sine and cosine function

>>has both a sine and cosine function
This is necessary to get accurate results near zero. Floats do not have infinite precision.

>tfw the C police deleted my type safe buffer macros
I might as well just use JS now.

>using a linked list for anything
Literally worse than a binary tree in every way. Enjoy your shitty linear access time.

>doesn't write his own trigonometric functions

Hahaha example of an oldfag who can't keep up with modern languages

I like C and use it at my job but Nim looks really interesting and I'm give it a chance

not him, but damn are you a dense, deluded bastard. He is right, if you don't know how to sort a list as programmer, then maybe consider an hero


Imagine if C++ weren't a horribly designed clusterfuck of conflicting features and endless pitfalls. Then we could have had the best of both worlds.

>C doesn't have a repo
You use your system package manager to get C libraries. If your system doesn't have a good package manager, it's shit.

qsort. It's literally a part of the standard library, idiot.

fucking slugheads

learn to interpret energy in and out of the circuits before you try to scale.

>bjarne strousturup
wont watch

but qsort is slow, user

if first is not in first position
put it in first
so on for the rest

the same way ur brain would do it retard


It's not that bad. It's a bit cluttered.

>muh high performance language
>picks insertion sort

C was a good language. However, CPU speed and memory size has massively increased since it was made, which makes writing it a unnecessary pain. I mean things like header files, the preprocessor mess and arrays lacking length. Unfortunately for some reason, pretty much every other language manages to be less usable, have worse performance, or unbelievably long compile times compared to C/very C like C++.

Clutter isn't the problem, it's the quality of the features that matters.
Take RAII. Brilliant idea. Except RAII means constructors, which are fucked for many reasons but mainly because of exceptions. Or lambdas, those were an excellent addition to the language. Except because C++ does not have interfaces, lambdas weren't able to be passed around without the bloated slow std::function or without diving into template hell.
Even simply initialising an object is a hellscape in C++.

>Except RAII means constructors, which are fucked for many reasons but mainly because of exceptions.
Just don't throw exceptions in constructors, m8.
>Except because C++ does not have interfaces, lambdas weren't able to be passed around without the bloated slow std::function or without diving into template hell.
How do you think "interfaces" is different from std::function performance-wise? It's the same late-binding shit. And, for that matter, how "interfaces" is different from abstract classes?

Oh, and Rust fixes all of this.

What's the point of this? Just use Python.

quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
lesser = filter (< p) xs
greater = filter (>= p) xs

It's almost as if C and C++ aren't as badly designed as Sup Forumstards keep telling me...

Poor brainlet got mad when he couldn't figure out how to write dynamic memory allocation arrays


chadsort. it always runs O(1)

>be me
>Score 99 on 100 in Sanskrit
>Forget the language a year later
Pic related

>two thirds lang


int func(void);

int main()
int i = func();
printf("%d\n", i);

int func(void)
return 0;

Nope. Learnt the language for over 3 years

People actually speak Sanskrit? I though it's a dead old language like Latin.