Where can I find data of assigned IP range of Catalonia?

Where can I find data of assigned IP range of Catalonia?

I'm running an image board and considering of adding Catalan flag for Catalans.

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Nice try, Spain.

Don't make me unleash them


Nowhere because how would you find IP range for a non-existing country?


>non-existing country
for now


It's hard to find appropriate keywords but thanks anyway

then use a commerical geoip service. or use your head, when a new client arrives assign them a unknown flag, then query ripe and get their netblock and its assigned country, and insert those values in to your own database. then update your clients flag.

How can an IP range exist for a non-existent country

There can exist regional IP range.

those are ISP hings that can switch in whatever moment.

most geoip databases have all info needed, use on of them

Just paint your whole board into Catalan flags

I already did

Post link, pls

Link the board fampai

OP confirmed for troll


Why would you host your site in one of the most restrictive countries in the world? Just buy a US hosting plan.

My server is already located at Japan and my hosting company is U.S. of A. company.


the moment they declare independence its the moment spain will invade their govermental buildings and take control of the area

they know it and yet they are trying to blackmail spain because barcelona is the second largest city of income for spain

And that's the moment the second spanish civil war starts...

Why are they waving cuban flags?


Wait, is this their third one?

They are commies. They need to be gassed.

t. spanish agent

kys commie nigger!

Communism's good, bitch

>Communism's good
I have arranged you a free helicopter ride.

please delete yourself friendo

Why would you know that if it never has been tried?

le ducherte meme


I've got a guillotine with your name on it

Into the oven you go, rabbi.

>I've got a guillotine
You would kill an honest worker?

>le it never was real communism meme
Damn, then maybe being a Nazi is not so bad. After all National Nationalism was never actually tried : ^)

We're not commies.
Stop drinking the spanish kool-aid.

Yes, you are faggot. If you don't know why they are doing this and you believe the meme reason of muh "independence" then you need to be shot anyway for being a dumb faggot.

Do you have any idea of what is happening in Catalonia at all? Even the far right in Catalonia want independence.

Its pretty much the mafia not wanting to share the booty with Madrid, and sticking an independence sticker to their cause just to make retard lefties join them.

Stupid polaco retards can't realize nothing is going to change no matter they separate or not.

Their country/region whatever is going to keep being flooded with arabs and nigs.

The arabs and nigs will mix and expand eventually.

And then, it won't matter if it's called catalonia or spain, it will be renamed New al-andalusian caliphate, and all will be united in the name of allah.

This is just another scheme to keep the goy busy, football doesn't work with pseudo-intellectuals so they need political bread and circus.

>yes goy, keep fighting about names while your whole past is being wiped out and your lands and money are being taken! muh indapandansia will fix everything!

t. Spaniard

He's right, they're libs.

They're getting on abit now.




Fuck you

>being a classcuck

let me guess, le jews did this, hitler did nothing wrong, etc.

Communism is good, in fact, it is SO good, you need to force it onto everyone and murder, rape and rob those who don't join you.

If you are a leftard, you're the biggest cuck here brah, you get cucked by migrants that destroy the native working class, and instead of supporting the native working class, you support the migrants.

In short: Treachery to your own country, treachery to your own people, giving away public money to invaders, and being a subservient beta cuckold to the invaders.

>it is SO good, you need to force it onto everyone and murder, rape and rob those who don't join you

Yeah, good thing capitalists have never done this

Name 1(one) crime committed in the name of capitalism.

Do you want to compare deaths caused by communism to deaths caused by "capitalism"?

>claim to be the savior of the poor
>send farmers to gulag/outright kill them if they refuse to give away their food and produce and rob them


Catalonia independence is mainly supported by upper middle class types and businesses that think they have something to gain from it , sorry its not a communist revolution but a richer region that doesn't want to subsidize poorer regions

What do you think imperialism is dingus?

>le black book of communism
I'm not a tankie Stalin apologist. I lean much more toward anarchism than statism. That said, Kulaks had it coming

>le evil imperialism XD
Neck yourself

>subjugating entire civilizations isn't bad

Alrighty then

>le evul imperializm

What's funny of commitards and fake anarchists such as you is that they need others for protection and safety, they are really fucked up mindwise with shit self-esteem, so they HAVE to support collectivism at all costs, no matter whose blood must be spilled (except their own blood of course).

I bet you are a weak fuck who wouldn't stand a fucking chance 1vs1 with me, no matter if armed or unarmed, it's just that way.

The strong would never side with the weak, only the weak sides with the weak and hates the strong.

Your whole life is nothing but a puppet of slave morality, you hate the strong because you believe you could never reach them, be like them, become strong.

"Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility:[4] the good is what is most useful for the whole community, not the strong. Nietzsche saw this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few in number compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are 'evil', as are the qualities they originally could not choose because of their weakness. By saying humility is voluntary, slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master. Biblical principles of turning the other cheek, humility, charity, and pity are the result of universalizing the plight of the slave onto all humankind, and thus enslaving the masters as well. "The democratic movement is the heir to Christianity."[5]—the political manifestation of slave morality because of its obsession with freedom and equality."

Communism is christianity under another flag, all these values are held by leftists while claiming they are edgy atheist that don't need no god.


Read: The psychology of modern leftism

>I know more about your country than you.
t. Sup Forums expert

Yeah yeah, we're all commies and we want to be independent to make a communist utopia where we import the entirety of sub saharan africa they can fuck our wives and create the super mulatto that will overtake the US of A in an armed communist revolution.

Keep drinking that kool aid.

95% of what you said there it's true unsarcasmically and unironically.

Islam is already the majoritary religion of catalonia.

>unable to separate analysis of economic systems from internalized individualist ideology
>wants to fight me
>is extremely mad

yup, it's reactionary

You can tell the other shitters in this thread are dumb because they haven't brought up economics at all which is the fundamental point of communism. Instead they can only appeal to racial/sexual anxiety.

>Islam is already the majoritary religion of catalonia.

How more objectively wrong things are you going to say before you stop embarrassing yourself?
Just stop user, you've read too many posts on Sup Forums made by angry Spaniards.

Here's some little facts for you
>Of the 11 governments Catalonia has had, only 2 have been not right wing or majority right wing
>The leftist parties that support independentism are catalanist first and leftist second, they get the votes from people who don't agree with the right wing parties but don't want to support the spanish oriented socialist party
>The commie parties are not taken seriously by anyone
>The independentist movement has been a thing for decades, it just wasn't brought to the mainstream like now until recently.
>70% of Catalan born catalans support independence, while only 20% Spanish born catalans support independence
>A bunch of cherrypicked pictures doesn't prove that the entire movement is a communist movement

No fuck off to Sup Forums and stop shitting up the tech board with your nonsense.

>no u, reakshunari

Cool arguments.

>economic systems
It doesn't matter if the issue is economical or societal. It follows the same slave-morality pattern.

The leftist wants to punish me for being succesful, and he does by using extortion in order to get money from me so he can pay unsuccesful "persons" in the name of "equality".

i.e: economical collectivism

The leftist wants me to forget my roots and lower myself to the same level of other less succesful races and cultures, he also creates artificial discrimination against me in my own country with his affirmative action-like policies. A punishment, for being superior or more succesful than others, in my own homeland.

i.e: social collectivism/social """"""""justice""""""""

Same pattern.

>quotes my statement about islam as being wrong
>can't prove it wrong and posts pictures of the fucking 20th century, as if the population hadn't changed by now


And before you even try to imply immigrants are a minority, reminder that literal shitskins are counted as spaniards in censuses because they are either born here or have DNI.

The old name game, there are "few" migrants, because they gave nigs spanish nationality and DNIs, so those are not migrants eh?

Reality will hit you in the face or your kids' (if you have any, negative white natality as of now) in the shape of a cuved sword.

Except christian catholic churches are over 80% of the religious places in Catalonia, of the rest 20%, only 18% are mosques, the rest of the minority religious locations are protestant and jehova's witness.

So I gues 18% of 80% means that the majority religion is now islam in my country.

Source for your bullshit claims or fuck off.

>It doesn't matter if the issue is economical or societal

Actually it does. That's the entire point of the argument.

You big stupid retard, of course there are more churches since it was the ruling religion for more than 10 CENTURIES

That has nothing to do with the current state of religion.

Since the baby boomers, all have left christianity and are atheists, and the migrants are strongly religious, add 2+2 you cockmunching retard.

Learn to read. Adress my arguments or fuck off.

So where are those sources of yours?
I got sources for mine.

Please, provide the evidence for the "fact" that islam is the majoritary religion in my country or fuck off.

>My country
In Spain islam percentage is around 5%

>Learn to read. Adress my arguments or fuck off.

Your argument is that you're the master race, which is idiotic. You're on Sup Forums. No one would care if you died.

Didn't expect better of you to be honest.
The schizophrenic won't admit his crazy either.

I Catalonia they are 6.4% according to last surveys.
Again these bullshit claims that Islam is the majoritary religion are so out of whack, so out of touch with relaity that I can only imagine some spanish shill made them up to shill against Catalonia.
That's basically all they've been doing, taking cherrypicked images and spamming them. It's the same 4 shills on Sup Forums. And Sup Forums being retarded as it is, swallows it whole.

I'm just disappointed that someone could actually believe such a retarded claim without any proof.

No, you are trying to shitpost on Sup Forums

>according to (((last surveys)))

Mira hijo de puta, llevo ya 3 colegios vistos en los que los niños son todos crias de moro o de negro, puto cuckazo de mierda metete la propaganda judia por el puto culo.

Incluso el puto gobierno español de mierda lanzo una campaña animando al mestizaje. Esta claro de que palo van y tu esperas que sus estadisticas de mierda llenas de letra pequeña te revelen la verdad?

Tambien le preguntas al sospechoso en un juicio si es culpable y le tomas la palabra? Subnormal.

Y no es cuestion de cataluña esto o cataluña lo otro, esta basura esta pasando en toda españa.

Y cataluña viene de goth-alania, tierra de godos y alanos, blancos y germanicos. Si tu quisieras a cataluña no serias un puto traidor racial a ella, basura.

lel where the fuck am i? the Punto pelota studio?
fucking manolos lel


Islam is still not the majority religion in any part of Spain and won't be any time soon.
Do you think I want mudslimes? If it was up to me I'd gas them all, but let's not make up bullshit about some autonomous communities being some sort of muslim utopia because none of them are.

And, despite all of this, what does Islam have to do with independence? Muslims don't support it, less than 30% of foreign born Catalans support independence. So it's not like the independentist movement is emboldened or fostered by the muslims.

Because indapandansia is something to keep the goy busy, it WILL NOT CHANGE A N Y T H I N G.

It's literally football for pseudointelectuals, I give no fucks whether they separate or not. Because I'm not retarded and I know we have far worse issues to take care of, such as our impending extinction.


Jo sòc més català que tots vosaltres fills de puta, i més espanyol, i no vaig naixer a catalunya. Els vostres avantpasats vomitarien en la vostra cara si vegeren com vos comporteu com cucks i destruiu tot pel que ells van lluitar deixant que aquestes sucies rates arabes i més fauna embruteixen la nostra patria, prenent els diners que els nostres avis van aportar al pais amb els seus impostos. No teniu cap dret a dir vos catalans, traidors.

As I said, if it was up to me, all the ahmeds would be gassed. The independence movement has nothing to do with islam or communism.
Enough with this retarded shit.

It will weaken the country and turn it into a more manageable piece of shit, it will be swayed more easily by the powers that be since they won't have that much power.

Divide and conquer, retard.

Rei Jaume would probably order them impaled on the town square so all of Barcelona could see them, but he'd also invade Castillean lands a few minutes later though.

Catalonia does not control its borders anyway as long as its within Spain. The Spanish central government is responsible for sending all the mohameds here. The general populace doesn't want them. Just more shitty treatment from the central government, they dump all the shitmigrants here because they don't want them in Madrid.
Nobody asked for them.

He wouldn't have believed it if you told him, no man of the past could even conceive the cuckoldry of nowadays.

>The general populace doesn't want them.

Fuck you for making me post this puke inducing picture

So? A bunch of cuckolds in Barcelona made a manifestation for refugees welcome.
There were manifestations in Madrid too.
>a bunch of cucks in Barcelona represent the entire country

>gookmoot pretending to be someone else

Catalonia is a bad meme.

Fuck you


"At least 160,000 people flooded the streets of Barcelona on Saturday to urge the Spanish government to fulfill its promise to take in refugees from Syria and other war zones. Under an agreement adopted 18 months ago by EU states, Spain should have taken in 17,000 people fleeing conflict, but so far has accepted just over 700."


Turn on the fucking TV and antiwhite cucks are everywhere, it can be seen in the street, in graffiti, say something rayciss and you'll get jailtime.

It's not a bunch of cucks, IT'S WHAT'S NORMAL NOW.

So how about we focus on this first instead of is a piece of land is a country or a region?


If it was up to me, Catalunya would be a white Catalan ethnostate with no niggers/poos/muds.
That doesn't mean I don't support Independence.
We are too far gone everywhere in Europe, civic nationalism is the only choice left, we're not gonna get rid of the muds at this point.

I myself am thinking of emigrating to Hungary or maybe even Japan. Most of the EU is a sinking ship with its days numbered anyway.

>I'm running an image board and considering of adding Catalan flag for Catalans.
Love Catalonia! Best of luck Catalan bros! Fuck the spanish fascists!

>If it was up to me, Catalunya would be a white Catalan ethnostate with no niggers/poos/muds.
Then I'd move to your catalonia asap.
>We are too far gone everywhere in Europe, civic nationalism is the only choice left, we're not gonna get rid of the muds at this point.
Then you might aswell just give up, nationalism without race is a farce, a joke, and not only without race, but without culture and with self-hate. Civic nationalism is controlled disidence.
>I myself am thinking of emigrating to Hungary or maybe even Japan.
Yes, I hope eastern europeans learn from what is going to happen here and become strongly racist and close the fucking border tight shut.
Japan has its share of fuckery, but on another level.
>Most of the EU is a sinking ship with its days numbered anyway.
Sad as hell, self-destruction. We'll always be able to say that we were never defeated by the sword and that we were the strongest race, we only perished through lies, manipulation and brainwash at an early age.

If catalonia separates, siesteros paguiteros and subhumans might lose the paguita and start rioting, so that's something.

Varg is right 100%.

Look at this retard >evrythin i dun like is le fascist xd

Beating up peaceful protesters and those who wish to exercise their right to vote in a democratic elections is FASCISM you lazy piece of shit. Go take another siesta, Jose.

If you don't want to see muslims just move to Albacete or some other town in the middle of the country. Too bad you guys want to leave because you're too good to pay for poorer regions.

There's LITERALLY nothing democratic about an illegal referendum, not even taking into consideration the poor democratic content of referendums to begin with.

Did the country choose that an election for indapandansia should be held?

Can I become independent if I hold an election in my home with my family and we choose to become a country?

Go fuck yourself, andreu.

And no, fascism has nothing to do with beating up protesters. The URSS would have beaten up protesters. NK would have beaten up protesters. USA would have beaten up protesters.

Fascism is an ideology and not a label for things you don't like, and disrespecting democracy can be done by every other ideology that isn't democracy.

>If you don't want to see muslims just move to Albacete or some other town in the middle of the country. Too bad you guys want to leave because you're too good to pay for poorer regions.

Ah yes, we should leave our homes and give them away to them. Sounds intelligent and sensible, are you from Podemos?

Did the EU choose that the Brexit vote was going to happen?

>buttmad mexicans are trying to justify lo;;omg and maiming people who come to a voting booth
just stop embarrassing yourself, fascist scum.

Bad meme, you are calling yourself a mexican too since we are the same race.

Appeal to authority.

>beating up grannies and children that peacefully went to a voting booth

Lmao dude

Hi dergeneral. :3

>anticonstitutional treason is ok if grannies and children do it