Tfw when you will never again experience the golden age of internet

>tfw when you will never again experience the golden age of internet

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Gaia online is a prime example of how to crash an economy.

I did, it was shit

youtube shits are the poop nigga

All that is considered newfag shit to any of the oldfags who were using BBS and usenet in the 80s and 90s

fred was always cancer

>golden age of anything
fuck off loser

>Chris Crocker
>cancerous flash ads
pls no
it's no better than today's stupid shit

Better than how everything must be ironic or the internet might think you're a nerd?

>dress up games
this was entertaining

Each and every single thing listed here is a special kind of cancer. I can't fucking believe millenials are unironically going for 2000s nostaliga. 90s nostalgiafags were better.

>tfw when you will never again experience the golden age of internet

>Pools Closed
Good shit

Are you sure it's not just you hanging around the ironic circles? Because I'm pretty sure you can be genuine on the internet when you're in the right community.

All of that was cancer back in the day

It was just replaced with even more cancer

>Golden age of the Internet

Hmm, the thing is, normie shit will always be normie shit, regardless of the time. That being said, normies tend to have the worst taste. Because of this, only the most mediocre, yet still digestible content becomes popular.

PewDiePie is just another Fred, just like H3H3 is just another Ray William Johnson. Tumblr is a new Newgrounds, Facebook the new Myspace, and so on. Maybe instead of looking back on your nostalgia with rose tinted glasses, you can take them off for a moment and see that the times were not simpler, but you were.

Nothing wrong with that, I mean, hell, I still look back on TMNT, He-Man, and all that noise fondly, but not because of their quality (God knows they were mediocre), but because it takes me back to time when things were simpler, I was younger, and the most worries I had were kid problems, not legitimate Adult issues. Do some things hold up well, and even stand the test of time? Absolutely, but these things are few and far between, yet most of use cannot fathom that because, again, we just have too strong of an association with them for the era in which they represent that we look back to with a smile.

Kids noawadays are dumb, dumber than ever, but, to be fair, kids of all eras are stupid, just in different ways. The way you look fondly back at Club Penguin will be the same way that a kid in ten years will look back at Minecraft. Just remove yourself from the things you do not like and realize that the "era" or "age" is only what you make it to be, so always try to find the nice things even in the huge piles of poo that every time period must sit through!


The internet was always shit.

BBS was the last good networking tech.

This is absolutely correct, but I have to be completely honest in saying that I am very grateful that I didn't grow up with the internet

I was a freshman high school by the time the dial up internet

I thought I was hot shit when I got a razer phone

These kids today are growing up with everything being political and "memes"

you can do anything.

anything at all.

the limit... is yourself.

18fag here I grew up with the internet and my first phone was already a smartphone
Of course I have different nostalgia for different things, but I realize that almost everything is getting politically or has at least political intentions. Especially memes which were more or less funny but are slowly getting more and more political.

But maybe I'm just getting to the "xxx is getting worse and in my childhood it was better!" age

Who /homestarrunner/ here?

You don't even know what the fuck nostalgia is, faggot.

I live in Australia and still enjoy those download speeds so that's something I guess.

Kill yourself dumb teenager, you know nothing.

Fuck that, I like being able to download entire bluerays in a few minutes

This was the Internet's awkward adolescence. Right now the Internet is going through it's edgy teenager phase.

Well I wonder how Gen-Z copes growing up in such a sterile, deplete, uninspiring time. Everything was done FOR them.

They have their own cancerous distractions just like we did

Everything after 2007 is shit.

almost all of that stuff was garbage when it was new

"Booo hooo, bring back da old internetz", the delusional millennial cries as he remembers early teen age years in the 90s and 00s, back when he would unawarely cause a ruckus for adult users.

...Your kind is merely the first, the previous, generation of cancer, much like the second generation that you, as adults, complain about (the rise of politically correct culture and its counter cultures).

usenet was the real deal.

>Dress up flash games
more like the crapware of 2008.

fuck off gramps


>yfw you ll never torrent paedoporn from the 00s ...
oh wait it became legal

do you remember!

Sure thing, kid.

>second life
is still ironically play that to fuck with pedos and furfags

>Maybe instead of looking back on your nostalgia with rose tinted glasses, you can take them off for a moment and see that the times were not simpler, but you were.
this kills the crab

tfw all that shit will always look underage shit to me as I'm using the web way earlier than that

Porn was also more wholesome back then

Heh, go to YTMND now. It's still up, but it's literally filled to the brim with trolls. Complete trash.

Golden age of the web would be more accurate, except OPs pic isn't it. It's before corporations began monopolizing the internet. When most pages were actually made by just one individual.

To my 8 year old self it was and miniclip, I checked out miniclip a few days ago and was surprised that most of the games I played more than a decade ago are still there

>golden era
>not the 90s

Late 90s was the golden age. The only downide was the shit Internet speeds.

The web was complete shit in the 90s, animated gifs marquees and embedded midis. The internet generally was still cool, BBS were still around and had moved to telnet connections so loads of people. Usenet was king.

Does anybody remember meebo? I had like 2 online girlfriends on that sight, we even had an online babe. shit was weird.

>You will never experience golden age of runescape free from bots

running in a Java applet in IE4

Me & friends from school still had fun hunting for noob pures

Yeah but with Bonds I can finally get free membership on runescape.

>6 y/o
>get first computer
>play runescape

> 23 y/o
> employed, good income, own house, have girlfriend
>still play runescape

Fuck that gay ass jump scare maze bro.

This is bait. There was no YouTube in the golden age of the internet.

this, Stupidvideos and Newgrounds was where it was at.

that fucking spam was everywhere

if you liked fred you shouldn't be here

>maze game