Tell me Sup Forums what do you think about this hackthon?
How do we stop the blatant sexism in tech? is'nt a gender based hackthon inherently sexist ?

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inb4 Sup Forums


This is why cis men should die



Hackathons are a waste of time primarily for uni students to show off how fast they are at producing shitty code for recruiters

I'm sure their Node application meant to interface with the API will accomplish great things for the world.

Hahaha user, nice one! Have an upvote :-)

That logo cracks me up. I still don't understand why they try so hard to look like that.



Fuck, are these feminists really that fucking retarded?

That's what I've been saying for years but I always keep getting shot down by the ultra rabid feminists (the ones you can spot from a mile away) for being misogynistic.

Don't forget though its for "nonbinary" folks too, so if you really want to participate in one of the most toxic events of the decade, you can just invent a new gender to identify yourself as, and you'll be fine.

>i'm chansexual
>i identify as a shitposter

They're doing this to everything. The trick is to ignore them, and never hire anybody who has made one faggoty social media post ever. Also people with problem hair or glasses or alternative styles should be eschewed. Just stay away from anybody who looks or sounds even vaguely like an SJW. Let Google hire a shit ton of them, it'll sink that place quicker than anything we could come up with.

Lefty companies will die because they hired diversity hires. It's fine, let them drink their own poison.


this. i don't even want to work at google anymore

How is this hackathon not sexist? It excludes men based on their gender. They just want to stick it to the men. Equality means equal not fuck you. When do they draw the damn line?


Really make you kek

hackathon are for losers.

>Be 18+ years of age
>Attend Hack the Patriarchy in person
>App or site must forefront women users
>* Have a demo that works for at least 30 seconds

>works for at least 30 seconds
>at least
>30 seconds

FUCK, stakes are high

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb.

yes, so stop feeding them

by the time you reach ~10-15, the arguments on how it should or shouldn't be done will get to the point where a man will come over and just do the job for them to shut them up

what patriachry?

>Present the project you submitted

Don’t pull a switcheroo and try to present something other than the project you described in your submission. If you veer too far from your accepted submission, your team will be disqualified and asked to leave.

Not allowed to pivot, probably because they will censor you up front if they don't like your idea

>This is the foundation of our event and is the most important rule. Our event is made up of incredible diverse individuals, from many races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Any action or presentation that demeans or mocks others will be stopped immediately, and the individual/team will be disqualified and asked to leave.

Why does this even need to be said? Funny how the corporate hackathons we have at work don't have to mention this.

>Why does this even need to be said? Funny how the corporate hackathons we have at work don't have to mention this.
it's a gathering of mentally challenged/ill people, common sense isn't a given for them

It is sexist, because us binary folks aren't welcome there.

These guys by simply existing shoot down their own arguments all the time. It's also a fact, I remember reading a comprehensive report by professionals (idk who did it WHO?), that mental illness has a high correlation with this gender issue stuff. I'm talking about serious issues, not the occasional medical problem when a guy is born with a female brain or something due to hormonal issues and it needs to be corrected. No one talks about that, because that's a simple issue. For these assholes this is the effect of previous illness.
The other group is simply fat loser bitches who want to obtain positions which they couldn't otherwise in a meritocratic model for selection, so they try to bypass it by going into the genderstuff and/or feminism stuff.

The overlap of these two groups, where the overlap is more than minimal, is the real cancer.
Most of these feminists aren't standing for real feminism, they don't want equality, they have no idea what it meant to be a feminist or freedom fighter 100 years ago. They just exploit the system, because some places prefer political correctness to righteousness. Social justice is a meme and it doesn't equal to righteousness.

They can't comprehend the ideas that the world consists of billions of entities interacting with each other causing emergent behavior. They also can't comprehend the fact that lot of species including humans have two genders and a biological imperative for reproduction/survival by populating. (Of course, the mating process has other benefits too.) That is the normal/healthy condition for a human being. You can choose to be different, but it's no one else's business and it doesn't give you any privilege, because elsewhere it an unrelated issue, it doesn't matter.
Again magical thinking and irrationality is the issue here.
We select anyone who can do the job. VS We need people because of diversity.

You speak truth.

So, we do get different competitions between males and females in sports. Looks like they're trying to introduce different competitions based on sex in intellectual activity. Does this means that it's widely believed that women and men have different kind/level of intelligence? If so it's not sexist, it's just reality, but if that's not the case those "feminists" are just sexist, which is supposedly what they're fighting against.

Good. Please don't work at google anymore

You guys act as if this hasn't been the end goal from the start. For fun, look into Elsimar M. Coutinho's discoveries with Gossypol and Betty Friedan getting it shut down because it took control over male reproduction away form women.


i think the buffet's gonna be pretty good but the food won't stay on the table for long

I'm the one who wrote the longpost. Yes, I know this has been the end goal, when you do something like this control/power is your end goal. To maintain power you use your control to shut down shit in your case to have even more power and control.

That doesn't change the issue and some basic shit about them. It's better to know the playing field if you want to play the game, because these days you have to.

Oh, btw, forgot: interesting research I'll look into it, thanks.

>cd code

If businesses want to load their workforce full of retarded cunts, I say let them. It's not like they'll last long.

Except when they also hire extremely talented normal people like Google does and hire the diverse people as extra. They don't put it like this though, they conceal this well. However businesses, especially large ones do respond dynamically very well to business needs (trying to satisfy both requirements so they can make money: diversity and talent) so if they want to exist this is what they have to do.

The problem is this way they force (to a certain) degree you to work with a bunch of mentally ill people and they fuck you for the slightest mistake.

Spending 8-10 hours a day five days a week in such an environment is probably worse than being a sleeper agent.

>problem glasses in the logo

the problem with being nonbinary is literally anyone can do it and you can't question anyone's nonbinary status lest you be labeled a homophobe so i think a bunch of Sup Forumsuys ought to go in and fuck with them with with their own retarded rules.

30 seconds? till what, it crashes? goddamn those are some insane industry standards. inb4 they knock it down to 10 seconds just so queen shaniqua can feel good about coding her transgender hacking game.

kimi raikkonen when he realized how shitty driver he is.

>Have a demo that works for at least 30 seconds
Just fucked up my shit.

Having problems with being male or female doesn't correlate with mental illness, it is mental illness. SJW ideology has infiltrated medical science to the point that nobody is allowed to call things what they are.

People CAN make something up as far as what they tell other people what they are for attention or other reasons, but if they're sane if misinformed, they're ultimately not going to end up working much different from men and women who don't do this crap.

I'm in spain and we have ads on the street that say "There are girls with penis, and boys with vaginas", literally, the ad is directed at kids, with drawings and shit.

Also, the public education system teaches kids under 5 about transexuality and sex stuff. And there was a govment campaign that intended to make people mix their race, but without subtleties, mind you.

The only way to raise sane sons and daughters nowadays is escape into the woods or raising your kids on the basement illegally.


Be 18+ years of age
Attend Hack the Patriarchy in person
App or site must forefront women users
Have a demo that works for at least 30 seconds

Seems satire but it's not


>Having problems with being male or female doesn't correlate with mental illness, it is mental illness.
My point was that previous diagnosis of mental illness was present in patients or some other mental illness was diagnosed alongside the gendershit.

Basically, it confirms that these people are especially well fucked in the head, more like raped. Every single evidence leads up to it, even if they don't want to directly say it.

They put this shit everywhere and that's the problem. If they would shut the fuck up and do their shit no one would give a fuck.

That sounds very, very bad. Best of luck to you.

Don't you know anything?

Cis white male only: racist, sexist, nazi rally
Women only: totally fine because fuck the patriarchy
Ethnic groups only: totally fine because it's about pride in their heritage

For being so empowered and privileged, us straight, white, cis males really can't do a whole lot without being accused of racism or sexism.

the funniest thing is they could do any manifestation they want, the only capable of doing something interesting gonna be males , and behind every interesting female project gonna be a male supervising the idea .

I’ve waited for years for someone to pull an Andy Kaufman style prank, dressing in gender-neutral clothes, wearing gender-neutral hair, and rocking those problem glasses, BUT, with a huge fucking beard.

You walk into one of these things with a couple hidden cams, claim nonbinary status, and win as many events as you can. If they make the mistake of giving you a microphone to accept your awards, you must be totally beside yourself in how proud you are for your nonbinary “community.” Really this would also work even better by claiming you’re a transwoman.

In the age of the spectacle I’m amazed no one’s done it.

If you care enough about a female-only event enough to complain then you need to stop being a fucking loser, it's not like you would have gone anyway, so you are just complaining on principle, which is exactly what SJW fagets do all the time. You aren't missing out on anything by not going so why is it important

tl;dr you have become the very thing you swore to destroy

t. genderfluid nonbinary unciscircumcised

Feels good to be born with a penis.

$ ./

You're welcone

This can only be stopped by starting the 4th reich

>not showing an interest in an event because it is trash
>must be gay

coming from the one who desperately wants to be able to go to a meeting of SJWs

hackathons are actually pretty neat because you can collab with some very technical people which would normally be outside of your social circle

fabrication on the spot with a plethora of ideas from ranging specialists of various fields

its also very competitive and really drives you but id suppose thats the appeal to men


I identify as Mail.

How your country could be so fucking infested has fuck? please do not export you illness

What in the fuck, I thought america was bad

Export? Jokes on you, we got this illness from america (that got it from jews). I gather that you haven't seen sweden's interracial ads on the street and such.

Another anecdote, back when I still went to college before I dropped out, feminists covered a wall full of pictures of their vaginas, because that apparently sticks it to the patriarchy and such schizophrenic reasonings.

>identify as woman
>enter competition

"non-binary" mean "not male or female", right?
that would make "woman or non-binary" identical to "not male"
except they're ok with males, as long as they hate themselves?


>SJW ideology has infiltrated medical science to the point that nobody is allowed to call things what they are.

The only way they can win is by making the truth unsayable.

fuck no wonder catalonia wants independence

>... (dot dot dot)

But catalonia goes even further user! Imagine what I said but a hundred times more. They actually call spaniards uncultured, racist and such.
We are not enough sjw for them, they see us as american sjw see rednecks.




LOL fuck men amirite


Well, what can you expect from the fact that most of the code entered will be copy and pasted from the internet anyway.

>and said code will probably be written by a man.

>Our event is made up of incredible diverse individuals, from many races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities

Tell them you are a male and comfortable as such. Record the resulting shitstorm.

Surprise: programming experience was optional for the "hacker" attendees.

I've never really felt like i've benefitted from some kind of giant unspoken male conspiracy that is unconsciously aligning men against women in a shadow war of the sexes.

Maybe i'm just not enough of a man.

I am not surprised.

who gives a shit

it will have a below-average number of participants, most of whom will be fresh out of bootcamps. the winner will be some fuckshit webapp about some stupid social issue. the VC group will pretend to be awed by it, but ultimately will laugh behind closed doors about it, and this hackathon will be forgotten a week later.

>most of whom will be fresh out of bootcamps
No, most will be tumblr fuckfaces that think they are attack helicopters. Coding experience is not required to attend.

You just aren't trying hard enough, get /fit/ and enjoy the white privilege of being statistically desired by women of every race.

Feel the privilege of having a rich history. The privilege that your kind ruled the whole world once. Feel it brah.

I wonder which will bleed more: the memory of the the programs or the attendees.

>Attend Hack the Patriarchy in person
you mean i actually need to be there to be let in?
surely there's some other meaning i'm missing here

It'd be better if the winner is a tranny who manages to code decently, but is shit upon by all the biological women there for not being a real woman.

>surely there's some other meaning i'm missing here
"Pay us"

Nah. That validates them. They need to just be ignored like the KKK and treated as such. It is an extremist group that deserves scorn, but that is what they want, so we must pretend like they do not exist. All they want is attention in the end anyway.

>Because they are landwhales that cannot get the attention of a man

This is of the good, ánón. Let them into independence. True liberalism (not regressive liberalism, which is so-called because it uses sexism/racism/classism as instruments to pursue a quite illiberal ideology) is about trusting in people and the marketplace of ideas to filter good from bullshit (as opposed to forcing people to consume one ideology and suppressing all others via censorship, shaming, etc.).

To this end (taken to an extreme, politically, but in the same spirit), if what you say is true, let the Catalonians be free and do whatever they want. Let them ruin themselves with hyperprogressive social policies and bullshit. It will act as an example as to why their ideology is not a durable foundation for a just and prosperous society. If, on the other hand, they excel, they have to be doing something right which may be emulated. Wait what am I saying the entire European economy is supported by the most authoritarian and illiberal western democracy, Germany. Hm.

I find it amusing that they constantly frame men as the more aggressive sex yet feminists constantly use aggressive and combative language in all their media.

>we must avoid confrontation

>We must feed the trolls

Not avoid, just win by hitting the fuckers where it hurts most: their pride.


You know, the annoying thing is they use the word patriarchy. Fine, theres plenty of women only hackathons under a banner of girl power or whatever.

But their constant need to attack men is just so annoying. I'm pretty much an equalist, but these days i'd never call myself a feminist or associate with them.

>professional victims thirsty for oppression to validate their real and imagined inferiorities
>attacking them seems like a good idea

Yes, supporting anything else is unaffordable morally or psychologically in our society, IMO. Identity politics is cancer. You can't have one group exclusively interested in women's rights and issues, one for blacks', etc. All it does is create a ping pong game of actual racism and sexism. The best you can do is literally treat everyone equally. That's ACTUALLY progressive. It hasn't been tried that much in human history because being racist/sexist is a lot easier.

Fucking kek

From easiest to most difficult:
hiring only white men < hiring on a diversity quota < hiring based on merit and having to explain why this produces asymmetric representation between races/genders while swearing to everyone you're not sexist/racist

But user, if you treat everyone the same, that means nobody is special.

Sounds fun, tell me when it actually starts working.

How about supporting and interacting with members of your own race like a literally sane living being? Has it ever occured to you?

Would you give your child's food to another's child because he has more "merit"? How do you think that would fare in natural selection?

Egalitarianism goes against human nature. Fuck your mental illness.

you cant be serious

>no alt text for blind visitors