When will 3:2 computer monitors become mainstream? 16:9 is shit

When will 3:2 computer monitors become mainstream? 16:9 is shit

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Holy fuck that is pretty sexy

You mean 15:10?

Holy shit I want that

in what universe?

10:6 2/3

Never because it's not even close to the Golden ratio.

>not even close
wut it's off by like 0.1

16:10 is better

can someone please explain to me why everyone on Sup Forums hates 16:9? i've used 4:3 and 16:9 monitors and the extra screen real estate is fantastic.

It's a television ratio that is missing screen space from 16:10 which was briefly the default aspect ratio for computers ten years ago

16:9 = less vertical space, you need as much as you can for programming. Also webpages are always made with 4:3 in mind. 16:9 is a waste

It's a bastard compromise aspect that's too wide for working with text but not wide enough for cinema.

4:3 is a much closer fit to the detailed part of human vision.

thank you both for the explanations I expected to be called a newfag and told to kms.

Why is 16:9 overall nicer to look at then?

16:9 has always been trash. 16:10 is vastly superiour to it.

Because 16:9 is what most sane people use and Sup Forums hates everything that is sane or known.

That's a joke right? Most sane people were already using 16:10 monitors back in 2006-2007 way before the inferiour 16:9 became a thing for televisions.

Most sane people then were using 19" 5:4...

>not wanting to be as close to the golden ratio as possible

Not really, 3:2 has more vertical space while still being widescreen. 3:2 is the best middle ground between 4:3 and 16:9.

>muh golden ratio
arbitrary af

newfag go kys

Just get like a 30" screen with 4K. Then 16:9 stops being bad and starts accepting side by side programs. With a narrow screen it's always just one program at a time. People will never need as much vertical space as they need horizontal space because people have horizontally aligned eyes.

>16:9 = less vertical space
I think this is really only a problem for "small" monitors. I use a 40" 4K display and it honestly never feels cramped compared to any other non-16:9 monitors I own (1600x1200, 2560x1600 etc).

>best middle ground

Except no one wants a middle ground. 4:3 is trash and no one wants anything approaching that shape.

At least it's based on a constant. What's 16:9 based on? Movies?

16:9 is a compromise between 4:3 and 2.4:1 (cinema)

It already exists and as usual Microsoft fucked it up really hard

Who the fuck puts a monitor close enough to their face to worry about covering the maximum field of human vision? Like wtf haha

I wish this thing didnt cost 1k, it'd be perfect for work

16:10 was better and was killed in favour of 16:9

it's an arbitrary constant

you might as well factor pi or e into your screen ratios, that makes just as much sense

goldenratiofags are like catholics, ffs

Why did cinema use that ratio?

look at the biggest wall in the room you're in
what shape is it?


your (arbitrary) move

5:4 master race


the point isn't the specific ratio, but that's really wide, like most cinemas, even back when they were still using near-square ratios

also check out

They picked a snowflake ratio to make home cinema have black bars

>home cinema existed when 2.35:1 was chosen

Not soon enough. With a 16:9 triple monitor setup you always have a little more horizontal real estate than you need, but not nearly enough vertical. 3:2 would be perfect I think for workstation/productivity in a mult-display setup.

>image ignoring that we have two eyes, side by side, entirely
yeah way to prove your own point wrong

Just stack three 40" 4Ks rotated vertically

cinema is pretty stupid though - as an industry.
TV got 3-perf out the door quicksmart - imagine how film would have been saved (and how many films we'd still have due to the 25% lower storage requirements) if they'd simply switched to 3-perf 70 years ago.

I wish there were monitors with a ratio of one to square root of 2, just like with paper formats

only because you are used to it and anything else seems weird to your conditioned mind

>not using 16:9 in vertical orientation

>monitors start coming in A series sizes
I would support this.

That's why you get two 4:3 monitors, Silly

16:9 is for children and Sup Forums is mostly comprised of adult, employed IT experts and CompSci PhDs, so of course they hate 16:9.

As someone who is using his 9:16(1080*1920) monitor in vertical orientation I can tell you it's fucking shit, I wish 16:10 was still alive as I could have really used those extra pixels. Now most sites give me phone views on this monitor which is annoying as hell.

>Sup Forums is mostly comprised of adult, employed IT experts and CompSci PhDs
thanks for the laugh

You can still buy 16:9, 5:4 and 1:1 monitors.

They never will

21:9 is the future


sadly you're right
consumers would throw a fit "why am i downgrading bigger numbers = better give me 21:9 not a downgrade from 16:9!!!!"

Is Marutei Tsurunen mentioned?

> Tsurunen served as a representative of the Democrats in the House of Lords of Japan in 2002-2013 as her first Western-born member.

It's a hell of a hell of a thing when you think about how dubious Japanese are foreigners. Sure Finland is a kind of exception, the older population knows and values Mannerheim and the Finns.

Apparently, he is a conservative politician and so do you like it

That's not what I meant.

I got a 34" 21:9 and it's feels way more comfy than 2x 16:9 for multitasking.

... I got a 16:9 above my 21:9 though...

16:9 is very wide. Great for watching video because you get a bigger image without dealing with black bars but just terrible for just about everything else, especially vertical things.

It falls right between 3:2 and 16:10

I'm ditching my 16:10 iMac for a 21:9 monitor and a Let's Note, I can't wait

That's nice.
You'll feel comfy on 21:9 pretty soon

I just want a good 16:10 monitor that doesn't cost me a billion euro. 16:9 is just trashy to look at.

dumb nigger

Ffs user, that's an owl!

lmao get with the times grandpa
21:9 is the masterrace

I now want one.
How much money can I get for a kidney on the black market?