Are there any music players out there besides foobar2000 that can handle (very) large music libraries...

Are there any music players out there besides foobar2000 that can handle (very) large music libraries? I'm talking tens of thousands of music files.

Whenever I've checked out the competition in the past, I haven't been impressed by either how long it takes for the initial import and/or support for organising and searching.

Just curious if there's anything out there I've missed.

cmus or moc




MusicBee is good for that, I've never had any major issues with it

I built my own and it loads 3000+ songs in only 3 seconds. I modify my library often, and so I just index and cache the files on startup. The disk io is minimal. I would release it, but i haven't worked out Linux/Mac support or global hotkeys (the media keys specifixally).

Is It gui based? I would like to make my own too, what did you use?

This. I use it, and it handles my 15000ish songs perfectly - i imagine that would scale up

Both Clementine and MusicBee seem extremely slow at importing compared to foobar2000.

You only import once mate, does it really matter.

I used QtSharp, it's pretty nice to use, but a pain to get started. It uses a library called CppSharp to generate bindings for Qt. I am trying to get it compiled with mono fro cross platform support. I am also trying to generate bindings for LibQxt to get those global hotkeys.

I guess not. It wasn't too painful, just hope adding and removing stuff is fast.

>using anything other than foobar


max files (on my system): 9 223 372 036 854 775 807

Is mediamonkey any good?

My library is like 58000 songs now.... need an app that will dedupe, arrange & auto-tag.

windows explorer works fine, it's much faster than foobar since it doesn't need to index the files at all

I use MusicBrainz Picard to tag and rename music. You'll have to put in a little bit of effort to learn how it works but if you care about having things tagged correctly and organised nicely then there's nothing better IMO.

I tried using mediamonkey once. Feels like chinese adware, has extremely unintuitive controls, and afaik has no selling points over any other player.

If you need something more than Billy 1.04k you're doing it wrong.

That looks incredibly painful to use with even 100 songs, let alone 1000s.