
>download program
>click .exe
>just werks

>download stuff from appstore
>just werks

>download .exe
>doesnt work
>doesnt have an app store
>google how to download stuff on linux
>try 10 different terminal commands until one of them works
>still getting some error
>spend the next hour googling and fixing it
>try downloading it again
>some lib is missing
>download it after googling how to dl it
>finally works
>repeat for every program
Why are linuxcucks such idiots? Why not use something that actually works?

Awful shitpost OP.
sudo dnf install urmom

>run buttbuntu
>download software from software center
>just works
>need a program not in default repos
>download .deb
>right click, open with software installer
>enter password and wait a moment
>just works

Fucking retard.

>download .exe

>>doesnt have an app store
Ok, faggot.

>meddl loide

Is your Windows experience limited to downloading games from Steam or something?

>try to run exe
>exe dont work (duh)
>install wine
>re-download exe
>exe works
wow figured that out real fast

Have you brainschaden
you can not my stream in your stream

Ey Junge lösch das

>KDE neon
aka the only distro that doesn't support my laptop at all

>open Pamac
>search for program
>gives you both the compiled version and git version
>click install
>installs dependencies for you
>just works

weak bait

>download stuff from apt-get
>just werks

>2 weeks later
>update is available
>does not upgrade the config files properly that you created
nothin personell kid, you wanted a rolling release and got it

>A frosch

>have to look up a fucking command to download something you want
>copy and paste command
>it finally starts downloading

>Why not use something that actually works?

"muh privacy"

nigga it's literally one word to memorize
are you retarded

Linux is a häider

Rainer gib a Ruh!

>sudo apt-get update
>every package instantly updated

I'm not even a linuxfag but this is just a retarded argument. How hard is it to open up a terminal and type "apt-get [repo name]?"

I almost fell for it

What good rendering programs does Linux have?

Bidde ferlass uns

You literally just don't know what the fuck you're doing you colossal baby, linux wasn't designed for retards, it does not 'compete' with brand-name consumer operating systems, you have no reason to expect it to behave like one. It is designed to be robust and if being robust means not having a central 'app store' then it will not have one, and fuck you if you don't like it.
Can't fucking believe we've come to a point where Sup Forums is now full of retards who cannot even wrap their heads around linux.
If I see one more "linux is a meme" post I'm gonna have a fucking aneurysm.

Mobbt ihr den Dicken immer noch?

Nur dumme Kinder haben es nötig den Lord zu mobben
Mir tut er leid. Wenn er intelligent wäre, wäre er einer von uns

FYI: Debian GNU/Linux had an "appstore" even in the 90's way before anybody else.

What came first, that or suse linux?

>install ubuntu
>tripple monitors cause everything to crash

Bestätige dies, bin nur ein stiller Beobachter seit 2013 mir tut er auch leid. Trotzdem entertaint es.