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Technology #629
Plug in phone in usb, enable tethering
LAME 3.100
Iphone 8 vs Iphone X
If you're a linux user, can you play windows games using steam if you open steam with wine?
Why does Sup Forums hate linux all of the sudden?
It's Friday night. I'm a NEET with no social life. Recommend me some good cyberpunk movies Sup Forums...
Don't forget that forth is the greatest programming language
Do these have little to no latency like normal ps/2 peripherals or are they ust a meme?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Do you still like Firefox?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Those of you who have VR:
If your desktop isn't something like this you've been memed
Browser Thread
Suggest a use for an old PC
Show me some programming lifehacks such as the comment trick
Is he the greatest programmer of all time?
Laptop stickers
AlphaGo Zero
Did it Sup Forumsuys
Want to use linux really bad
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Is Apple creating vunrebility's in their product on purpose?
I started studying Computer Science. How do you guys manage your scripts, notes and so on...
SystemD hate?
NVIDIA 1070ti
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
X299 mini itx meme is real
DXing hobby
Am I the only one that gets fucking angry when they see normies' tech?
What does Sup Forums think about this guy?
Speakers general
ITT: Things Mac OS or Windows will NEVER EVER be able to do
Fairphone : Dare I say, /ourphone/?
BSD And Other Things
Wow, it's shit
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Mom found the Router
What's the fastest OS with a gui to run in a virtual machine? The fastest I've ran is Debian with XFCE
Same tabs open
Will Linux ever be good?
Did Microsoft just BTFO the need to put up with shitty DE's ever again?
Speccy thread, everyone r8
Thomson is a professional developer. He's been writing code for like 30 years
MacBook Pro exploded
Tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Windows for children, gamers and people who want to use their computer to waste time
For people who bought phones that cost more than 400$ here
Ever worry that the heat from your laptop may be killing your balls?
How can a "developed country" like the UK have such an awful, awful Internet network?
Alright Sup Forums, /lit/ here and I have a whole year starting today of being a NEET...
How many years will it take for Linux to be a viable alternative to Windows for most people...
IrfanView 4.50 is out and it has unicode file name support!
How was it possible that Microsoft was able to keep Windows Phones centrally updated while Google has zero control over...
Is an AMD card worth getting for Freesync?
How do you arrange your pockets?
/hsg/ - Home Server General
Friendly reminder that if you aren't using Solus™©® you're a fucking nigger
Heavily considering the LG V30. What do you think, Sup Forums?
Get programming job
Help! How to remove *People*?
Windows Fall Creators update now has GPU performance on the task manager
Ubuntu Artful Aardvark
Traps are technology. Would stallman have an open relationship with a trans girl?
Why is EVERY Desktop Environment absolute STINKSHIT
Assessing job applicants for a position at my workplace
Whats up poorfags ? you allright? hehe ;))
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Nfw it's impossible to have fast DE without bells and whistles because GTK implies fancy theming
[Mature Quality Debate, No shitposting] - Topic: Desktop User Experience
Do you use iOS or Android? Why? (Please don't say retarded shit like "because im not a fag lol")
Devs announced that it's dead
Post your desktop
What VPN does Sup Forums use?
Y-you don't have more than 700 packages on you're system, do you, user?
Can someone explain the Thinkpad meme to me...
Firefox Extension Thread
What the fuck terry?
This is what happens when you design by committee while being concerned about diversity and political agendas instead...
So what's a good alternative for this piece of shit?
Mfw my Nexus 5 is slowly giving up the ghost
I just got an Apple watch for my birthday. Is there actually any use for this thing...
Is Android supposed to be a joke...
Ethernet is not encrypted
In the last Mr robot episode, the FBI as a spying malware on Hackerman computer
Is anyone else watching the GTX 1070 prices fall?
Where are people getting these accounts?
/wpc/ - Weekly Programming Challenge
Why are these rustshills getting so rampant...
Finally someone talks about the bullshit in today's computer cases industries
Are iPad pros a meme?
How often do you clean your PC(s), and what do you use?
Void GNU+Linux
Memorable Upgrades
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
What is this? An OS for tablets?
Just salvaged this. am I ready to game? Postan speccy
Why haven't you gotten a slimbook yet?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
So why hasnt Apple sued over this?
Where were u when jpeg died
So I fell to the KDE Neon meme. So far, it's fucking beautiful and fast (surprising from KDE)...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How can I save a Snapchat story on iOS 11 with my iPhone...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why do you unironically watch your videos above 360p/480p especially when 720p/360p and 480p are still more than enough...
Is he full of shit?
What is the best book to start learning c and c++ with?
I'm sick of working in IT. it is mind numbingly boring
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
Why is the Macintosh OS bad? Separate from the company and the devices
It's that time of year again Sup Forums
What does Sup Forums think of the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play?
Someone please tell me what electronic component this is
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Are password managers actually as secure as some people make them sound...
Install Linux
What's your favorite configuration file format?
Why does Apple not list what generation their processors are on their website?
March 31, 2018 - end of text captchas
Do any Linux developers here use Vagrant...
MacOS Software
What resolution do you use and why?
What antivirus does Sup Forums use?
Polite reminder that the root of your Ubuntu system is controlled and owned by Canonical...
So, what's a big deal with the latest Ubuntu release? It's just another Ubuntu, but this time with GNOME
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Windows 10 search in start menu is broken
Edge can now play webm video on Sup Forums w/o problems, now is trully the best browser, no question
Explain RIGHT NOW why you're not using the latest version of KDE
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why aren't you a designer Sup Forums?
Jesus Christ Sup Forums. It's been 5 years since the infamous FUCK NVIDIA rant by Linus Torvalds...
HI 4CHINS!!!1!! what?
Your typical apple user
It begins
Old style website builder?
Explain yourselves fanboys
Will this actually be real? I'm not familiar with Qualcomm as much as with AMD/Intel
Fall creators update
Retro autistic communities
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Gayming threads everywhere
How do I remove those shit?
GeForce GTX 1070 Ti leakeds
So is this the final distro that you'll ever need?
You're not running the best distribution, Manjaro KDE
Hi there. I have a visual disadvantage, and have a really really hard time using the mostly blindingly white windows 10
I know it's been done a billion times but what is the best antivirus/antimalware software?
Just installed AntergOS, what now?
FPGA Development
/certs/ - Certifications General
How to write code with less Ifs?
/dpt/ Daily Programming thread
Considering wireless carriers are now giving away your personal information including your name and address to websites...
Microwave internet
Junior programming position
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
It doesn't get any better than this
IBM M Model M
Do you use tampered glass on your phone if no why not?
Who buys VIA's x86 processors and why?
Purism laptops now have intel ME completely disabled
Konqi is hunting bugs to make KDE even more polished and secure! Why don't you join him? It's fun! mail
Cheapest laptop for Sup Forums
What's the point of wasting money on all this tech shit you buy every week, user...
What happened to the adnau shilling threads? Did their marketing budget run out?
I’m thinking of getting my IPad Pro professionally cleaned at the Apple store Genius Bar but is it worth the $99?
Is Alienware a meme Sup Forums?
I feel so sorry for people who use keyboards with no TrackPoint
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Here comes keyboard-gate
What are the dumbest posts you've seen on Sup Forums?
Redpill me on leenux text editors
Botnet thread
Not overclocking
Can't leave windows bc of visual studio
Firefox Pioneer is a feature of SHIELD that allows you to contribute sensitive data that helps us understand the Web...
Get into computer science they said... Well guys, any suggestions?
Best game of the year
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Is kvm a viable option for vidya on GNU/Linux yet?
/ZeroNet/ ZeroNet general
Is it botnet?
I’m thinking of getting a new laptop. It seems like getting a MacBook of some sort is the best choice all round...
Is there any country more fucked than the UK?
A car accident just happened 3ft in front of me. the suv hit was thrown like a toy car. it was surreal...
*teleports behind mac*
Essential Lagdroid Smartphone Apps
Why aren't you using the comfiest, most lightweight and stable distro ever made Sup Forums?
What do you use to share files?
Why haven't you ever sent anything to poor children in Uganda?
I made a flatpak
Go back 10-15 years. Were people always this serious about technology and brands as they are now...
How bad did I fuck up?
C++ vs C#
Hi Sup Forums
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What is the best linux distribution, and why is it Gentoo?
Does it trigger anybody else when all your non technical friends talk about how "realistic" the hacking in this show is...
ITT the best tech equipment you've ever purchased
So what should we expect from zen+ in February?
First time linux user
OC - Use lasers to make rocket launches more efficient
Is there anything more infuriating than software that doesn't work the way it's supposed to?
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
Android Browsers
The next big thing
HIM: What do you want senpai
Monitor thread
Would you work of the NSA?
What would you ask Cortana?
Now in general format
Should I buy an s3 tablet or an s2?
Plex Alternative
What will you do when you get your robot girlfriend?
Are all-in-one PC's the enlightened Patrician's computing tool?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
2007 internet was 10 years ago
Impress me with your programming skills user
>BST - CleanDeskEdition<
Microsoft never makes anything go-
Tfw fell for the 8GiB RAM meme
OpenGL vs DirectX
Gotta say, this feels /comfy/ as fuck
What do you use for wireless transfer between your phone and PC?
Why can't Micropoo just fuck off? I have until 2020 and if I wanted Pajeetdows 10 I would have installed it already...
Have expensive $2000+ LG OLED TV
What's the fastest and smallest loonix distro and is it faster than windows??
What is the definitive Sup Forums phone?
Is it worth it to major in comp sci or is it just a meme degree?
What apps does Sup Forums recommend from F-Droid?
Hope you don't have OCD :^)
Vim as an ide. discuss
How does this make you feel Sup Forums ?
Bad code thread
You still remember your icq number don't you Sup Forums
What the hell will processors become?
Your Current Android Wallpaper
Why are all voice assistants female? Why can't they be male? And when will we have virtual husbando assistants?
Have you found any use for RAID 0?
My roommate is moving out and taking her shitty bluetooth soundbar with her...
It's up
I’ve got free, uncapped electricity for the next 3 months...
You don't need more than 2gb vram they said
Trying to decrease dependency on smart phone
Is there a program that can automatically translate
You DO have one...r-right user?
BSD And Other Things
How do we fix this?
Be macfag
Is it worth it to learn this children's language?
No more Master Password for Firefox
You might not like it: but there is no significant difference between 2011 machines and the newest computers of 2017
Nord vpn
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Post output of 'ls -a ~`
I'm looking for not too heavy text editor(or IDE) for html/css/php/JS etc. I was using Atom, but it's too heavy...
What's the coolest technology that you can buy or make for $70?
How can Linux even compete?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What did I mean by this
Why do gaymen keyboards have numpads? the only people who use them are wagecucks
Any thoughts on AWK?
I've got office free from college for a year. What exactly happens after a year? It won't simply delete from the drive...
Are Xiaomi phone worth it, or are they just chink pieces of shit?
I just bought four Rx 580s to build a mining set up. What's the best CPU to go with them?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Can we get a sysadmins vs developers thread?
Apple hardware best
/wt/ - Watch Thread
I5 3570k
Is Science Studio is the official Sup Forums mascot?
Sup Forums humor
Speccy / specs thread
ICucks can now suck Winfags balls
2017 android phone not getting 2017 updates
Is this a good distro to put on my gf's chinkpad t430? Gnome is shit and budgie looks comfy...
Do you prefer prefix or postfix increment when you aren't using the returned value?
OS of choice
Android is a joke
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Best Laptop?
Which Root is Best?
Memescript was a mistake
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Transferring files from phone's internal storage
/csg/ Chink Shit General
When will SSD price finally drop?
Why don't you own a VR headset yet Sup Forums?
Real 'grammers only
Sup Forums careers - Blacklist
How does Sup Forums sync their files?
Am I too fat for this? (No memes please) Amerifat I know
Any sdr pros here with tips on how to get started?
XikiHub: The Social Command Line
You know Sup Forums, I've heard vivaldi is a good, fast, and reliable browser, do you like it...
Browser popup from isp warning me to stop pirating
A hacked PSP is the most kino technology. Discuss and post tech that interests you
Ultrawide 21:9
Dream in Code General
Admit there's no better keyboard
Opinions on this piece of shit?
Is there any point getting an iMac now? are new ones coming out soon?
3 months before 8700k goes on stock again
Recommend me a distro
Can somebody compile a version of windows 10 with absolutely ZERO bloatware...
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update introduces two new anti-cheat tools
I've blindly hated apple for years, but the iPad Pro (2017) has changed my mind
What did he mean by this?
Windows 95 was the best OS ever created
Is it possible to mount a USB with full privileges (r/w) with just "mount", without touching the fstab?
I want to learn a programming language
What will high level programming look like in 50 years?
What the fuck do we call this thing?
Is Apple creating vunrebility's in their product on purpose?
OS Sierra
My impossible to delete file
So how is the mac still better than the average computer again Sup Forums?
Whats the best free antivirus software?
Does anyone on Sup Forums use Qubes? How is it in practice?
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
Open a programing tutorial
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Top this, bitches
DDR4 Ram expensive
How do people make 'bots' and shit that automates things like financial transactions...
The apple watch has become the most popular watch in the world
Scrum and all "Agile" memes needs to fuck off and die
Xps 15 FHD vs UHD?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
How To Unlock ANY iPhone Photos Without Passcode
The brown Noctua meme is finally over
What will you do once they ban personal computers thus ending piracy and hatespeech on the Internet?
Lets see task manager boys, who's pc is running fumes
You have 5 minutes to write a C# program which takes an input from the user of how long is an array of numbers and what...
Mint > Arch(?)
Xperia Omnibalance appreciation thread
This bankrupts linus. LINUX BTFO & FINISHED!!!1
Mom found the quantum resonance magnetic analyzer
Hello guys, I installed youtube-dl via:
How long until the inevitable mining on Sup Forums ?
Hi Sup Forums. I've recently been getting more interested in encryption and becoming as anonymous as possible...
What is your experience with graphic tablets? What are good brands?
Buy xiaomeme phone
When will 16:10 / 4:3 laptops make a comeback?
Be me
Windows sucks dick
What THE fuck were they thinking?
In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
First day of new job
On FOSS software, mass adoption, normies, and customization
Can someone please give me a rough estimate on when AI waifus will be available? 2030? 2050? I really need one
Why is my hardrive making volume
Is this comic accurate about how to make a good password?
Which is the best 'Stallman' approved distro?
I want to go back to this time again
When will Linux have a virtual assistant like Siri or Cortana?
This is Sup Forums related right? 2 fucking giant bots fighting each other
Why do women prefer Alexa over Google Home?
What browsers are you guys using?
WP2 hacked
Is Rust the end of all programming languages? Will it replace them all? It's too perfect
Font Rendering
Where the hell are all the USB C accessories?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Audio Thread
Tfw imagining tech in 2025+
Sup Forumsuys, what are you running on your home server?
Media Players
Verdict on windows 10 fluent design?
BSD And Other Things
Richard Stallman AUA
Annnndddd... uninstalled
Apple products no longer cause stampedes and sidewalk tents
"Don't mind me I just blocked ADs and disabled the coin mining script on this website"
Microsoft used personal data of Windows 10 users without consent – Dutch Govt
My Dropbox is running out of space
Cartoon Network does not mess around
Most comfy font for coding?
Raspberry pi???
Why do Indians hate Apple so much? Is Cook turning down all their H1-B applications?
For those who use python, what IDE do you use? I'm just getting started learning and I want to use the best one
At least he admits it
Why haven't you gotten a Japanese keyboard yet Sup Forums?
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
/cyb/ + /sec/ Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why is it usually the arabs and pajeets that are so thirsty over tech and are good at it?
Are you ready for Windows on ARM 2.0?
Is this, dare I say it, /ourmouse/?
Laptop Vega < GT 1030
Dual screen smartphone
I got a OLD ass pc with a Phenom x4 955, 8 GB ram, R7850 graphics card that I made in 2010...
Why does anyone still use this ancient piece of garbage. Explain yourself user
Legit BB? or
Linux is an OS
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Just got my usb necklace, what should I put on it if i'm a web dev?
From a technological perspective, are video games better than sex?
Daily reminder that the average computer user accepts that this is completely normal behaviour for a software that they...
Is Void {[(GANOO SLASH)] LOONIX} a meme? or is it worth distrohopping...
Why does Windows 10's installer still use Aero?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How in the hell did a php developer become so rich and powerful? I don't get it
Redpill me on LineageOS Sup Forums
Do you use wireless keyboards
Is the Acer Aspire E15 a good laptop?
How is this possible that Apple displays look better despite having same or worse specs than competitors?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Just installed a fresh copy of windows 10 for gamin/3d/GPU-intensive stuff!
Why are american so backward when it comes to cashless payment...
Having Lag trouble
There are people on Sup Forums right now who run Linux as their primary and only OS
What's a good place to share code other than github (tracking, censorship, being closed source, etc disgusts me)?
So I never actually used Windows. What exactly is Windows?
Physical security keys are now mainstream
The new Ubuntu 17.10 is perfect, boys
1070ti pictured
Daily reminder that pic related shits on Microsoft® DirectX™ 12©
I'm pretty new to programming...
Solus or Manjaro? Which one has the least hassle?
Mobile Ryzen
Is Gentoo comfy? Should I use it?
Sup Forums approved haircuts ?
PC gaming is overrated
1. can't get a job because no experience
I for one welcome our Google overlords
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Snappier Android
What music player does Sup Forums use?
Cant into logic
Gimp vs Photoshop
What terminal is Sup Forums approved nowadays?
Hey Sup Forums I think I dodged a huge bullet. So I have a new ASUS ZenBook Flip UX560UQ...
Do people here really not like this just because it's easier to use than Arch?
Home Server OS
What is your hacker name Sup Forums?
Will Linux ever be considered "out of beta", a finished product, capable of replacing Windows entirely?
Do people really like and subscribe to your youtube channel if you tell them to at the end of your video...
What is the most lightweight version of pic related...
I'm going insane on this
Win a national programming competition
Linux distros now available for one-click install from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10
Alternative to Clover
Power goes out while updating the BIOS
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Asus let the cat out of the bag
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why isn't my mouse working?
Live webcams around the world
Smartphone is a good invention
In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites
Does anyone actually use this instead of middle mouse? Why isn't there an option to hide them?
Which do you prefer?
How much extra usable screen real estate do you actually get by running a 4k monitor instead of 1080p...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What are some fun things i can put in a PCI slot?
Why aren't there any affordable laptops with DECENT specs that aren't QC catastrophe gayming laptops?
The State of Sup Forums
How do I get this thing working?
Admit it, you would buy it if you could afford it
Guide update (Coffee Lake)
Apps you wish existed
What laptop do you use?
Firefox general
If Linux had Windows market share for desktop OS, it would be as shit as windows or ever worse
Trusting the compiler
Pirating videogames and other copyright theft helps degrade the GPL and other FOSS licences
Are you ready for the last and most superb rape of intel?
Wifi vulnerability is discovered
Is C still worth learning?
Pa/g/eets of Sup Forums, is java worth learning?
How secure is your passwod Sup Forums?
I'm like 10 years late, I know but
Serious question, why would anyone buy a Ryzen 1800X when the i7 8700K is cheaper, has lower power consumption...
Should I /can I learn Clojure as a first programming language
What do you name your PC, Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of Cortana?
Question RE Airport dat file
Screen tearing in Linux
So are Core 2 Duo laptops useless these days?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
If it were the same price as your T420, would you?
Why is it so comfy?
Are there any better/new UMPCs coming out soon? Im thinking about picking up one of these...
He doesn't know any C
3rd remove vulnerability on openbsd
I'll just Bing it
Open youtube tutorial for programming
Windows 10 fall creators update
What is the dumbest shit going on in technology right now?
God damn!
What apps do you have on your phone Sup Forums?
There will never be a ThinkPad Phon
Help me decide on a laptop
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
“The Industry Is Fundamentally Broken”: Women On Sexism In Silicon Valley
You did disable your NumLock [spoiler]didn't you[/spoiler]?
/sneak/ python general
AMD is beyond shit:
How long until we can put the owner of every website that does something to this effect on a medieval torture device...
What are some essential Chrome/chromium extensions?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Daily reminder that Bitcoin is a fraud
Whats up poorfags ? ;) you allright? hehe ;))
ITT: Pretend we're on HackerNews
Your alien overlords take pity on you and deliver you a CPU...
I just bought 12 RX480s for coin mining. Would I get better yields with 3 4way crossfire boards or 4 3way...
Does Sup Forums not think raven ridge is exciting?
Why is Windows such a garbage OS?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's the most enjoyable programming language to use?
H-hi niggers, where can I find a type-c adapter that turns into a usb port...
Why aren't you running Manjaro Budgie, the best distribution?
How different would the world be if amiga would have succeeded?
It's over, the old internet is finally dead
What adblocker does Sup Forums use?
If a gtx 1070 is for 1440p
Browsing through github
Time to buy a comfy Mac. Time to say goodbye to problems. Time for a premium computing experience
Female coders
Will flip-phones ever make a comeback?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Can your PC compete with IGN's $2500 dream machine?
Office on Linux
Has anyone noticed that this new "flat design" fad has started just about the same time this snowflake SJW hipster...
Why don't these fuckers decide whether clicking over the video is supposed to pause/play or enable/disable fullscream?
What's the best mouse for a programmer?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
These are my current apps, am i doing something wrong here?
Microphone recs
Why does Sup Forums hate internet trying to earn a living?
What am I doing wrong? I selected all the cars
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
Found a GTX 1070 for 50 bucks listed as not working, the owner says it starts up for a second then stops...
The sorry state of software
Is Tinder a scam? I conceive a vague suspicion that matches are not shown and sometimes matches just disappear...
Arch Linux hate thread
Massive Yubikey security vulnerability
What is the best smartphone on the market today?
Guys please help! When i connect my power supply there the power supply stops working what should i do?
Why is yahoo still so big in japan
Do you use dark or light color themes for coding?
What's the best audio solution for a cd player only car...
EVGA denied my rma, so I need a new gpu Sup Forumsuys. What should I buy?
So, what's the deal with buying a used CPU?
When the hell did Xbox take the console market?
Dude, open source software is JUST AS GOOD as proprietary softwa-
I a-
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Show your results of last weeks programming challenge!
Why is there almost no online community or wiki related to Solus...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Itt: technology confessions
Current state of apple
Daily reminder that Bitcoin is a fraud
About to pull the trigger on this, any opinions?
Just used a Windows computer
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What kind of laptops does Sup Forums like?
WPA2 Security Flaw
Dubs decide the name of my USB
Writing O(n^2) algorithms where O(n log n) is a known solution
Konqi on the front page!
Is your buddy's body Reggie for this? Mine was for months by now
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Whats it gonna be, fellas?
What do you guys think about the "krack" wpa2 breaker?
I have really no idea why every tech company need to make political statements. this is not the soviet union
/pcbg/ - PC building general
His mouse have only 3 buttons
There is any hope microsoft will release next windows what is just like windows 7 but with actual security updates and...
Is this fucking normal?
"Android and Linux-based devices are the worst affected by multiple vulnerabilities"
Manjaro vs Arch
So this is the famous Linux, huh
Why can't they sell hardware in plain brown boxes
/csg/ Chink Shit General
He still uses LibreOffice when there is a 100% MS Office compatible alternative which is free as in free speech and has...
Use CRT Monitor for 20 minutes
Which colors do you use in your terminal?
Why is this meme being pushed so hard?
Fact is that you should only buy a CPU in 2019 with DDR5 + Ryzen 2 + 3D XPoint tech fully mature and cheap enough to...
Probably a stupid question
Tfw your university is so shit that they combine IT and CS into one bachelors degree
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Digitizing VHS tapes
Is this shit a meme? also if its not is emacs a meme?
Best purchase I've made in years
Home Safes
LIKE video app
Hey lads, /out/ here
Will AMD deliver with Pinnacle Ridge? Or will it be Vega 2.0 - Electric bonglo?
"anons code was only 200 lines, i couldnt leave fast enough. Chad's code is over 2000 lines."
Nice paper launch you got there intel
Intel employee here. Leaving next week
Wow look at this new Windows 10 feature called Fluent Design
Who here joining the /pixelxl2masterrace/ soon
Lga 775 era
No High Capacity Music Players
Why does this still exist?
Suicidal Robots
What does Sup Forums manage their music with?
Mozilla will remove all legacy addons from their website after ESR 52 EOL:
Since iPhone doesn't let you transfer files to a PC via a local wifi network...
Pajeetbros, this is the board where I thought I'd find you. I call upon your aid!
BSD General
What keyboard app does Sup Forums use and why?
C++ programming at a state college
Cell service providers caught selling personal information to any site you connect to
Oh shit! Now what?!
How often do you reinstall your distro of choice?
/wdg/ - Windows General
Am I acting irrationally?
Delid "master race"
Laptop sticker thread
OpenBSD 6.2
Playing at 1080p
All python documentation links on google point to version 2 unless you specifically write python 3 in the search query
Builds $10,000 rig
What's your favourite mail client, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you hiding shit in images you post?
What GPU should i get for 1080p60fps that isn't synthetically overpriced?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
TFW using a 1440x900 monitor
Is this /ourpc/ ? RIP chinkpads
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/bst/ - battlestation thread
Must have Android apps? Or at least very good ones
I know some of you work I'm the tech field. I'm curious, what do you do day to day at your job?
Should i wait for canon lake or get coffee lake 8600k for emulating ps3 games?
Not gonna make it lads
Ok, I'll take the bait
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about this Thinkpad?
What is Assange telling us ?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Firefox Powerusers come home!
I need to buy my brother a birthday present. I'm already a month late...
How do we save Sup Forums?
How fucken useful really is recursion?
What are some necessary programs to have with Windows 7?
IPhone X innovations
So now when the dust has settled
How easy is to pirate books? How well does this devices handles PDF? Kobo Glo HD or Kindle Paperwhite 3...
Still the best case on the market
How accurate is this?
Why is Europe so technologically colonised by other countries? I feel cucked all the time
Space colonization is technology
Quantum Shit
Reminder that piracy is theft
They've done it
Apple Diversity Chief apologizes for saying white people can be diverse too
/rp/ - Recent Purchases
The iPad Pro revolution is here. By far faster than the competition. Revolutionized by iOS 11 and the Smart Keyboard...
Building a PC
Why haven't you added "screenfetch -t" to your ~/.bashrc, Sup Forums?
/wpc/ - Weekly Programming Challenge
What sepples IDE do you use?
Speccy thread
How do i stop adblock users from stealing from my web site?
What's the best waifu simulator currently available?
ITT: Sup Forums's Favorite YouTube Channels
What does "t." mean? Been seeing it used a lot lately
Do you guys use custom themes in your Windows...
Laptop purchases thread
Why can't other torrent clients compete with this?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Personal Computers
The fuck is this shit? I'm not touching the mouse in this clip
How is this cable called ?
Explain yourself, nerds
What's the most you've ever lost on a fuck up
How to connect a CRT to my computer? I'm trying to emulate games on it for that authentic feel...
Why do you all use ugly dinosaur thinkpads? Just buy a damn mac already
/wt/ - Watch Thread
/pop/ - Planned Obsolescence Prevention Day 2
Twelve days
Extra bandwidth
Hi Sup Forums i'm searching for a nice backpack for work, any recommendations? Anyone own pic related...
Help me!
Why did Google think these mammoth bezels were a good idea?
So Skype seems to be blocking accounts created with a VPN now. Fucking Microsoft ruined this
Move in with new roommates
What was the point of Ryzen?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Videophile Gore
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't use ps/2
Are you proud of using Windows? Why?
Opinions of this?
"Lol @ people who upgrade their cpu, my 2500k is still competitive!"
When you're applying to a company and they say having a website is strongly recommended
Recommendations for babby's first custom ROM?
Should I ditch Windows 7?
Which linux distro is best for a beginner, i.e. someone who has never used linux before?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Itt good Pajeet developed software
Windows 10 keys
/Guts/ Thread
Official Sup Forums humor (humour) thread
I'm sorry, Xfce
Break up with gf
This is hands down the best C guide I've every seen
Why did he invent linux when we have windows and apple?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...