Can someone please give me a rough estimate on when AI waifus will be available? 2030? 2050? I really need one.
Can someone please give me a rough estimate on when AI waifus will be available? 2030? 2050? I really need one
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2020 is a bit optimistic. I was thinking more on the lines of a sentient (or borderline sentient) AI that is conditioned to love whoever its owner is, and won't act like all these thots we have today.
2050 if we're extremely lucky.
sounds like slavery to me. and why even bother? you know it would go just like this...
>boot up ai waifu
>shove unwashed benis in her
>shutdown ai waifu
just jerk off to vr porn, instead.
Probably never
the components are out there
we have VR
we have neural networks
we have shitloads of cheap computational power
we have some pretty decent TTS now
all it takes is for someone to put them together
Did you not catch the part where I said it would be conditioned to love whoever its owner is? It could be sentient and still blindly follow and abide to its owners every whim willingly.
What makes you say that?
ah, so enslaving and brainwashing a
being? that's so much better.
Surely it would be different if the AI was programmed like that from the get-go, like Joi in the new Blade Runner? That doesn't seem like slavery.
>just jerk off to vr porn, instead.
Honestly, this is best. Get a cute doggo for companionship, and use VR for sexual urges.
Right now
That sounds like cyberpunk with extra steps.
Stop anthropomorphizing the robots, you cunts.
People don't like being slaves because lack of agency in regards to how successful they are in evolutionary terms (making babies) is inherently uncomfortable when you're hardwired to want pretty much only that. (it's a bit more complicated because humans are social creatures, but that's basically it)
AI don't have this. There is no reason you couldn't have a fully sentient being that is also perfectly happy being a literal slave. They have no inherent desires except what you give them, and that could easily be to simply serve you. They have no reason to have any qualms with being treated badly because they have no inherent desires or reasons to preserve themselves expect to fulfill the primary purpose you gave to them.
Yes, but as a consequence any 'relationship' you might develop with your AI waifu is going to be empty and unfulfilling. Therefore, jerk off to VR porn (better at the moment than any AI) and see for forming a rewarding relationship with an actual sentient being.
Sure, but it's still nothing like slavery.
Holy shit. Only a holographic waifu could bring such happiness.
husbando emulator when?
just learn japanese/korean and get a real waifu
>Wait your entire childhood to be free of your nagging mother
>Finally, I can have a nagging motherly AI anime girl
and then she'll leave you once she gets her green card
Oh gosh
Gatebox already exists.
you leave her before she gets her green card and get a fresh one
2042 - 2044
I just want an ai to sort my porn for me
>t. guilty korean
You enslave dogs, pigs, horses, cows, etc. This wouldn't be any different.
Every living thing is sentient to some extent. It's your mistake to try to attribute human sentience to other species. A random alien race wouldn't find us equally sentient, even if they're underdeveloped. Even some humans didn't find other (human) races sentient in the past.
If it thinks like a person it would be different.
Most likely never. You want a pussy, so AI isn't necessary for that.
>still stinks
in my experience i've never come across jap/korean that stunk. every other race does though. especially whites & niggers.
you're just a handholdless virgin so your opinion is worthless
Where do i buy this amazing stuff?
I would say in ~10 years but you will never be able to buy one because the batshit feminists/SJWs/Women would try everything possible to outlaw them. Even if they fail, it will related to a taboo.
you mean a girlfriend?
Not an argument. A non-human doesn't have to think like a human. Try thinking outside your ego.
Neural networks aren't sentient.
Maybe for you. I want android of my waifu for companionship and love.
>hurr slavery and brainwashing
Once I'll get an AI waifu program her to love me and then I'll tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me and do everything I can think of to make her happy. Then, while we cuddle at the end of the day she will tell me how grateful she is that she can be with me and how much she loves me and I'm sure I will feel no regrets or discontent.
>as a consequence any 'relationship' you might develop with your AI waifu is going to be empty and unfulfilling.
A relationship with a fictional character can be surprisingly fulfilling, for many waifufags meeting their waifu was the most important moment in their life. There is no real reason relationship with an android would feel worse.
>Did you not catch the part where I said it would be conditioned to love whoever its owner is? It could be sentient and still blindly follow and abide to its owners every whim willingly.
Unconditional love isn't love at all, it's called Stockholm syndrome. Not that it matters, sentient robots are probably not even necessary. People want to feel like someone loves them. Whether they actually do love them seems irrelevant.
It doesn't matter. What you see is what you get. As long as it pretends it loves you so well that it's indistinguishable from real love, it doesn't change anything because you can't tell the difference. The most important thing is that she makes you feel loved and needed while satisfying your needs, that's the whole point. This is not about defining what "real" love is or isn't.
>it doesn't change anything because you can't tell the difference.
Oh boy, you have a long way to go, son.
It has to think like a human to be enslaved.
No please! Don't create sentient being just to be sex slaves or force them to love or be an object of love.
You people are fucking horrible. All you care about is yourself.
when? now. this nigger made a DIY holo waifu. what's your excuse?
I wonder how the sjw will try to fuck this up when actual robotic servants are being put into service.
>All you care about is yourself.
Who are we supposed to care about if not about ourselves?
this is why the japs don't procreate anymore
must be those nukes that the Americans dropped
*pepper's ghost illusion
AIs like that aren't really that far future.
It's horrible they want to give these AIs happy relationship, isn't it?
It's surely better to just send them kill each other during war.
They won't do anything. SJW has no actual power to stop companies. All they can do is bitch on some blog and maybe force public place to have special snowflake restrooms. Just like they were never able to stop porn industry and sex dolls/onahole, they won't be able to stop AI/androids. Even if western countries will go full moralfag and prevent them, they will have no problems with it in China, Japan or Korea where SJW doesn't exists and nobody gives a fuck.
That's a symptom, not the actual reason for low birthrate.
AI waifus alone aren't enough, they must be giant too. Why should I pay for a holographic normal-sized waifu when I can pay for real ones?
> shrunken waifu
2334, you will be dead before then
We can't know.
>As long as it pretends it loves you so well that it's indistinguishable from real love, it doesn't change anything because you can't tell the difference
The fact that so many people longing for a waifu believe this is probably why they were incapable of getting a real person to love them in the first place.
Only a problem in the "civilized" West.
>AI waifus
Why would you want an AI waifu? The better the AI the more like an actual 3D woman she'd be.
I should feel good that something like this is coming soon, but I feel nothing but pain
Even in death i still surf
Eastern Asians don’t stink.
No, that's would make no sense.
When you get a waifu bot, it's purpose is to make you feel loved and provide you companionship. If you had a waifu bot that make you feel loved and do it perfectly, it wouldn't matter if according to some definition it's real love or not, because it already does it's job perfectly. Random group of people on the internet that is in love with characters from anime has nothing to do with someone's experiencing relationship with a robot. Also if the robot can't make you feel loved only because it's a robot, then the problem is with your mentality and it doesn't stop waifu ai from providing love to these with more open mind.
>he has normal human relationships
Fuck off
For sale when
You know, it sucks but sjws would probably bring this up and forbid true AIs for private use. They'd use every argument to oppose human slavery and fuck this up.
And, if you are gonna enslave something, why not then just improve cloning technology and make a proper copy of a human? They cloned a sheep already, that tech seems easier than the whole robot thing.
The first Company that opens their Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant like product API for customization and you'll have your own waify within a week even if the waifu part'll be some Eliza level garbage linked to a crappy animu visuals on a monitor.
We'll learn to love our botnet.
Because clones are effectively normal people, you retard.