Post your speed test results, plebs
4.8 mbps down
0.5 mbps up
Get on my level.
Same. Where are you from?
7.8 mbps down
1 mbps up
Be able to shill heaps well with that goldsberg shekelsetine
double same. australia.
lol fuck off
lol fuck off
Meh, it's wifi who gives a fuck?
Ethernet for latency
I love NBN
>Tell Aviv
רבי, אני רואה שגם אתה השתדרגת לסיבים אופטיים!
מי שאין לו סיבים אופטים עני מרוד שצריך לרדת מהארץ
how will the jews ever recover?
Fucking white niggers
>Tel Aviv
Oy Vey, you inherited muh 6 gajillion trauma.
such a great download speed and you choose one of the worst encodes
Why would you even download an encode THAT shitty?
Fucking 4chanx posting before I typed my comment
>tfw jelly of all you fucks with symmetrical gigabit
Only thing it's really useful for is torrent seeding.
Most servers you would be uploading to regularly can't handle 1gbps speeds.
Google drive caps out around 200-500mbps depending on time of day.
Dropbox usually caps out around 300mbps.
Gigabit is nice and all but I really need to revamp my home wifi for laptops and phones
Your client devices are usually your bottleneck.
Even with a mesh wifi network using a wired backhaul you'll be lucky to break 500mbps on 90% of devices.
good enough for me senpai
I'm not aiming for gigabit on my laptop, I just want to be able to stream a 1080p video, and there's a lot of area to cover
Might have to set up multiple access points but money
Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
Might as well be streaming it, or watching a VHS copy.
Pretty sure a VHS can hold around 2GB of data, so your 1.57GB is laughable.
Maybe if you store the data digitally
Yeah, it's 2GB digital equivalent.
D-VHS can actually store quite a bit
That would be encoded and compressed though.
VHS's stored direct images, not compressed data.
Silly samshit poster, retards belong on b
something that never caught on,