Why is EVERY Desktop Environment absolute STINKSHIT

>Literally no desktop environment that JUST-GETS-MY-JOB-DONE and does it without a...

>shitload of retardation and bloatware and errors and broken packages and broken configs and errors and ads and horeshi

It sounds like you should use Windows 3.1, user.

Then don't use a DE?? use a WM/just a terminal

back in the days Windows software was useful, consistent and fast

miss me yet?

Daily reminder Indians are not humans

why is Sup Forums so depressed? just use what works why are you guys so retarded and obsessed with the insignificant??


Ever heard of a flowchart? That's how it works. What you want is personalization. Buy mac os for that

>using a DE in the first place

Your fault. Openbox, Fluxbox and i3-gaps are awesome and make any DE unnecessary.

Then you haven't used Mate.

what is mate?


>Literally no desktop environment that JUST-GETS-MY-JOB-DONE and does it without a...
what's your job? i will find you a solution

>Remote Desktop Connection
Botnet & Bloatware

1. You can't do |||EVERYTHING||| in the terminal dummy. 2. Sometimes its a three hour pain in the ass to fiddle with a config file, compile from source, package-manage etc.. all from cli instead of an easy one-click solution dummy

it's a client you fucking brainlet

>Someone can still exploit some vulnerability on it to peek your screens

Yeah no still Botnet, Botthead

There is an option, OP

Yes you can retard. Do you even know what a terminal emulator is?

an RDP client is not an RDP server, nu-Sup Forums.

additionally, RDP cannot 'peak' on an existing session. it runs its own session. windows XP was not capable of running multiple sessions at once, so you would know immediately if you were being attacked.

just write your own desktop environment you piece of ape

Xfce just werks for an average user. I use i3 with dmenu on desktops and laptops and never had a problem.



Budgie is unironically the best DE



You can exploit an RDP client to silently accept the server as a trusted connection and have it run silently via another executable without the users knowledge.


Yeah that's bloatware

Openbox + dmenu is GOAT

gas the kikes, you fucking kike

use xfce4

Budgie will switch to Qt soon-ish

>software is badly made and poorly written
>"lol just use no software at all then."

What if we pushed for software that doesn't suck?

LXDE is fine

>1. You can't do |||EVERYTHING||| in the terminal dummy.
Use a gui for whatever you can't then.
> 2. Sometimes its a three hour pain in the ass to fiddle with a config file,
GUIs don't help you write config files. Terminal text editors work just as well as gui text editors. Furthermore you don't need a DE to use a gui text editor.
>compile from source, package-manage etc..
You can install binaries from the terminal.... I have no idea why you would think otherwise.

The response to "2010s software sucks" isn't "then use 1970s software."

literally gtfo OP, if you don't want to work into a new DE just take fucking xfce, its goddamn retard proof and works great ootb

It's been going to the shitter like /pol for some time. It's clear oldfags have been vacating and the last of them are gone. All that's left are a bunch of newfags and memes who are this disconnected from actual tech. The level of discourse is worse than a tech subreddit. The userbase reflecting edgy sub-brainlet normies .. the same shit threads everyday

Pretty sure that you're fucked if you delete all panels in XFCE

Just nuke your xfce config?

How is manually having to delete config files "idiot proof"?

Well if the idiot deletes all his panels he'll find himself left in a state in which it's difficult to further damage the system.

Thus the system protects itself from idiots.

Why? You always can create new ones.

report and ignore freetards