/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Prrevious: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
&& /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:



Second post for Reddit spacing.

Install GuixSD

GNU is *not* my userland

GNU is my city.

what animu

But it's still the name of your system lol

Boku no Hero: Academia

Boku no Gentoo

qualidea code

It's not ready yet. Also my thinkpad has intel wireless :(

I serviced my eeepc and did some fresh linux installation but i have this problem with the resolution.
It seems that most dialogs are made to fit atleast in 800x600 res.
The 701 is 800x480, so most windows and dialogs need alt+click to move and insterract with them.
I need to do supersampling on the driver and then render it to the native res.
Any ideas?

GuixSD isn't ready yet, but Guix is. And it's distro agnostic, so no excuses.

No it is not. My system is called Linux.

I already have portage to manage my packages though. Not really any good reason to use guix on my gentoo machine.

Friendly reminder that Linux is just the kernel. Other kernels under GPL are:
The Muen Separation Kernel muen.sk/
and HiStar scs.stanford.edu/histar/

Operating Systems under GPL are:
FreeDOS freedos.org/
FreeVMS freevms.net/
CapROS capros.org/
KolibriOS kolibrios.org/en/
Plan 9 github.com/0intro/plan9-gpl
ReactOS reactos.org/
JNode jnode.org/

Special mention to GNU/Hurd gnu.org/software/hurd/
Arch Hurd archhurd.org/
Debian GNU/Hurd wiki.debian.org/Debian_GNU/Hurd

Clearly someone disagrees with you.

Use xrandr

Friendly acknowledgment.

Or someone wanted to play around with it... I don't hate guix or anything, I think it's probably the future of package management. I'm just saying it's not ready yet.

Fuckin on yo bitch she a thot thot

Your system is a kernel?

Then this is not your thread fuckwit. Pack your shit and hit the road.

GNU is *not*, nor will it ever be, my userland

Best linux base for js web dev? Debian, arch, freebsd, solus or smth else?

Rude! This is a frenly thread! A frenly thread!!!

We should welcome all MacOS and BSD frens equally and give them lots of kisses and hugs!

Suck my dick bitch. You and that communist Richard Stallman

Get a Mac, best for js dev.

>everything I don't like is communism
your brain on Sup Forums

What countries should I IP block on my public server?

Will using MacOS give me a stat buff?

Probably debian. Debian is called the universal operating system for a reason.

Cause everyone tries it, sees how shitty it is(apt,lack of updated software,lack of required software in repo) then universally changes to better distros'

Yeah probably China, because unless you plan on going there or have chinese users all you are going to get is bots trying to ssh into your server with predefined usernames and password combos.

Apt isn't bad. The outdated software is kinda annoying but there's sid for that. Also I'm pretty sure debian has the largest amount of software in their repos.

Thanks, i never knwe xrandr had --scale

>Also I'm pretty sure debian has the largest amount of software in their repos
Because they break the software in to 3+ different packages

What's some neat software that you guys use? Could be something obscure and interesting, or just something to make your life easier. Just anything cool that you'd like to share.

shut up cluck

As opposed to Arch's bloated packages so that you can show off how minimal your system is to random strangers on a Polynesian basketweaving forum?

Hey I've got this super secret hacker program that I'll share with you since I'm feeling generous. Here you go, kid:
You didn't get that from me, you hear? See you in cyberspace ;)

why would i want 1/3rd of a package isntead of the entire thing?
Why would i want to manually memorize what parts of a package i have installed?

>projecting this fucking hard :^)

Don't forget India.

What books should I read to have a good understanding about GNU/Linux

Is there something wrong with my tmux config?
I can't seem to actually use the prefix key. Tried on both urxvt and xterm

# remap prefix from 'C-b' to 'C-a'
unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix C-a
bind-key C-a send-prefix

# split panes using | and -
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
unbind '"'
unbind %

Pressing CTRL+a+| but nothing happens, for example

Why are you punctuating like that? And you're even misusing buzzwords for no reason. God, you really are the average Arch user. Or a hivemind, at least.

Who are you quoting?


Try putting C-a in single quotes.

I have no idea why it's required, but it works for C-a and, what I normally use, C-\.

So, for instance:

unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix 'C-a'
bind-key 'C-a' send-prefix

Hm, nevermind, the issue goes deeper than that. Even just default tmux isn't having none of my prefix key shit today. Maybe the issue is that I have to configure urxvt so that its keybinds don't clash with tmux's?

It's happening. forum.manjaro.org/t/im-fed-up-about-manjaro-is-insecure-unprofessional-discussions/5536

>Maybe the issue is that I have to configure urxvt so that its keybinds don't clash with tmux's?

urxvt doesn't have any/many binds that would conflict with tmux. Certainly not default urxvt: perhaps you have a plugin working.

Also, I'm not sure if
>Pressing CTRL+a+| but nothing happens, for example
is supposed to be taken literally, but with tmux/screen, you're supposed to press the prefix combo, release the combo, and then press whatever keys you need. So, you wouldn't do ctrl+a+|; instead, you'd do ctrl+a then |. That might be the answer to your prefix problems.


stop using downstream distros

>it's happening
>more than an entire year old

i bet you use stable software, too, faggot

Ah fuck you're absolutely right. I was just hitting them all together instead of waiting after the prefix combination.

I toyed around with tmux a long time ago (hence the custom settings) and just booted it up again, was perplexed as to why it wasn't working. Turns out I just have bad memory on how to use it

So using kexec.
I just enable it then execute the command and it reloads the kernel?
Does the existing xsession persist or do you have to do it from a plain tty

When is Ubuntu 17.10 coming out?

Is it even possible to have a Makefile with a pattern rule such that for any number n, `make n' builds n.cpp?

Not my userland, bitch

Not my philosophy

Looking to upgrade from my 8 year old 480 gtx fermi card, that idles at 80C peaking at ~110C thats hard locking my system up when its being used and melting everything around it with heat

I play a few games, kerbal and source games only at 1080p.
Would a 1050 be basic enough/cost effective?

From what I understand, gpg protects your private key files by wrapping them in symmetric encryption with passphrase. What's the algorithm it uses and how strong is it?

Also: what's the point of using gpg for local file encryption by programs like pass? In order to use pass, you need private keys present on your machine, but if the machine gets compromised, pass data are only as safe as the symmetric encryption protecting the key files, so it could as well use that in the first place.

Does Ryzen/Threadripper still not work well with Linux?

>trying to get msoffice to work in wine

Anyone know what's going on here? I've been setting up an arch install and all has been going well but when trying to do things like configure polybar I'm seeing odd characters in the config file and upon opening fonts I'm seeing a mixture of fonts that are displaying properly and ones that aren't.

Anyone know how I can fix this?

>What's the algorithm it uses and how strong is it
You specify this upon creation

Set your locale to UTF-8

You're missing the charactersets those fonts depend on.

My locale is already UTF-8

How would I go about finding which charsets specifically are missing so I could install them?

Try selecting one of the fonts that do show up properly in the font selection list.

I'm wondering if you actually have some fonts installed that don't contain english characters. Like those Noto fonts. Noto comes in so many different variants and I think some of them are literally contained to very specific locales, so you might have one of those set.
Because if you think about it, in your screenshot the only way I can see characters not rendering there is if those fonts are actually missing simple english glyphs

shit man gtk is a clusterfuck what the hell

Tried selecting one of the fonts that displayed weird and bizzarely it seems to show up fine in the document but you can still see little boxes with numbers in em where characters should be. The problem is I can't get those boxes to display the proper characters no matter what font I pick.

Begone thot

GNU/Linux is beautiful :)

Any ideas? Still trying to figure out this font thing

why are you using GNOME software?
what wm is that anyway?

Install Gentoo.

i3wm is the window manager.
Only reason I'm using gnome software in that screenshot is it let me show off the fact that the fonts are broken like that easier. I have tried and it does the same thing in Nano though.

Did you GEN your locale?

Install a non shit distro

by Gen my locale I'm assuming you mean did I run locale-gen to which the answer is yes I did.

Quick question

I'm noticing my chosen font in terminal vim displays fine and crisp, but the same font and size on gvim displays blurry in comparison.

How can I fix this?

remove the gnome stuff
use lxappearance for gtk themes, fonts and icons
for editing learn vim or emacs or just use mousepad until you do
use pcmanfm for file management
don't be a cuck

uninstall gvim

That doesn't solve the problem I came here to get help with though user. At least try and help me fix that first.

>using gvim

What is the best terminal font?

I was under the impression this was the 'friendly' gnu/linux general

I like Monospace


The one I'm using.

Also, google "paradox of choice"

seconding this. Monospace works quite well.

I can only tell you what I like. I like Inconsolata-g (fork of Inconsolata) and Terminus

I'd just like to interject for a moment. Please avoid using the term “google” as a verb, meaning to search for something on the internet. “Google” is just the name of one particular search engine among others. We suggest to use the term “search the web” or (in some contexts) just “search”. Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy.

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on solus budgie?

Where is the terminal?

for web dev? no. solus is a desktop distro, it does have web dev tools on their repo but don't expect everything to work ootb

That's just a random image I pulled off Google image search. It has one, of course.

We all come back to terminus.