Get into computer science they said... Well guys, any suggestions?

Get into computer science they said... Well guys, any suggestions?

do drugs and get kicked out of middleschool

CS is a meme
Do CE instead, unless you're bad at math. If you are then just go something where they teach you high level programming(IT?)

maybe this is true if you're at a shit school

I remember my first lab of CS at my school being implementation of a binary expression tree in C++ with an hour time limit

1. I can haz Linux?
2. A meme about a pun on Microsoft's name with a pic of Bill Gates on the background jumping chairs
3. Two guys with their faces swapped with the Windows and Linux logos, go wild.

If I had to pay 50% tax and saw that this is what my tax dollars were going toward, I'd be sad.

Look at those fucking artifacts. Literally word of that is shopped in.

This. CS was always a meme. There are good CE courses, but not all of them, gotta pick properly.
Whatever shitty public college you got into, it's a waste of time.

>got me a job

i'm not complaining

>Word document

Can you embed animated GIFs in Word? In Latex you can with \animategraphics.



>my professor is addicted to memes
>has decided to pay the class good-boy points if they can make him some free memes to injectinto his blood stream
Is this real?

Funny how fancy jargon can make something so simple sound difficult.

This is what happens when the government pays for any shithead to go to university.

Submit that screenshot

Free university education was obviously a mistake


Take a screencap of this thread.

Go to Berkley where they are proud that over half the students that take "the joy of programming" course have a vagina.

none of that was "fancy jargon"

It would be to someone who was unfamiliar with the concept.

I plan to take the math exam later and get my master in engineering if that's possible.
I think you can do that with some trickery.

This must be just a joke assignment made in compensation for those who were buthurt over that we lost one obligatory assignment point. We have to get 7 to even be allowed to deliver the final assignment which stands for 100% of our grade.

That was my plan.

>Paste them into a Word Document

So this... is the power of Norway...

Use this and call it a day

I was unfamiliar with it and learned what it was in literally 10 seconds. It's a piece of cake.

Friend of mine goes there. Not even going to bully him with this, too sad.

Submit this meme

That would get me expelled, hehe. He made at one point several examples of things not to make where he pointed Sup Forums out because of stuff like that. A bastion of hate speech he called it.

Escape while you still can

>That would get me expelled
I-is that supposed to be bad?

Do you somehow lack the capacity to view things from other's perspective? Someone who is unfamiliar with natural sciences would likely not be able to explain what a binary expression tree is in detail, even if it is simple for me and you to grasp.

You will be expelled from a school that teaches you about memes though.
I say if you are gonna give it up(which you will its a meme school) you might as well do it with style.

brb, will make some quality meme 4 u because i can relate.

No, I don't understand how people have problems understanding simple concepts when there are search engines. We live in the information age, act like it.

Example: Do you know how dentists refer to specific teeth to their colleagues?

What are the themes of the class, OP?

No I dont

Not him, but they almost count from left to right, there's a difference in complexity with coding a tree.

legitimate autism
genuinely seek therapy

Is this screencap from, like, 2009?

Web prosjekt or web project in English. We work in groups to make concept websites for products or businesses.

>things that never happened

It's still fancy jargon. Most people (in areas influenced by abrahamic religions) have an inate understanding that good behaviour as an act expressed as the maxims of our actions as if they were to become through our will a universal law of nature.

But it's still "fancy jargon" most people would express that in another way even if it would take them less than 10 seconds to understand what it means. Just because it's a "piece of cake" does not make fancy jargon any less of a fancy jargon

>Is this screencap from, like, 2009?
You would have thought so, but no. This is from the "current year".

>bitching about people having problems understanding simple concepts
>doesn't understand the concept of 'literally' and makes hyperbolic claims about his own learning abilities

who were you trying to impress, user?

>Word Document
this can't be a computer science course

I fucked up. See under.

>Högskolan i Oslo
Sweden doesn't have this problem

>Just because it's a "piece of cake" does not make fancy jargon any less of a fancy jargon

Makes it even more fancy jargon imo.


>don't oppress me with that jargon

when did this place turn into fucking kotaku

nigga this is basic college level skill.
if you aren't comfortable looking up shit you're probably a dropout or a hack that cheated his way through

Fucked up twice I hate phoneposting

Again, see under.

woah buddy, you expect just anyone to know what that is? geez

>all the girls in my uni are the same

First a number, 1-32. Then it's either "M", (front surface), D (back surface), O (top surface), I (biting edge of tooth), B, (surface of tooth that faces cheek, L (surface towards the tongue) or all of them, depending on where the cavity is.

I learned this in literally 10 seconds without a search engine, piece of cake. At any rate, if you were to bring up "binary expression tree" to the average person in daily conversation while they have not even touched programming or anything of the sort, it would be unlikely for them no know what that is regardless of how simple it is to learn; my point is that it is fully possible to make a concept sound difficult even if it is simple, as such one should never be discouraged to investigate further learning even if something seems difficult on the surface.

>user still not able to cope with the fact he dropped out of dentistry school

Here is some fresh OC.
It is not the best, but it is an idea.

Make an anti-trump "meme". Instant A+

forgot pic.

*picture of pedobear*
the setup: i like my girls like i like my html compliancy
the punchline: 5

*picutre of pedobear*
i like my girls like i like my css compliancy

Great idea:
The chad Obama, the Virgin Trump
If trump were a program (and then an image of dog-shit pajeet code)

I like trump, you probably do too OP, but memes are memes.

this some trade school bs

Thanks mate. I will probably use that, even thou i really don't need help. This assignment is just a joke made for those who felt wronged by him because he removed one of their criteria points. It take like 5min to create some OC 9gag tier memes.

>reddit spacing
just leave

Why is the assignment in english if you are in a norwegian school

Because our teacher is an American.


we use fronter too and it's literally the crappiest system i've ever used