Iphone 8 vs Iphone X

Memeing aside, should I just buy the iPhone 8, or should I wait for the iPhone X to release? I'm an applefag that needs to upgrade form his iPhone 6. Please HALP!!!!

only difference is the meme face-id that gives you unlock by face and animjos, also bezel-free screen and OLED.

Is that worth $200 to you?

6s was the last iPhone worth purchasing

$200 really isn’t that much, especially considering how many hours I’ll spend on my phone.

it only depends on how much money you have, nothing else.

get an iPhone 7, it's cheaper and almost exactly the same

that meme will be the standard come nov 3.


get the fucking 8, X has actually less screen estate and it looks hideous with that fucking thing on top

or even better : the 7 if you can get it at a good price, which you should be able to considering normies go for the latest shit

Ask yourself if you can live with having a phone that isn't an iphone.
If the answer is yes, get something that isn't a iphone.
If the answer is no, kill yourself.

Wait for reviews and possible issues with the X you retarded cunt. Every new Apple product always has some kind of issue that takes a month or two to resolve. Do people never learn?

>needs to upgrade
No you don’t you impatient cunt. Wait until fall 2018 when the X2 will be the same price as the 8 as the design will be standardized across all their phones

Wait for the XS they'll have the notch gone by then

You have to go back.

No iShit was ever worth owning. Least of all that bending exploding piece of shit.

You must be thinking of the Note 7

Evidently not. When does hit stores, anyway?

iPhone X should have just been the iPhone 8 fampai

Where do technophobic iToddler shitstains get the false impression that they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome on Sup Forums?

>iPhone X
>hit stores

Yeah good luck, that bastard is going to be unobtainable for at least 4 months. It'll be a while until you can get it from a carrier or Apple store.

>hours I’ll spend on my phone
>bezel-free screen
>hours I’ll spend on my phone
>hours I’ll spend on my phone

get the x. what are you? too poor to get the x?

>t. NEET virgin

why don't you just wait for the x, try it out at a store, then decide?

>Iphone X

wait for the iphone x lawsuit and apple finally decides to address the hardware issues
so in like 3 years

oh wait, a new iphone will be out by then

Why does the iPhone trigger Sup Forums so?

I wish they'd keep making a small iPhone like the SE where they keep the same case and just update the guts with every new generation.
I like the smaller form-factor; easier to pocket and use with one hand.


Reminds them of the girls they fap to at college that never glanced at them.

for me it's that person who posts the picture of the ipad every 8 hours

yeah the iPhone x is garbage but it'll probably lube up your social interactions so you should buy it

hedonism is crushing our society

>yeah the iPhone x is garbage
>but it'll probably lube up your social interactions so you should buy it
>hedonism is crushing our society

when was the last time you went outside