Other urls found in this thread:
Sage and ignore
To teach you how to use the recycle bin
False. Windows 3.11 or earlier comes without IE.
Previous thread died already, so this one it justified.
cancerous threads have been banned before
If you don't like this thread I suggest you refrain from posting and look somewhere else. The image from OP is pretty recognizable and nobody forced you to click it.
because windows is garbage as well
install gentoo
This thread is cancer because OP is trying to force this as a meme
>it's okay when I do it
IE is a topic frequently discussed on Sup Forums. Nothing wrong with this and also nothing wrong with ignoring threads that don't appeal to you and moving on with your life.
Are you unironically comparing a "hurrr, to much RAM is bad" thread to a discussion about web browsers? GTFO.
American mods are bad for that, that's why I post at these hours.
not him but what's the difference?
Yes user, copying and pasting the exact same thread with no changes ever is making excellent contributions to Sup Forums
Nice website you've got there.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga.
Stop pretending to be retarded, you know very well that's the Sup Forums archive. Faggot OP has been posting this shit thread daily.
Update to the latest version, Paweł.
Are you familiar with Sup Forums's integrated archive?
This one can go back for months and years
Doesn't help when the thread is deleted, like this one should be.
Even if it were, you'd probably see that a lot of threads are posted daily, like the stupid question thread/pc build thread/chick shit general thread, etc.
Popular themes are reoccurring. Nothing wrong with that.
Sage you cunt.
>Popular themes are reoccurring. Nothing wrong with that.
No, these threads are cancer and deserve to die
Why the fuck does this thread have 19 replies you cancerous wastes of flesh..?
>Stop liking what I don't like!
I shouldn't have to like it if it's absolute trash that's posted daily
You also shouldn't have to hijack a thread you don't even like.