Is there any country more fucked than the UK?
Is there any country more fucked than the UK?
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You've made your putrid, festering bed, and you will now lie in it, britbongs.
Brits being the self loathing and spineless bootlickers that they are will defend this, they should have been born in a free nation like america.
>no guns
>no crypto
Sweden has more political correctness and loves refugees, but it doesn't have the CCTV fascism that you find in the UK.
they don't know that people break into their firms all the time and that encryption is the only way to prevent the commies from stealing their secrets
in a country with security cameras literally on every street, why does anyone _not_ need encryption
>Leaving the EU will give us more freedoms they said
Why is it always female politicians that want to do this?
Nice clickbait article nerd.
People propose entirely impractical laws all the time, they will be laughed out the room if they tried to get it through parliament.
Also notice how the article claims there's jailtime for not telling law enforcement the password, in the states you'd get tortured then get jailtime.
>current year
>male politicians
>they will be laughed out of the room
You're not from the UK, are you?
Stuff like this makes me a little glad they left the EU, what a bunch of fucktards
>People propose entirely impractical laws all the time, they will be laughed out the room if they tried to get it through parliament.
>laughed out of the room
Uh, this is the UK we're talking about...
There are no key disclosure laws and the 5th amendment protects you from self-incrimination. Only example of being detained for not decryption is when you're coming in from a foreign country and they'll just detain you for a couple of hours till they release you if you're a citizen.
kek I was once in the UK, it was like a nightmare
They are trying to hard to place the blame anywhere besides "Niggers and Muslims". This whole thing reeks, not of authoritarianism but rather of desperation and cluelessness.
They need authoritarianism and good citizens who don't think to keep this going
Exactly. Maybe if they keep going then GCHQ will have as many tentacles in as many asses as NSA.
what the fuck
Yes I am
These kind of laws hit industry hard, conservatives don't give a shit about the people but they'll protect business till the bitter end. Industry will never allow it.
I'm sure the inhabitants of gitmo were told the same thing
I was thinking about the whole WPA2 exploit thing the other day...
If that had been discovered by somebody in the UK, there's no fucking way that GCHQ would have allowed that information to go public.
Name one who was arrested and sent to gitmo just for not decrypting his computer. All of them there were long suspected or have huge charges of terrorism against them
Who is Francis Rawls?
Blacksites are a thing, you know?
I'm glad they're out of the EU, influencing them on topics like this one
American "freedom" is just as meaningless as every other Western nation at this point.
>Canada, Australia and NZ to get set for a flood of bongistan refugees
They enjoy being subjects.
What is worse? Having no guns, and allowing replacement immigration, or having guns and allowing replacement immigration?
They knew they couldn't arrest him for not unlocking it, so they tried to get around it via contempt of court. There is no specific law about having to unlock a drive.
Will they imprison me for having noise on my HDD?
>encrypts files
>renames the archive to "pi after 763629x10^13 decimals"
wait so they assume you are guilty before found innocent? in case of encrypt in UK?
Truly kuk kingdom
>they couldn't force him under protections against self-incrimination, so they said not incriminating himself is something else so thats fine
Who is Francis Rawls?
>encrypt files.
>search pi for this exact sequence.
>save offset to file.
It would be a lie to say there are key disclosure laws in the US, the judge really wanted him in jail and to set an example out of him. This is a flaw with the judges decision, not US law.
Because all you have to do is give them one sob story then they will go against all common sense and act on emotions resulting in mass bannings.
Plenty of nonces have taken the 2/3 years sentence for refusing to give over their keys though.
like who
If you can say that not incriminating yourself is "contempt of court" then clearly there's an issue in the legal wording that this is possible in the first place.
Either you're protected or you're not, and by allowing this to slide its just another dodge of the law, like "is hate speech really free speech?"
Bugerland doesnt have anything like the data protection act
>mfw mcdonalds can get your health information
he didn't plead the fifth from the start. he fucked up. that's what happens when you hire a cheap lawyer.
That would explain why he got contempt of court rather than being a free man
hes a pedo, but im pretty sure you cant force somebody to unlock the drives, i mean what if you forgot the pass? What then?
They are just assuming hes guilty and also assuming hes lying about forgeting your pass.
NSA getting in trouble for what they do keeps them focused on serous stuff.
If it's something "everyone has to just accept" then it's a whip that gets used often.
>the law only applies if you say it at the very start
What a fucked up system.
Europoors = slaves to government
Burgers = slaves to corporations
When did they "get in trouble" in any meaningful way?
Like people who get charged with it rather than show them everything and get a long sentence.
The amendment was written that it's your responsibility to plead the 5th to invoke the 5th amendment, that's how its been since it was made into law and the founding fathers were fine with it.
Are there any actual specific examples or did you make up that hypothetical scenario in your head?
>tfw i7 quantum edition
>tfw 500GB HDD
Plenty if you'd take the time to google it you fucking retard.
It doesn't mention if he invoked the 5th or not, that can make a huge difference
We don't have the 5th in Britain what are you talking about.
How can you even tell if there's plausible deniable encryption on something anyway?
Isn't them not being able to tell, the point?
I'm sorry, I thought for a minute the article was talking about US law. My mistake, but if he was in the US he could have pleaded the 5th.
Not the same person but frankly I'm finding it hard to believe that non disclosure of a key can be regarded as an invocation of your fifth amendment rights. You're not exactly admitting to anything. If you think about it in terms of a physical key to a physical container which may contain evidence you can be subpoenaed and forced to allow a search of that physical object. I'm not sure legally that data can really be treated differently.
When have they crossed a boundary that pissed the people off enough to pick up torches?
Were talking "We know what you like to fap to" VS "You are being arrested because you encrypted a private message"
I'd guess most reprimanding is internal when things have happened so far, and public spectacles are only when you get enough people angry.
The fifth amendment protects you from being forced to incriminate yourself and handing the key over is considered to be a form of self incrimination.
>tfw forgot my password
what now
>not much surveillance
>good internet access
>no one really gives a shit about torrenting
>no fetishes banned(except CP of course)
>encryption isn't illegal
>not giving up your passwords isn't either
I wouldn't say so.
the point is that you shouldn't even talk about keys or anything. plead the fifth immediately and only talk to your lawyer.
It boils down to "You have a right to remain silent" when pleading the 5'th.
By answering you are giving something up like telling them "where the bodies are" they have to prove there are bodies, then they can ask for them.
"Think of the children...."
what if the child consents tho
Exactly, everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you talk about the keys, it can be used as evidence of guilt against you.
10 years in the gulag
You stay in prison until you remember it. People already tried this.
Jail until you tell us where the bodies are.
If you kept your mouth shut, they wouldn't know you knew anything about bodies to begin with
they can't keep you indefinitely unless they have compelling evidence or can prove that you are lying.
Hard drive clicks are comfy
In the US, it's indefinite for contempt of court.
>they can't keep you indefinitely unless they have compelling evidence
Like Rawl?
They don't do that until after they press charges of a crime against you
That would put a judges career at risk.
read again
But what I'm saying is that you can't invoke the fifth amendment when it comes to handing over a physical object that allows the discovery of incriminating evidence, so since the key itself is not incriminating, but the data that it allows the discovery of, it could be assured that that information isn't protected. For what it's worth I think mandatory key disclosure should absolutely not be enforced, but I'm simply saying I don't think the fifth amendment pretects.
Well if they had guns, they could at least shoot the mudskins.
>goverment replacing the swedes with jihadists
Same in the UK though.
He had no lawyer at the start. Even a drunk on-probation from the Bar Association public defender would know the 5th...
A key like a password that you would have to tell someone can be protected by the 5th
That's false. There's a guy who is being held indefinitely because he hasn't been charged with a crime. I don't remember the guys name hopefully an user will back me up on this. He used freenet and his sister saw his cp.
Not only did it happen but he also lost the repeal.
the SCOTUS ruled that passwords are protected by the fifth
But not _Tell_ them where the bodies or murder weapon is.
Data;information, from you is protected, your home and personal property is not.
>his sister saw his cp.
I believe that is what would kill his 5th amendment plea
so he fucked up even harder. even lawyers hire someone else if they're in trouble.
But how? My point is I want to know what makes a piece of data that by itself is non-incriminating protected under the fifth amendment.
Was there any other evidence like browser/personal history other than "she said so"?
I think there was a case of a wife trying to frame a husband like this and she got caught.
If not, he should loose his job, It's up to the accuser to prove something and this sounds fishy as fuck.
I have yet to see that shit. They live in ghettos. Sad, but racism exist in Sweden
So what your saying is that all data/information I'm protected? Why even testify then?
Racism is good, dipshit.
By saying anything really, realistically, you never truly have to speak a word.
All info is protected under the fifth, not just any that would actually be incriminating.
>nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself
It can be very incriminating. You think they'll just limit themselves to just what they want to read? They'll go through all of it and any of what they can decrypt is up for grabs as evidence of guilt. He doesn't have to be like thad and have his CP organized in "/CP/definite CP/dont look/not CP/just kidding its CP" to be used against him