Quantum Shit

Stop shiting about firefox, download quantum nightly you faggot. Its like new browser you faggot. Don't be ignorant prick and just try it.

And dont shit about extensions, ublock and umatrix are working and they are sufficient for browsing. And other developers are working on other shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


>quantum nightly

I never stopped using Firefox.

literally botnet


Disable it if you don't like it.

(((Just try it!)))

Nah. Chrome loads faster. I'll take botnets over usability.

>closing your browser


How many buckets do you have to use to deal with all the memory leaks

>complaining about software analytics in a nightly build
you people are retarded. you're supposed to send information when using a nightly build. you're the ones testing it.
just stick with internet explorer.

Don't forget to remove the new Cliqz browser habit collection addon aswell:

1. I am not German.
2. This isn't a new installation.

>defending opt-out spying
>any year

The absolute state of Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen.

I think that downloading the nightly build of Firefox counts as opting in.

>they are sufficient for browsing
is this really the current state of mozilla payed shills? pathetic really...

Pretty sure I can go download the nightly build of just about any other piece of free software and not be spied on.

Wait, what's the new good browser? Everyone was using Nightly until last month, is it this Quantum?

Quantum is Mozilla (((marketing))) - it's still just plain old Firefox 57 with the only reason people used Firefox ripped out.

This is why you don't let SJWs into your company.

I don't care what kind of an approach other software is using.
You can't argue that you didn't opt-in by downloading Nightly.

Firefox Quantum is the meme brand name for Firefxo 56.
Firefox 57 is the version that everyone started raving about a month ago. 57 has a completely new UI and major performance improvements.

>fine print counts as consent, goyim

holy shit user why are you such a fucking faggot


SJWfox shills everywhere in this thread. You faggots know, and this faggot knows, that if Microsoft were doing this you'd all be lining up with pitchforks right now. Show some fucking principles for once in your lives.

>if Microsoft were doing this you'd all be lining up with pitchforks right now
If Microsoft were running extensive telemetry only in insider builds then nobody would care.

b-but muh George Soros!!!

They disclosed it to you at install / first boot time. That counts as consent, right?

>Microsoft were doing this you'd all be lining up with pitchforks right now
microsoft is doing this right now and that's why nobody on Sup Forums uses windows.

Yes, it does. But they are doing it in release builds and disabling it isn't as easy as unchecking a single checkbox.
That's why people don't like it.

Beta/Nightly has telemetry that is not nearly as invasive as in Windows and it can be easily disabled.

>Tfw really like the Firefox Nightly design
>But Chrome is 100x times better

I for one am happy that a great company like Mozilla is leading the fight against fake news. Very important in times like these, when democracy is under threat. #notmypresident

Tab tree is an absolute necessity. I will stay on a version of Firefox that supports the extension until I get around to writing my own.

I want all of the normie retards at Mozilla to fucking leave already. When will this suffering end?

>chrome is 100x times better
nope, you could say that before mozilla released ver 57


>nobody on Sup Forums uses windows.
Dat hyperbole doe.

>if Microsoft were doing this



Fuck off

>still largely slower than chrome
>the only addons that work are the ones that work on chrome
really makes me want to use a slower alternative
>inb4 privacy
c l i q z

anyway to get the Windows 7 titlebar theme back into Quantum?

Does it actually use quantum computing ?

>the only addons that work are the ones that work on chrome
Since when can chrome addons edit localStorage or create sidebars?
Is chrome going to implement apis that allow extensions to hide the tab strip, to hide individual tabs for creating tab groups extensions, to process keyboard input before the browser and to simulate browser ui actions?

>that if Microsoft were doing this
They are
>you'd all be lining up with pitchforks right now
Windows isn't exactly popular here, specifically because of its telemetry
>Show some fucking principles for once in your lives.
Maybe you need to lurk moar.

>still largely slower than chrome
noope, since ver 57

It uses three quantum computings

>Firefox Nightly
>Firefox Alpha
>Firefox Beta
>Blue Firefox
>Firefox Monkey
>Firefox Developer
>Firefox Rocket
>Firefox Focus
>Firefox Furry
>Firefox Autism
>Firefox Quantum

Learn to read or GTFO Normie.

wtf is this shit?
And how I get 57? Mine is 56 64bit and it says it is up to date.

The only benchmark where it performs at equal levels or even better than Chrome is of course Mozilla's own. Run other benchmarks like Octane or Jetstream or something else and Chrome takes the crown pretty much every single time it's tested.

Is Quantum faster than 'regular' Firefox? Yes, it actually is. Is it faster than Chrome? Not quite yet but maybe at some point it might edge (pun intended) out Chrome more often than it doesn't.


its still beta, we will wait little more
download nightly for 58 or beta version for 56-57 something like that

>Run other benchmarks like Octane or Jetstream or something else and Chrome takes the crown pretty much every single time it's tested.
Out of all the benchmarks you managed to pick the ones that Firefox actually has a fair lead on.

I said run benchmarks, not go to some website that ran benchmarks and post the results that website got.

Even when I've tested in a similar style to how Phoronix did their testing with the same builds of the browsers Chrome came out on top 9 out of 10 times.

Maybe your Firefox binary has worse optimizations.

If I downloaded Windows 10 For Testers Beta Version with opt-out telemetry, I wouldn't complain a single time
But Windows 10 has its main branch filled with non-disablable spyware built in
user please don't tell me you don't see the difference

There's nothing wrong with this on an ALPHA product you Mongoloid. In fact it would be retarded if they didn't have telemetry by default.

>sjwfox on damage control

thanks for the (you), cuck

I think you might be lost, pal.

>can change the size of the address bar if you use an address bar and a search bar
>can't change the size if you keep it as one bar
Dammit, mozilla

I use Firefox nightly exclusively for porn.
Get on my level.

How do you guys care about browser speed? Everything loads instantly or the network is the bottleneck. How is it not 100% about UI, features, extensions?

They fell for memes like "snappiness." It's not notably any faster for me.

>that damage control

Firefox: Antifa edition

Firefox is fully cucked, catering to numales and betas now

i like firefox its a nice browser

> use firefox nightly
> fast
> comfy
> go to GitHub
> browser crashes
> OK, that can happen
> go to GitHub again
> another crash

See you in couple of years Firefox.

Looks great, thanks for shilling OP

Even if I wanted to use it, there's still no up to date port for FreeBSD.

I really want to use Nighly, but there's too many bugs that completely break the browser. Not too long ago I tried it and loved it until one update killed it. Nightly would open but I couldn't interact with the browser at all.

>download quantum nightly you faggot
i have enough problems with "stable" releases as is.

why the fuck would I download literal betaware

Dont forget the Frigate for all us opressed by government.
FAGGOTS devs said that they will never ever port it to 57+ version because "we don't see firefox in the future" but "well we can't monetize on firefox also"

Are there any about:config tweaks to increase the performance of Firefox Quantum?
It's not bad but it still sucks compared to Chrome desu.

This is like the browser equivalent of painting flames on your car thinking it will go faster.

>Chrome shills are this desperate

Is Firefox Nightly fast / better than Firefox 57?
Please respond.

Backspace doesn't go back in Quantum

this is just for germans, if you cared about internet freedom you wouldn't even be living in germany

download firefox

>it's opt-out goyim, don't complain!
>firefox removes the ability to opt-out

Like clockwork.

chrome is cool tho right?

Too unstable

Theres only one addon holding me back from switching to 57, which is two pane bookmark. If that gets ported, I'll be switching immediately.

THANK FUCK Mozilla never got rid of the side bar. It blows my mind that Chrome doesn't have a side bar, plus Chrome is ABSOLUTE SHIT when it comes to opening tabs in the same browser.

Firefox still reigns KING when it comes to a sidebar and tab opening.

>b-b-b-but muh muh extensions goy


dude, you aint helping posting your tinfoil hat addon suite.

yes it does.

>Still no updated version of Download Statusbar
Literally the only thing stopping me from updating to Quantum, It's such a simple addon, why hasn't anyone forked it yet?

Just installed, didn't like the new bookmarks.
1. I really liked the drop down menu style. I know I can open a panel to see all my organized folders but it's not the same thing.
2. The default drop down menu only shows the recently added bookmarks and for me that's basically porn links to revisit later.
Anything I can do about it or should I live with it?

Firefox Nighlty
Firefox Beta = Firefox Devleoper edition - devtools

if version >56 then quantum

> dl latest firefox
> enable all telemetry and snooping
> browse stileproject
> watch the most vile shit i can find

how long do you think they'll watch?

>> watch the most vile shit i can find
submit bug reports for those sites to qsurvey.mozilla.com/s3/FirefoxInput/

Ignore me, I'm dumb, I just found out the buttons to customize.

Shill on.

this has been true for over a year now, on most browsers. Keep up grandpa.

>You can't argue that you didn't opt-in by downloading Nightly.
Okay, in that case:
>does not have unstable release without opt-in
No thanks.

*Automated* feedback is not the same as *manual* feedback.


You'd have to be a special kind of retarded to support a company that backs commies

actually it does lol one more reason to like it

>And dont shit about extensions, ublock and umatrix are working and they are sufficient for browsing. And other developers are working on other shit.
Are you paid to do this shit?

So I just switched to Firefox from Chrome because Firefox works at 144hz while Chrome was stuck at 60hz.

But the fonts look absolutely horrendous in Firefox, it's literally hurting my eyes.
I tried turning on ClearType (and I already had MacType anyway) and I can't get Firefox fonts to not look like cancer.
Can anyone please help me?

>Quantum nightly
dev is superior