What is Assange telling us ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Activate it.
"Jews did 9/11."
First part seems to be all ASCII, second part looks like binary.
>4767 5774 6a7a 4d6c 6330 666b 314a 3453 0000 0907 84b4 f787 7616 86f7 a737 5707 5736
GgWtjzMlc0fk1J4S ´÷v÷§7WW6
"i am gay"
Assange is dead, user
This is just the CIA messing around
insurance file decryption key
I know nothing about this.
Someone try it.
I am still butthurt that they never actually pulled the trigger. I suspect it was a bluff the whole time.
Note the 0x0000 byte, this is a \0 character, end of a string.
i already did, thanks to assange now i feel like i need to 3pass that drive just to be sure the files are gone.
䝧 坴 橺 䵬 挰 晫 ㅊ 㑓
इ 蒴 瘗 蛷 ꜷ 圇
it's the answers to tomorrow morning's NYT sodoku puzzle proving assange has operatives inside the MSM and is about to assblast them
>䝧 坴 橺 䵬 挰 晫 ㅊ 㑓
> Amine
Assange confirmed for amine weeb.
Nothing he's just trying to stay relevant
that's he's a russian double agent trump racist supporter
d i g i t s c o n f i r m
that hes dead
Why are you on Sup Forums?
Did it work?
>the purpur dlagon awaykins
Probably some sort of password for some files he's going to release or leverage against a country of somekind
The sad part is people actually think like this
Dude it's clearly the password to his porn collection
>assange is trying to stay relevant
How fucking retarded are you?
Destiny 2 steam keys
Has he even been in the public lately? I remember people wondering if he was even alive.
you are retarded
md5(something) + 0000 + md5(something')
He's engaged full paranoia modo since Laura Poitras betrayed him and Wikileaks.
Nice one.
>Laura Poitras betrayed him
greentext this for me. I thought she cared about privacy ffs
He's in full paranoia mode because he is isolated from most human contact, constantly inside the building and receives very sunlight. Not only that, but the British police keep trying to spy on him.
MD5 is preimage resistant so it would actually be safe for this purpose.
Basically she had a written agreement with Wikileaks to not edit the movie in the US, where the raw footage could have been seized and, as a result, compromised Wikileaks' security. She did it anyway.
It used to be quite easy to schedule appointments with the embassy.
>that randomly added "racist" in there
That academy award was all it took. What a bish.
KGB yes.
The thread that shows it
What's the file?
He's talking about insurance.aes, which Wikileaks released years ago. It was right around the time Assange first holed up in the embassy.
They claimed that the file was a pack of documents that contained very incriminating info about numerous politicians and important bankers etc. They said they would release the password if anything happened to Assange.
That doesn't seem to be what this is, though.
>Works for the KGB
>Leaks shit on Russia's spy apparatus just like he did the CIA
One of these thing's makes no fucking sense.
Could it be a hash of something he's releasing in the future, acting as a timestamp and proof that he had access to it then and there, without having to share the actual file/information?
What is it?
he's probably just bored. he's been locked up for 5 years shitpositng
There are multiple different insurance files. They didn't just release one.
This isn't a key for any of them.
Probably a hash.
It's his coded grocery list to his maid.
Looks like a 256bit hash separated by two null bytes in the middle... maybe two 128bits hash...
lmao porn, epic
He's just trying to promote his mixtape.
its a phone number
Follow the walking dinosaur.
Saying racist was redundant because as a trump supporter we already knew that.
>Sup Forums
no thanks, I don't want to lose any brain cells
>Implying you aren't losing braincells staying here on Sup Forums 2.0
This is less than any of us.
>he only browses the shill threads
>I tried to ask Sup Forums but they're fucking retarded and don't know anything about cryptography
Aren't we supposed to be better?
>He doesn't notice the constant OS wars
>He doesn't know anything about the blatantly off-topic threads that are made on a daily basis now
>He doesn't know about the constant pointless generals on this board
>He doesn't know about the increase in video game related posts
>He doesn't notice the "Is this a good pc build" posts
>He doesn't notice the /leftypol/ and Sup Forums invasion alongside that of Sup Forums
The generals involving programming, embedded systems and the new weekly programming challenge are a breath of fresh air, but you can't deny that Sup Forums is a shithole in an objective sense
>The generals involving programming, embedded systems and the new weekly programming challenge are a breath of fresh air
What the fuck are you talking about? The /dpt/ is fucking trash compared to how it was years ago and the embedded systems threads are usually dead. I haven't seen a weekly challenge lately but it's probably trash as well.
Assange wouldn't post any encrypted info that anyone could decrypt. He's not a "haxor" that makes his audience Jack off to decrypting simple things
It's almost certainly a key only a few individuals can do anything with.
So good luck.
10/hash would buy #rip in peace,
Is not worthy give freedom to people that doesn't appreciate, he lost his freedom and we joke on /g about it
> I know, I will throw out as many buzzwords as possible until someone takes me seriously xD
kys millennial lefties...
>trying to decrypt hash digests
The ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me.
Yeah, but /dpt/ is shit, but at least they are more on topic than 95% of the board at any given time.
It's possible
good shit user whats that tool youre using?
I really hope you're joking.
probably more russian meddling, mueller subpeona'd twitter and facebook for russian meddling accounts so drumpf will be impeached soon. the direct line between Putin -> Internet trolls -> Trump is quickly being established
nope just started using gnu/linux a week and a half ago
That he's a fame whore snitch rapist loser.
It's okay, impeachment soon
Assange is dead.
The last interview was doctored and forged with CGI, nobody seen, heard, or confirned he's alive since then.
Not even a picture with a fresh newspaper.
YO its the Hill-Dog
Fuck off faggot. He read a Bitcoin Block has back in January which means probably no more than ten minutes latency with that feed.
Good to hear that.
I'm glad to be wrong on that.