/pop/ - Planned Obsolescence Prevention Day 2

Planned obsolescence is a cancer killing every product you own. The feeling of replacing everything you own every couple of years, only for the next product to begin degrading a couple of years later.

Is your device exhibiting any of the following symptoms?
>decreasing battery life
>sluggish performance after updates
>less stable system
>rapid degradation of electrical components
>more frequent data corruption

What are some ways of decreasing the effects?
>disabling automatic updating and only updating your device for the first year
>never update after a new product has been released
>make sure to keep replaceable parts of your device in their best performing condition and replace when necessary
>clean and take care of existing components
>use resource-light and non-proprietary software

This thread is dedicated to coming up with ways of making your tech last as long as possible, repairing what you already have, and discussing other methods of keeping what you own in pristine working order.

Resource pastebin is coming.

As a consumer living in a free market, you are just as justified to attempt to make your products last as long as possible as companies are justified to implement planned obsolescence to generate profits.
They do what they need to do in order to stay afloat and you must do what you need to do in order to keep that system in balance and optimized for yourself.
Learn how to squeeze out every last bit of use from your products.

lmao what are you, poor?
I bet you still walk around with your brickpad and draw attention to yourself with a buzzing broken fan

A rich man spends his time thinking of ways to generate more money and save what he already has.
You are projecting your lack of care for money as a sign that you're "rich". In reality you purchase your technology on a twenty year lease and walk around with them like they're the status symbol that you have deluded yourself to believe they are.
Do I sense hypocrisy?

>>disabling automatic updating and only updating your device for the first year
great advice. Instead of doing something productive like exercising your opinion through purchasing power you advise that that we should be sitting around with sec vulnerabilities to prove a point

>buy samsung low or mid tier phone
>no updates
>sec vulnerabilities
Play store is full of botnet garbage, so why bother to exploit some retarded flaws? The user will deliver the data.

Depending on how old your device is some exploits aren't even designed to target those systems due to their lack of use.
For example a device that has a microscopic current share in mobile phones for example would be less likely to be subjected to exploits as less would be designed to target them.
Much like at one time Apple devices were less prone to viruses due to hackers being uninterested in targeting them due to a lack of potential gain from targeting them.
>tldr : flying under the radar also works

Also, on behalf of the whole "proving a point" argument. We aren't trying to prove a point here because that would simply be a waste of time and effort. Nobody would listen to a bunch of disgruntled autists. This is simply about having it just werk

>Play store is full of botnet garbage, so why bother to exploit some retarded flaws?
implying anyone sane is going to be loading up their phone with poo or chink garbage

also, why would you get a low or mid end phone that is more prone to planned obsolescence since it lacks both official support and development communities that care about its post release existence?

Because the so called high end phones are overpriced shit and you can get a nice spider net app on the screen anytime.

Its not about being rich or poor, its about fighting immoral business practices. If i pay for a device, i shouldn't be forced to update just because the CEO of the company wants more money

This is not capitalism, this is downright being a scumbag

iFag here
not moving from iOS10 for this reason
iOS11 is a trap to sell new phones, and is absolute garbage comparatively

desu wish that I hadn't left iOS9

I used to always update like a tard but then after having been bricked by updates once, I noticed updates that destroy the phone come out exactly ONE MONTH before the NEW iphone comes out.

My 2nd gen iPad is borderline unusable now because of the updates. It might or might not be intentional, just might be newer and heavier software on older hardware, but this shit isn't acceptable

can you not downgrade? Their """""""""""updates"""""""""""" are fucking ridiculous.
It's like they're either incompetent or unwilling to make more than one version of their OS work properly on their mobile hardware

You can't downgrade.
iShlomo devices banned downgrading with IOS 9.
You can no longer downgrade to a saved image without providing SHSH blobs and going through an incredibly complex process.
Before it used to be just getting a skid tool and just plugging your phone in to jailbreak and downgrade.
Now it's fucking borderline impossible.

haha, I wonder if it's even the same policy for enterprise deployments.
I don't know how fine grained you can tune iOShit to enterprise management but this could be a huge mess if some genius upgrades and is breaking functionality


No, but seriously. You will never get updates if you don't take them yourself. It's either planned obsolescence, or you control your device in 100%. I have LG G3 and feel like it could last me for 5 next years with updates without struggling about RAM.

fuck off

bumping for potential

Whats the chance for ios 10.3.3. Jailbreak release for ipad? As i gather, its never ever

Bump. I love these threads

The battery life thing is most likely due to overcharging and li ion batteries degrade overtime anyways

What kind of model do you have?
Unless it's one of the iPads made after 2015, then highly unlikely due to their 0.01% market share for the older devices.

Thinking of buying an S8/S8+ in 6 months - a year, but this planned obsolescence bullshit is maddening. I used to have a really nice S4 mini but the fucking updates slowed it to a goddamn crawl and it was even worse with the Galaxy Grand Prime. Now I'm stuck with some shitty iPhone 4 that I got for free with iOs 7.1.something and I wanna splurge. Is it a good idea to buy the S8, update it regularly to avoid sec issues and then when it's nearly bricked switch to Lineageos ?

>decreasing battery life
Tbh it's a well known fact that batteries get worse as they age, I wouldn't say it's planned obsolescence, unless you see a huge decrease in battery life. You can fight it though, you can usually have the battery replaced by professionals for like $40 instead of buying a new device for ten times the price that isn't considerably better.

>disabling automatic updating and only updating your device for the first year
>never update after a new product has been released
I don't think that applies to android phones desu. My dad uses my old Z1, and it didn't become sluggish or anything, even though the software is the newest one available (which isn't that new though). The problem with android devices is that they don't get software updates for that long, while the problem with apple devices is that they are supported for a longer period of time, but apple tends to eventually release an update that cripples old iOS devices, at least based on what I've heard.

>exercising your opinion through purchasing power
The selling points of android and iOS devices are meme features, none of them advertise long term support. The only phone I can think of that does that is that Purism one, but that's not out yet.

at least on iOS you're guarranteed 5 years of timely updates on android you get 1-2 at best depending on the manufacturer, unless you buy a pixel (rip nexus) you also have to wait a year for the newest version of android to be able to run on your phone and even then you have to wait a couple of months because your carrier needs to add bloat to it before they can push the update out to you.

but if you mention that in here you're an applecuck...

> but apple tends to eventually release an update that cripples old iOS devices, at least based on what I've heard.

citation needed

Joke's on you. My T60 has been obsolete for years.

I get that, but that's not really relevant in this context, because people generally don't choose apple over android because of the longer support.

Just call this /mactoddler general/ and be done with it.

Air 1st gen. Am I fucked?

They won't support something that old due to it being considered "obsolete" by apple support standards.

This should be a general, seriously

Pay no attention to the buyshill, he gets his rupees trying to make people feel worth less because they don't spend spend spend.

Manufacturers will abuse anything they can to get more profits. Vote with your wallet or stop complaining

>pc > laptop > tablet > phone
>linux distro > mac > windows
I will probably use my x220 with opensuse for a long time. When my Galaxy S5 is getting slow I will put a custom rom on it. Both batteries are replaceable.
My PC is getting upgrades when it is worth it and I am fine for a while now.

This isn't a complaint thread though..?
It's about discussing electronics repair and other fixes to make your products last as long as possible.

I have many devices, and longevity is always a concern when buying something, so I'd say this thread has potential, if others think the same way.

I own several desktops and laptops, three of which run Ivy Bridge i7's, others run core 2, Atom, and one with an AMD A8. Also own a Nexus 7 1st gen, an iPod classic 6th, a Nano 6th, a PSP 3001, and a Samsung Galaxy Player. Every one of them is "obsolete" but they still reliably serve their purpose for me. Also I -still- have them because they've lasted this long(aside from a battery replacement here and there)

Planned Obsolescence is a truly shitty practice and if normie consumers weren't so blind and stupid there would be a lot of companies out of business today for pulling that shit.

I would say, picking the right device has the most impact. It really is that simple, support what you care about and don't accept more and more restricted devices.

In the end it is all about what sells. Which leads to the problem that normies are the majority. Discussion helps to educate them.

After all, casuals pay 400+ whatever bucks every few years to send text, images etc.


Yeah but jailbreaking shouldnt care about that isnt that the whole purpose of it?

same, would install the beta and rave about how it was teh second coming of steve jobs
iOS11 GMBeta made my 6 unusable, downgraded and ignoring any updates for a while

of course it would kill the 6, they dont sell it anymore, they want you buying a 6s, SE, 7, or 8

They actually blocked jailbreaking which kills your ability to jailbreak.

Well fuck. Then ill stay on 10.3.3 till this shitposting machine dies. Anyway its perfect for media consumption as it is, so its not like im missing out.

>Is your device exhibiting any of the following symptoms?
>decreasing battery life
Batteries degrade over time. Learn first-year chemistry to understand why.
>sluggish performance after updates
Have you objectively quantified this performance decrease after an update and concluded it is the cause of performance decrease?
>less stable system
>rapid degradation of electrical components
What? Are you opening up your laptop every day to check the quality of electrical contacts?
>more frequent data corruption
Again. You actually need to test this stuff.

What are some ways of decreasing the effects?
>disabling automatic updating and only updating your device for the first year
Fuck off
>never update after a new product has been released
Fuck off
>make sure to keep replaceable parts of your device in their best performing condition and replace when necessary
May as well have said - "Don't drop the thing and if you do and it breaks then buy a new one". Great advice!
>clean and take care of existing components
This is preventing "planned obselence"? Is Big 'Puter putting dust in my home now to clog up my fans?
>use resource-light and non-proprietary software
wow. Decent advice.

Congratulations, you fucking retard.

I have to add, I have experienced shittier performance on ios products twice already. Once when I updated my iPhone 4 to ios 7 or 8 I cant recall which one, internet from decent to shit. And my iPad Air got noticeably laggier since uodateing as well. Also myLumia 640 is getting really laggy these days altough the hw is the same, so it must be theconstant windows updates, right?

*it went, not internet, auto correct fucked it up for me sorry

where possible, i try to get things that have strong foss support
for example, my phone is 4 years old, but still gets weekly lineageos updates, and it still runs great with android 7.1.2 and the latest security patches
and my router runs gargoyle (openwrt distro), and is still being updated, and is 6 years old

>implying there is a free market