
What is Sup Forums opinion on Unity?

it's dead

It doesn't look like a real os

thank g*d

Liked the universal menu bar.
That's literally the one thing it got right.
I mean, I'm still triggered to this day by the 1px white border on the dock.

gnome is even worse

not that bad. honestly I don't give a shit about DEs. I still have the stock wallpaper even.

Overall, it's good. Easy to use, has hot corners and desktop switching. I like how the window controls integrate with the top bar at full screen.

The default theme is comfy, but after a bit of ricing it starts to look very good. Install Paper icons/cursor and Flat-Plat.

Did they name it Unity before the game engine?

I like it. It's visually pleasing, and "just werks". IMO, it's the Windows 7 of Ubuntu desktop environments. Obviously it wasn't without it's faults, and I'm perfectly fine with a heavily modified Gnome replacing it. However, it's still sad to see it go.

I don't particularly like it, but it's usable and doesn't get in the way for the work I do. It's weird with multiple monitors on my work system though, there's some odd kind of stutter every few seconds, no matter if it's video playback, or just regular UI animations or anything else.

I liked it as it was usable I consider the decision on part of canonical to dump it's development to be retarded.

The fact that you can't customize it (without third party hacks) kills it for me. Good thing they're getting rid of it tbqh.

They're replacing it with Gnome that's modified to not work with any extensions.

Good thing Gnome is a heap of shit so I won't ever feel inclined to use it, then.


I quite like it (except for the search), rather upset they're discontinuing it. Using Budgie now since it seems to be the next best thing.

t. Kevin

>begins to like Unity

why does Canonical do this?

>something new appears
>Sup Forums hate it

>that thing dies
>Sup Forums loves it

stop being hipsters, Sup Forums

More like
>Act like I like it and shitpost on Sup Forums

I liked it well enough, biggest problem was it only was really on Ubuntu. Maybe if Canonical can turn the shitty gnome3 into a workable Unity then cool.

>oh wow, this looks cool
>*bookmark for later use*
>watch video
>windows 8 slider thing
>remove from bookmarks

Unity 8 looked really good
Fucking Canonical

Its a shit.
More resource hungry than kde.
And still KDE is a better DE with better functionality and modification possibilities.

I dont wonder why canonical hates mint, its because mint's cinnamon is actually noble king DE while their unity is shit. And canonical is mad.

it's comfy

>he fell for the Sup Forums is one person meme

Unity 8 was forked into Yunit

That is the only comfy DE

>ugly pos
>claims to be open sors
>can't get rid of that ugly dock
otherwise it's fine.

i really liked it. since they've killed it i had to switch back to windowmaker.

It's what Gnome 3 should have been.

Literally the only problem with unity in the end of its life was the amazon spyware that was disabled by default. Unity looked and felt infinitely better than that gnome fucking garbage.

Personally I never liked it but Terry uses it so it can't be that bad.

Probably because it isn't an OS

>That's literally the one thing it got right.
>wasting space is a good thing

Shit but I use GNOME 3 so what the fuck is my opinion worth


they act like a collective army of neckbeards.

The cancer that made ubuntu go shit
GNOME2 before was perfect simplicity and 0 non-standard shit that unity was

>he fell for the hive mind meme

and you act like one, user ;)

>he fell for the bait meme

Like it but will miss it. I'm not going to switch until the next LTS version of Ubuntu is released because I use the AMDGPU-PRO drivers. If I don't, xorg/wayland feels and looks horrible.

Looks a lot better than GNOME 3, in my opinion. In fact, if you just give it a chance, and I'm almost afraid to say this, but it actually feels kinda... comfy.