At least he admits it.
At least he admits it
Other urls found in this thread:
What a cute collage user
Its a screenshot from his latest video.
Linus' wifes son comes in bossing every around
It's gonna be funny when she leaves him and takes half his shit and he's gonna have to shut down that YT channel.
where's the latest video? The youtube channel doesn't have anything besides the lg tv
This, getting married is the ultimate cuckolding
No he'll just have to go back to filming in a random office room with a borrowed camcorder.
TL;DR Linus' wife acted like a bitch, people pointed it out, and Linus made up a project for her to do so his viewers (virgin gamers) would stop calling her a bitch while secretly wishing they also had an asian wife
so it looks he has swallowed the yellow pill. Truly the patrician choice
>asian wife
it took me like 15 minutes to figure out what linus this was about and all i can say is shill thread, who fucking cares
It literally says linustechtips in the OP you fucking retarded autist
>it took me like 15 minutes to figure out what linus this was about
>15 minutes
I hope to god you're stoned and not this impossibly fucking retarded.
>asian wife
Who the fuck would want that ladyboy looking gook? Way to ruin your kids future with those horrible genes.
Why doesn't he just fug max?
>wanting an asian wife
>especially an asian AMERICAN wife
You basically become an appendage to them like a child, without any of the benefits. It's literally sick and horrifying once you wake up and realize she's a nasty devil no matter how much make up she puts on or how cute she acts when putting on the airs. I'd rate them worse than white girls because they actually flaunt their femininity and neoteny to get men to do what they want like serpents. Betas get into relationships with them and get trapped without even realizing, it's pretty terrible. Knew more than a few guys who just vanished off the face of the Earth, figuratively, after getting married because their wives controlled them like puppets.
t. asian
White and Asian women are both complete bitches that get eveything served for them for free.
Hispanic women are the best and most sane in my opinion. They have traditional family values and don't assume that everything in life is served for them.
t: a white guy who's dating hispanic girl
Because he is a cuck and loves to be dominated, and im not joking.
>I hope to god
Looks like you're the retard here, christfag.
t. a race traitor too lazy to find a decent white girl
>being THIS autistic and taking things that literally
Holy shit you fucking aspie, its an expression.
Sup Forums in charge of talking shit about having wifes and careers in youtube/ their own tech related business
>you have to be a chef to know that a plate of food tastes like shit
>food analogy
>more like
>you need to have one wife to know that all wifes are shit
sounds like you re a nice guy mate
Jesus Christ. I'm not exactly the most religious person ever or at all really, but even I understood what he meant. It's a fucking expression, you autistic retard.
>It's gonna be funny when she leaves him and takes half his shit and he's gonna have to shut down that YT channel.
She'll probably be happy with half of the income from his yt channel desu
This thread is way less funny now that I realize it's not about Torvalds.
Typical Canuck