The next big thing
The next big thing
That Japanese produce
Big if true. . .
do they expect me walk around stores puncturing all their tomatoes?
That "next big thing" measures resistance at best. Probably just lies most of the time.
>tfw you can't pay for the pro edition, with 30% more chemicals tested.
As long as it tells the consumer what it wants this is no problem.
oh it's true sweetheart
uh oh
On first glance I thought the first pic was a watermelon and the second a ham. I can't wait for people to get mad food poisoning from cross contaminating everything with these things.
Haha it will fucking happen and people will try and sue them. Can't wait.
gotta keep those "toxins" outtta my food
What does this measure?
Does it compare natural DNA to the one on the fruit to detect GMOs?
Does it detect the levels of pesticide contamination on the fruit?
Why are they stabbing fruits and vegetables.. vitamin C naturally inhibits the conversion to nitrosamines. Stab your meat instead (if you're enough of a pleb to still be eating animal products in 2017).
>Stab your meat instead
His eyebrows made me think of nike
It probably does nothing because it's just a prototype for getting that juicy vc money.
I wonder what it would say if you shoved one up a butthole.
Gorrillas get huge of eating just fruits, and plants, because they can digest more protein from them then us humans.
Leave him alone, although he may not eat meat that does now mean he's not a meat head ok?
Oh yeah cant wait to waste even more food and see poked shit in store
> produce in shopping centers being riddled with holes
> salmonella infused bananas because some faggot stabbed a chicken on their way to the fruit section
What could possibly go wrong..
you can't do anything about it... and i love that
I can avoid produce that looks like swiss cheese you dense cunt..
>eating anything but distilled water and soylent
enjoy harmful substances.lel
>using it on things you don't own
So what is your plan you fucking bright spark? Take it home, punch a hole in it then try and return it?
> absolutestateofg.bat
>generations of humans have eaten what ever random shit their local supermarket has stocked without getting ill
>suddenly testing your food before eating it is a useful thing to do
|> -crikey!
that's the problem, isn't it? this product is useless
just bring the tester to your local produce market. shit bricks