Sup Forumsuys, what are you running on your home server?

Sup Forumsuys, what are you running on your home server?

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Are those... Xboxes?

where the FUCK can I buy a server rack like that for less than 200 bucks?


I have one and its just sitting in my warehouse i can't even give the fucking thing away.

>some normalfag puts Xboxes in a server rack and pretends he has a "server"


Well, I have a small desktop computer with 7TB of storage that acts as my NAS that I send backups of my OS and all of my rare frogs to. It has backups of all of my operating systems going back to the late 90s. Then I have a Raspberry Pi running OpenBSD with a 160GB HDD attached by a $5 SATA to USB adapter that I use as a ghetto mail server.

>only 7TB

Holy fuck, it's an Xbox One Beowulf Cluster

What a fucking waste of money

>>only 7TB
I'll add more as I need it. An old PC in my basement isn't meant to be a full data center.

>he doesnt have data center infrastructure management software at home
>his servers dont draw over 1kW while basically idle

>Babies first server

I made that shit when I was 13

you cant cluster xbox ones, they are still locked down.

For what purpose?

>doesn't know the different between babies and baby's
Fucking baby brainlet.

>For what purpose?
~90 VMs.

Just ignore this guy, hes a retard that runs a shit coble together rig that has proprietary dependencies out the ass.

> VMs

Still living in 2011 I see.

Like 1/4rd of those VMs are Linux (VMware Photon)

What are you doing with all those VMs, user?

Excuse you, all of my machines are running Coreboot or Libreboot with the exception of a couple ARM devices.


>What are you doing with all those VMs, user?
Look at the VM names, it explains what they're for.

one fourd of those VMs?

Yes just like how each host has quad 10GbE

So you're using them to do God's work?

yes, although i'm still trying to figure it out and the mouse is completely broken in the flash and html5 web consoles on ESXi.

my home server is my mom's old HP laptop with probably the shittiest AMD cpu ever created
fite me

Stupid nigger. You are the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger I have ever seen. I should have ran you over in 1999.

Way to prove in one sentence how little you actually know about administering servers.

ikea coffee table rack

I use mine for running virtual machines for a variety of purposes (IT/Linux/Networking tutoring, development environment, testing out new distros, dhcp, dns, torrenting, etc). I do all my porn browsing and other questionable internet stuff in one so I don't taint my linux machine. It's not very powerful but its been working for what I've needed. Waiting for the price on hard drives to drop a bit more so I can replace all the drives in it. I've got 10 1.5TB Samsung Spinpoints in there right now from pre-thailand flood that I got for 65 a piece.

a quardird?

Can you play games on a server if you put a gpu in it?

> lets launch an entire operating system on top of virtualized hardware stack just to do random shit like a DDNS update script. Let it eat resources and eat CPU time.

Also that naming...

Assuming it's x86-based, yes.


>Let it eat resources and eat CPU time.
Nigger I have more spare CPU, RAM and SSD capacity than you have in your entire shitbox

What fps do you get? 1000?

Actually low because a 980 is underpowered for 4k

That does not account for virtualization overhead and latency. Just stop dude you may have all the hardware but you are not being smart. Just think how retarded is the fact that you are running multiple instances of redundant systems on the same node.

If the vast majority of your virtual machines are containerizable, you're not doing anything worthwhile with your hardware. Containers are great dude, and they're great when they work, but they're not ready to replace VMs yet.

Recently bought a server rack, picture related. Not to big. Server will sit in the bottom its at about 38TB. Patch panel. modem, router, security DVR.

Will sit under a desk in the study/nook/room I'm building in new house which should be complete in a few weeks. Happy to have finally been able to wire house from scratch on a new build. Only thing I was worried about was saturating the incoming line from the fibre connection point as it can't be in this room. I've run 2 Cat6's to where the fibre box will be in the garage. Having 1Gbps in Australia is unheard of so want to make sure make the most of it.

>That does not account for virtualization overhead and latency.
Nigger please, overhead is accounted for, and ESXi has latency sensitivity settings and the ability to reserve CPU cycles, setting core affinity, and reserve RAM. Pic related

>you are not being smart.
That projection from someone who has zero experience with the relevant software. Nigger please, go take a pic of your home setup so we can all laugh at it.

>Just think how retarded is the fact that you are running multiple instances of redundant systems on the same node.
One that makes sense as it prevents outages when VMs reboot for updates. Second, there are 2 nodes you retard.

Anyways stay jelly that this setup cost more than your car if you have one.

freenas - plex, owncloud, sickrage, transmission, UPS monitor
pfsense - squid+squidguard, snort, pfblockerng
dd-wrt - wi-fi ap (currently disabled cuz KRACK)
windows7 - OpenHAB stuff

Buzzwords. Those systems are already redundant there is no sense to have them running on the same hardware.

You clearly don't know how virtualization works. I rest my case. Enjoy your stove.

It's not unheard of if you live in the newer suburbs

>Those systems are already redundant there is no sense to have them running on the same hardware.
They're not you retard in all the pics you can clearly see 2 hosts in vCenter - and

kodi (I'm using my HTPC as my server till I get a new PSU for my server)
Been meaning to set up NFS, I've just been using sshfs

Seedbox, IRC bouncer, file storage with Samba, and a pihole. It's a Thinkcentre m93p SFF, quiet as a mouse, cool, and low power consumption!

>winbabby using powershell to try to look cool with the Linux Bros

That rack isnt nearly deep enough for most equipment. All my SuperMicro gear requires at least a 800mm deep rack and even then at the places i've worked, they've generally always used at least 1200mm and i've seen equipment like HP CloudLines which doesnt even fit in them.

Storage spaces direct is administered solely through powershell you retard, and if you bothered to read the thread 1/4th of the VMs are VMware Photon Linux

Host those vms in a headless virtual box install on centos and I'll be impressed, otherwise fuck off babby

> Hey guys look at all this Next->Next->Finish virtualization stack and how good I am at managing enterprise systems.

if it works whats wrong with it
t. other

>i'm too retarded to know the difference between type 1 and type 2 hypervisors

>i'm too retarded to know what powercli or esxcli is

Depending on where you are they're valuable or completely worthless. People damn near fight over them in Denver.


1Gbps? I've had 100Mbps for awhile but 1000?

It's a home rack, the deepest equipment would be the router and security DVR, and maybe the server sitting at the bottom. Not sure what to do when run out of drive space but nearly at maximum capacity now in it physically. Wish I had the room for a full size cabinet.

>i'm too retarded to know what powercli or esxcli is

Yeah your vsphere screenshots show a lot how good you are with cmdlets.

Have you had to work in an environment that actually uses VMs? Virtual appliances have random ass issues all the fucking time, they're shit.


Must be some serious rich kid set up. Either has friends over all the time or has brothers

10Gigs day ISP limit, not even wroth running a server.

So that you're not a normal.


>muh containers
have even more. there is still a OS involved and all the software dependencies. all you get to deal with is a single kernel

here you go butthurt poorfag, a list of VMs which need the latest version of vmware tools whcih is fixes problems with workstation/fusion but doesnt have issues with esxi

ff sync
ff accounts
emby for kodi
offline repo/cache for my distro
dnscrypt with local cache
wikipedia offline
NFS with rsync to a zfs mirror that has cron snapshots
local media content on NAS
mythtv backend for OTA tv to stream to kodi
micro intranet of offline webpages

close in usable capacity, can't withstand a your computer going offline though

>ff sync
>ff accounts
did you build this from source? i've tried a couple times but the build environment fails and their developers on their irc channel are useless

I ended up with a huge set of 3TB SAS drives from a VNX I decomm'd at work. Figured fuck it, why not.

>not taking the VNX home with you
ffs you could have mpio

They guzzle power and I don't have room for a second rack.

I used these sources.

What issues are you having directly?

I'd like to still use this for caching, to reduce WAN bandwidth, but since most traffic is TLS these days, it's not really possible

>micro intranet of offline webpages
That's a pretty cool idea. Did you get the pages + their resources with wget?

fuck if i recall, just that it didnt work the devs admitted it was broken.

Yes sir!
You can even setup a cron to do a scheduled weekly scan of you most used sites.
(or just have a airgapped lan if you prefer)

Guests and family love it for when the internet goes out or if the power goes out I have it on a UPS since they all use mobile clients anyways.

I'm slowly adding more pages to build my offline internet based on my personal and other users needs.
It's very rewarding.

I run Plex on my desktop to watch my stories on my tv

That's unfortunate.

I also have IRC and emails too for normies to share content between themselves or contribute media the intranet.

Trying to move to BSD but the support is shit

minecraft, ark, windows server for personal fuck with it domain, lots of kerberos test vm's, a lot of application servers like jboss that don't work because I don't want to fix jboss eap anymore

What kind of sites do you localize? I'm trying to think of some sites I could backup like that

Checkout Cubite or Minetest.

Don't let our children of the next generation dependant on proprietary software!

Personally for myself I use static pages with documentation or projects or hardware.
wikipedia, youtube indexer, or .org sites of interest.

My users are much less bland with flash sites like armourgames/kongregate/newgrounds ect.

Basically any site you want.
At the least you will get a huge local performance from sites being cached.

Based on the TVs I'm guessing it's a media server and the xbox's are for windows media center extender streaming but centralized in there instead of in each room. The 360 was the best media center extender.

Freetardation, especially evangelical freetardation, is a mental illness. Please do all you can to prevent your children from ending up like this man.

>For what purpose?

we already bought it and have an established world so neh

t. microshill employee
Maybe you shouldn't of fire off you whole QA/testing team before you started to ship W10.

Have fun being flushed down the drain after Tux is finished wiping his ass.

>look at the freetard thinking he's l33t with his next next next finish Debian install

whats this all about? is queso the fall update?

>All that autism
Thank you for proving my point.

Are you dudes actually paying for vSphere? Shits like $3000.

What's the differences between vmware workstation, esxi, and the standard virtualbox?

pfsense on the thing up top
dl380 g5 is off because I've got no current use for it, used to be a game server but no one uses them
poweredge 2950 is NAS/plex/rutorrent/H@H

(not pictured) old laptop running soley as a SSH gateway
gate@heracles:~$ uptime
20:48:31 up 76 days, 11:32, 1 user, load average: 0.24, 0.05, 0.02

That is one bright ass light holy shit

it's a effect in GIMP but IRL it looks like that
blue LED's are pure cancer

Lol at all the hate in this thread, y'all a bunch of fags. Can we all just share the home lab love without being a bunch of dick holes?

I'm running an r710 with proxmox. Have Puppet server for managing my VMs, gitlab server, plex, deluged on a vpn only vm, and pfsense.

However, I recently moved and I'm currently using a ubiquiti usg3 instead of pfsense. Also have a ubiquiti poe switch and a couple of unifi APs.

>ubiquiti usg3
how are those?
I just run the controller on a VPS

Running the controller on a vm. Usg3 seems fine for basic things. Anything not in the UI, and a lot of things aren't, requires dropping json files on the controllers which is annoying. Pfsense is way better in this regard obviously. Ubiquiti hired the pfsense creator though so it'll continue to get better.

I have 1gb/s connection and the usg3 seems to have no trouble saturating it.


aww yiss