SystemD hate?

What do you guys have against systemd?

I understand it goes against the UNIX philosophy or whatever the fuck, but so does Linux itself.

It is by far easier to deal with than it's predecessors and it'll be the default on any common server OS. It is antithetical to productivity and progress to use anything else at this point. Desktop environments and other packages like GNOME already require it and God knows there will be more to come. Yes there are hacky ways to make most of these things work without it, but ultimately it's a waste of time and a way of guaranteeing you won't get serious support.

I, for one, welcome our new monolithic overlords.

it has some dumb bugs therefore it is insecure

check dem trip dubs

Then why not just install Windows 10?

Just purveyors of FUD and their useful idiots.

>implying the two are even slightly comparable
Grow up, systemd isn't a botnet

Because I want an init system, not a giant cluster fuck of crap I don't need. Linux doesn't break the UNIX philosophy.

just because I got some spoiled milk doesn't mean I should stop drinking milk and start drinking piss.

Ironically, installing Gentoo would be an actual solution.

Linux is not UNIX tho
Pretty far from it

*autistics reaching*

>I understand it goes against the UNIX philosophy or whatever the fuck, but so does Linux itself.
That's because, according to its founder, Linux isn't Unix. At best it's Unix-like. So was GNO/ME.

How are Lennart's balls tasting tonight, systemdshill?

>What do you guys have against systemd?
Poor design choices.
>goes against UNIX philosophy
Don't care.
>easier to deal with than it's predecessors
which ones?
>the default on any common server OS
Windows is the default install on pre-fab PCs, what's your point?
>It is antithetical to productivity and progress to use anything else at this point
What is the basis of this statement?
>Desktop environments and other packages like GNOME already require it
wait...which is it, a server, or a desktop? You just talked about a server OS? WTF?
> it's a waste of time and a way of guaranteeing you won't get serious support
wait a second, since when is tech support a factor in this discussion?

These aren't arguments, they're bandwagoning. This is the Nth fucking year I've head this propaganda, and it's old and stale. I need answers, not a bunch of hand-waving.

Systemd comes from Red Hat. Red Hat, in the Linux world, is the company with the largest ties to the US government and the various state security organizations around the world--including NSA. The US government (DoD) is Red Hat's number one customer. Red Hat also happens to be Lennart Poettering's employer.

The Linux kernel, I believe, is clean. As long as Linus lives, you're not going to subvert the kernel. Let's just assume that is true for the sake of argument. If you can't get into the kernel, what is your next option? You need something low level (PID 1?), ubiquitous, and vast in scope and complexity.

This describes systemd perfectly. It was almost like it was designed to touch as much of a Linux system as possible. It has hooks into some many different subsystems and APIs that it's almost impossible to build a modern distro with current software without pulling in systemd as a dependency. This happened almost overnight, and I think there are malicious forces at work here.

We must remember Heart Bleed. Heart Bleed appeared to be an innocent mistake, and it was a tiny typo in one line of a C program. If it's possible to do that much damage with a tiny little error, imagine when you have an attack surface as wide as systemd, written in a language like C that is almost designed to produce security holes when not written absolutely perfectly--and humans are not absolutely perfect programmers.

Systemd is dangerous. It's too big to be audited as quickly as its developed. It's complexity adds as much attack surface to a Linux system as the kernel itself. We can't get away from these facts. Shitfighting about init systems is a waste of our time. Sytemd is horrible because of where it comes from and how complex it is. Backdoors will be hidden in it.

I presume you use a distribution that does not contain systemd. Which would you recommend?

Not here, I recommend Alpine.

Thanks. Looks good.


Slackware is still SystemD free as of 14.2.

But SystemD only runs on on of those. Why bother listing the other two?

Thank you.

in addition to Slack, Vector Linux and Zenwalk are also SystemD free (They're both based on Slack). Vector hasn't been updated since 2015 though.

>le too big to be audited meme
The fact that auditing is possible at all should prevent a majority of serious wrongdoing. You don't need to look through ALL the fucking code.

Yes you fucking do, that's why you fucking do audits dipshit.