Can't leave windows bc of visual studio

>Can't leave windows bc of visual studio
>Can't leave linux cause of terminal
>Go osx and get windows flawlessy working in bootcamp parallels with the terminal I enjoy.
>Can't leave osx anymore

So why do people hate macs again? Overpriced? You guys realize older thinkpads nearly run perfectly on a hackintosh.

I dream of a day when people will realize each individual has different preferences when it comes to operating systems.
In the meantime, install gentoo.

>Can't leave linux cause of terminal
lol wut? You like the terminal? Are you a pretentious wannabe hacker faggot? The one who claims he likes it because it gives him "more control over their system" ?

If you really preferred the Linux terminal you wouldn't be able to use it in OSX, all of your shortcuts are gone.

From this fact alone we can posit that you are in fact a hipster piece of shit that is shitposting about Apple.

>Can leave Windows bc visual studio is trash and spies on me
>Can leave Mac because the UI is trash and spies on me
>Can't leave Linux because of terminal
>Stay on Linux and get Windows working flawlessly on a Virtual Machine sandboxed from the main OS
>Enjoying my privacy

Enjoy your botnet

Who said I'm using systemd? Lmao

Systemd is the only init in the world that lets you boot in ephermereal mode without modifying your filesystems.

>>Can't leave linux cause of terminal
>what is WSL

i can't download some iso of macos and try the operating system without spending 3 days bashing my head on the desk just because i have an amd processor or any other apple approved hardware. can't be bothered. debian for me pls

To be fair the terminal emulator-esque thing that ships with windows is terrible compared to literally any terminal emulator available anywhere in any linux distro.

Good thing cmder and probably some other stuff exists.

>Visual Studio

>what is automation

Nu/g/ everyone

>automation is only done in linux terminal

MacOS has been sluggish for me lately. I'm not sure if it's because my HDD is near full (MacOS tells me every day to clear space) but my Linux distro runs so much snappier.

Plus, developing on a distro that's what we end up running our actual code on in production is nice.

>Can't leave windows bc of visual studio

typical lincuck expert h4x0r throwing big useless words to look smart. who the fuck cares, i just wanna boot the system normally (windows 10 actually boots up faster than many linux distros out there) and be productive, not waste my time ricing shit and messing with configurations.

>hasnt heard of vmware

what a sad pathetic existence

Why don’t you just install OS X to your pc? Dual boot nigga.

>Can't leave windows bc of visual studio
Stopped here as it's just plain bs

>he thinks the terminal emulator is the same as the shell
>he doesn't even know what bash is
>he thinks that bash is exclusive to certain platforms
Everyone laugh at the retarded macfag.


>Dealing with a wonky merger of different file system paradigms

I wouldn't compare this directly with a linux or mac terminal, its more of a way to run linux binaries on windows, which, granted, is pretty cool.

You don't really get the same integration with systems tools as you do with the mac, and especially the linux, terminal environments

Cool, but definitely not a replacement

I don't think its fair to take OP's generic use of 'terminal' to make all of these baseless assumptions.

This is just a straw man plus an ad hominem.

Try contributing something next time

replying to this whoops

>Can't leave windows bc of visual studio
just use emacs, vim, eclipse or anything else compatible with linux, VS is shit and HomOSeX is gay

>So why do people hate macs again? Overpriced? You guys realize older thinkpads nearly run perfectly on a hackintosh.
Mac software is honestly pretty lovely. Mac hardware is a steaming shitpile though.

>in bootcamp parallels
What? Its either or, not both. Parallels is for virtualisation, bootcamp is for partitioning your drive for windows and prepping a usb drive for drivers.