Is Rust the end of all programming languages? Will it replace them all? It's too perfect

Is Rust the end of all programming languages? Will it replace them all? It's too perfect.

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That syntax is disgusting.

No, quit being retarded. Different languages exist for different purposes.

Rust exists for all purposes.

Well sure, you can write anything in any turing-complete language, that doesn't mean you should.

It's a giant step forward in the realm of system programming languages but it's definitely not the end.

You sound exactly like C++ dudes who went over to Java in the early 2000’s:

“ZOMG dude!!! It’s so awesome and clean and you don’t have to do so much hard stuff.”

Rust, C#, Go, Java, and their ilk are all intentionally mediocre tools designed for mediocre coders. Why? Because most organizations want to have commodity programmers: i.e., cheap and easy to replace. Or even better, to just outsource the whole project somewhere cheaper.

In order to do that languages need Algol-style syntax (so your poor little brains don’t hurt), they can’t have powerful abstractions that will leave you flummoxed for a month, and the sharp edges need to be filed off so you can’t do too much damage.

>intentionally mediocre
Surely that's why people are complaining that Rust is hard to learn.

Those would be the less than mediocre people. You have to suck a lot if “c with training wheels” is confusing you.

>c with training wheels
I was referring to Rust, not Go.

>>algol with training wheels
>I was referring to algol, not algol

Fucking cucks everywhere

literally nobody would give a fuck about this shitty language if it wasn't shilled so god damn fucking hard
and even then, still almost no one gives a fuck about it. the newest languages in the top 10 languages used are swift and go. near all the rest are over ten years old

Nobody outside of the Apple's ecosystem cares about Swift.
Go's 1.0 is twice as old as Rust's 1.0

You sound exactly like Assembly dudes who went over to C in the early 70's:

“ZOMG dude!!! It’s so awesome and clean and you don’t have to do so much hard stuff.”

C, C++, and their ilk are all intentionally mediocre tools designed for mediocre coders. Why? Because most organizations want to have commodity programmers: i.e., cheap and easy to replace. Or even better, to just outsource the whole project somewhere cheaper.

In order to do that languages need C-style syntax (so your poor little brains don’t hurt), they can’t have powerful abstractions that will leave you flummoxed for a month, and the sharp edges need to be filed off so you can’t do too much damage.


You’ve mixed up your people in your copy dude.

I don’t touch fucking system’s programming languages anymore unless I aboslutely fucking have to. Fortunately, that it’s very often anymore.

in our glorious future there will only be Rust and JS

What would the JS be for?

Fuck js, hopefully it will be replaced in browsers in the future

JavaScript is actually worse than PHP...

It doesn't have any new syntax.

Every coder is mediocre or worse some of the time.

Could you live with something like PHP 10?


Rust is useless for the niche it's supposedly designed to fill. It has to call into C to do most of the heavy lifting. As usual.

>It has to call into C
Actually, the "heavy lifting" is done via LLVM, which is not C

C is useless for the niche it's supposedly designed to fill. It has to call into asm to do most of the heavy lifting. As usual.

Combines the worst properties of every language it wants to replace.
Its more of a meme language than haskell and go combined.

Ugly syntax, but nice looking font. What is it?

Rust eliminates ONE small class of errors (the same errors every interpreted language also protects against).
There are a few jobs for which Rust is the right tool. Maybe 2 jobs. The rest, Rust is a bad fit.

a dogs dinner

The most loved language on the stackoverflow survey? Now I understand. It's a meme. I was taking it seriously for a minute. It's the hipster flavour of the month.

you have spelled "python" wrong

> compile rust hello world
> 24 MB


yeah they really optimize everything except filesize

I really wish C++ just didn't suck

oh fug the memes are real

are they egyptian ancient aliens?

And we will do high performance programming in Matlab.
What a glorious future.

Definitely. PHP is great for building websites, as long as you use a good framework. Nothing beats a well-used Symfony for building a solid firm-tier website. Unless Django perhaps.

Vanilla PHP is the only thing worth using, and that's only if you use the most basic shit. By the point you're considering using a framework you should also be using any other stack.

Easiest thing to do is run your program through strip as Rust leaves symbols in the artifacts. Cargo.toml also has `panic='abort'` and `lto=true` options that can be added to further reduce file size.

Assembly is the new c++. You can do anything and it's super fast!


I don't even care about the stackoverflow survey. Apparently last year the second most loved language was fucking smalltalk-80. Now who the fuck uses smalltalk-80? I've never seen it talked about ever on any site. All the survey shows is how much of a zealot the users are. Since Rust is new and only hobby programmers use it, of course it is going to be popular. Just wait until it actually gets used in enterprize and people will hate the fucking language as much as they did Java.


Easiest thing to do is use a real language, not some hobbyist meme invented by literal antifa.

> rust and js

i would rather kill myself

Who is shilling Rust and why?

>Who is shilling Rust
The enemy.
>and why?
To destroy western civilization.

Why do you have a reject button right there? You don't reject THE CALL moron!

Memes aside, How can I learn it? Is there any tutorials?

unfortunately, there aren't any. just firefox source code.


how the fuck does that work. why is it printing fibonaci , from some root amd phi. pls explain

the western civilization is destroying itself juuust fine.

How about go?

Name a program built on rust? Oh wait it's still incomplete

Asmara is useless for the niche it's supposedly designed to fill. It has to call into machine language to do most of the heavy lifting. As usual.

What were they THINKING?

mut & const mut & mut & mut & const & const & mut &

trpl book

explicit typing isn't necessary so the default syntax is simply 5

I like it.

it should be 5.0 for double 5.0f for float fuck any other syntax that isnt c

literally inferred at compiletime, the syntax is 5. 5.0 if you're feeling insecure.

the syntax should be 5.0f

there's more than one type of float primitive because not retarded primitives or obsolete antique float/double short/long bullshit. why not f1024?

Not if you want an f32 it's not.

it's actually 5f32

thats called a long long long long long long long double and your language better support it or its a meme

>my immutable tree transformation language can do fizzbuzz exercises, so everyone should use it for everything
Enjoy writing every single non-trivial section of code in your project in an "unsafe" block while Rust fizzbuzzers screech at you for it.

>checking none of your code is better than checking most of it.

The only redeemable feature of Rust is memory safety and it's data-race free properties.

What I really want is a better C ecosystem. I'm fucking tired of getting cucked by backwards compatibility with 40 year old code. I'm tired of the fucking incomplete and bullshit standard library. I'm tired of C's broken POSIX/70sUNIX-anus-licking bullshit.

>jumping through stupid hoops to check parts of the code that any competent programmer will get right anyway
>dropping back into C mode for the hard parts where serious bugs typically lurk
>"the future of programming"

>syntax for braindead monkeys
>programming language

See, the problem here is these are all abstractions from machine code -> low level language -> high level language. The issue occurs when you have one high level language using another high level language. There's nothing (to my knowledge) you can accomplish in Rust that cannot be just as easily accomplished in C. You're just reinventing the wheel at that point.

Why not make Rust NOT use an already-great language?

If you hate the borrow checker so much, just turn it off. That's what I do. Then I can enjoy the sane features of Rust like traits, generics and enum matching.

JAI is the superior choice

Well Rust does a lot of those things at compiletime to not fuck your runtime performance and C probably can't do that easily. Safety checks are overhead and thus omitted to achieve performance. That's why C programmers make the worst software.

>C programmers make the worst software
Every piece of software I have to use that's legitimately awful is written in C++, and one is actually written in Rust. All the C software I use is actually okay.

No, you're thinking about lisp.

C++ is pretty dangerous too, but here just strcpy everything. C is trash but there's lots of experienced people doing lots of work to make it less shitty. Rust compiler handles most of that for you at the cost of some painful syntax.

>Rust compiler handles most of that for you
The Rust compiler doesn't handle anything for you because the Rust compiler doesn't know how to handle anything beyond immutable tree structures, and any non-trivial task involves more than that. You can't even write a decent linked list in Rust without dropping into C mode, let alone any complicated custom data structure.

*throws up a little in my mouth*

when was the last time you broke out a linked list for something?

>without dropping into C mode
What's wrong with this? Unsafe Rust is incredibly expressive compared to C.
The borrow checker is the last reason to use Rust. Sane primitives are the real draw.

yea, but all the shit written in c and c++ is basically evolutionary goo and over time a lot of good stuff has emerged from millions of people solving the same basic shit again and again

macros are also fairly sexy

I prefer 5.f but 5_f32 is an abomination that only a true meme language like rust would use.


I haven't played with Rust macros much.
Anything is better than C """macros""" though.

very true, little book of rust macros goes into real super fine detail about how macros fit in the AST stuff and is just all around interesting.

>missing the point this much
The point is that safe Rust fails at even the simplest things, let alone anything more complex that occurs in real systems programming.

>C programmers make the worst software

Lol, maybe the pajeets that try C before switching to something their brains can understand, like Java.

Just because a language doens't have security checks doesn't make it bad. If you're writing Rust because "I dOnT kNoW hOw To MaKe ThIs SafE" you should probably stop programming altogether until you learn proper security techniques, because you're just gimping yourself otherwise.

>If you're writing Rust because "I dOnT kNoW hOw To MaKe ThIs SafE" you should probably stop programming altogether until you learn proper security techniques, because you're just gimping yourself otherwise.
Rust has other things to offer besides safety.

Even the best programmer is going to have a bad day. Rust is fine for everyday use and the syntax gets more complicated as the problem does. Pajeets can write poo software in it just as easily as a java or C# or go and the more complicated aspects limit them to their own skill level. C/C++ are dangerous because you'll never be able to take a piece of software and say "I know this is safe" before patching without extensive analysis which might be as much work as writing it. Even if you trust all of your development group you'll still have to wonder if this guy is having a bad day or if he did it right.

C isn't even C anymore unless you're on an embedded machine or something with no MMU. It's entirely obsolete as a learning tool and mostly holding on with multiple trillion lines of legacy code.

>What's wrong with this?
Ask the screeching Rustlets who sell Rust as a "safe" replacement for C and sperg out that your code is inherently shit if you have to do something that inherently involves multiple mutable references, cycles etc.

>Unsafe Rust is incredibly expressive compared to C.
Who cares? There are languages that are safer and more expressive than both for when I need to do high-level programming, and if I'm trying to squeeze every last cycle out of a function, I'm not going to use any of Rust's "expressive" abstractions; I'm going to write something that maps to assembly in a predictable and obvious manner. C is perfectly good for that, and unlike Rust, C interoperates quite well with real high-level languages. There's just no reason for Rust to exist.

Now see that's not even what I was arguing. It could have all the things to offer it wants, but if you don't fully appreciate them, imo you're just losing out in terms of knowledge.

so you never use linked lists, but use linked lists as an example of something rust is bad at, got it.
>safe Rust fails
unsafe rust is still pretty safe. unsafe rust only relaxes the restrictions a little, and the whole point of rust is to have safe abstractions over unsafe code. I fail to see what the issue is here. Need unsafe code? Make a library for it and contribute to the ecosystem instead of complaining about non-issues.

Soon everything will be rewritten in rust.