How long until we can put the owner of every website that does something to this effect on a medieval torture device and force them to spend the rest of their sad, pathetic lives there?
How long until we can put the owner of every website that does something to this effect on a medieval torture device...
Do you think it's free to run a website?
There are far less intrusive ways to fund it, also get a job it doesn't cost much to host a website.
>get a job it doesn't cost much to host a website
The people who run these websites, which require hosting, storage, bandwidth, etc., DO have jobs. Their jobs are RUNNING THE WEBSITE. Are you 12 years old?
>There are far less intrusive ways to fund it
Yeah, and you blocked their far less ways of funding it.
Get a real job.
Hosting is actually quite cheap nowdays
The money is for the people/company that run the site
>implying the websites that pull that kind of shit create any content whatsoever instead of resorting to clickbait and thieving
come on user, are that naive?
Websites don't run themselves, friendo.
That's a hell of a generalization.
Also, if all the websites that use advertising to survive suddenly disappeared from the internet, you'd lose your fucking mind. Who's being naive here?
Thanks to shit admins that want that extra penny, we can expect having a full bloated DRM internet in the next few years; and they will be the first people to accept it and claim it's the solution.
We need to keep using uBlock + NoScript.
If you expect to get money for all your daily expenses and luxuries solely from the internet, you've got another thing coming.
Be quiet you fucking pajeet. I get a literal high from dismantling your garbage and spreading how-to around.
>Their jobs are RUNNING THE WEBSITE.
>put up content
So much work!
It's pretty hard to debate this with you. You clearly have no experience with the subject matter. Or this is bate and I'm wasting my time. On second thought, I'm probably wasting my time either way.
Invasive advertising is annoying and dangerous. I don't condone it in any way. I use uBlock on sites that use it just like any info-sec-minded user.
Are we debating the use of anti-adblockers? Or just bitching about advertising on the internet? So far you've moved the goal posts once and insulted me for disagreeing with you. Great thread, user.
Fucking this.
Annoying to see entitled-feeling retards like OP on the internet all the time. This generation has to have shit in the heads.
if you can't afford to host a website you shouldn't make one in the first place
ads giving revenue was a mistake
The faster the internet en masse goes back to requiring money to actually browse around, the better.
All these poorfags have ruined just about every website possible with their incoherent spam.
Donations and merchandise are the best ways to generate revenue because they are not intrusive and they make a ton more revenue than annoying ads that just piss off visitors. So fuck off you faggot.
>defending cuckpitalism this ardently
"some people who run their own sites need to utilise certain revenue streams to ensure they can afford to keep their site going" doesn't suddenly make corporations repeatedly using invasive advertising to pursue maximum profit at the potential expense of viewers suddenly chill
It's hard to think of even 5 worthwhile websites
>also get a job it doesn't cost much to host a website.
Not your retarded ``home server" meme page that gets 5 yearly visitors maybe, do you even know the sort of infrastructure required to host a major online service?
>defends leechers on OC of others
>talks about costs
knowyourmeme has always been the cancer that is killing the internet
you're speaking to a wall here
majority of Sup Forums don't do anything professionally
they run their own email servers because they can - even though functionally they're of zero use professionally (and no, getting spam mail from marketers doesnt count)
You really are 12 years old, aren't you?
>they make a ton more revenue than annoying ads that just piss off visitors
Sounds like you're projecting pretty hard right now, user. Just because people like you and I donate to sites we like and use often doesn't mean that everyone does. Do you have a link to any evidence that shows donations and and revenue from merchandise sales make more money than ads? If there really is higher incentive to offer merchandise and accept donations, I imagine that we would see a lot more of it than we do. I'm genuinely honest to read about this, so please share any links you have.
Again, I'm not arguing for the use "annoying ads." I'm arguing for ethical advertising. I see it as a necessary evil, though I don't claim to know everything.
>defending the trash thats killing the internet
>but muh cost
ads shouldn't give revenue since they serve no fucking purpose
>but views=money
wrong you filthy kike
You're the only thing killing the internet.
You're a complete leech. You've provided nothing. To anyone for that matter, all you do is shitpost.
>but muh cost
In the real world, user, things cost money.
>they serve no fucking purpose
Why do companies spend billions of dollars a year on online advertisements - or any advertisements for that matter - if they serve no purpose?
what makes you think that if i view a ad it should give anyone money
i don't endorse the product or will buy it
so my view shouldn't give anyone money
ads only should give recognition to the product
the fact that people view it shouldn't make you entitled to any money
i don't think ads are bad
but the fact that they give money is just cooperate greed
>browsing Know Your Meme in the first place
Should be the end of the discussion right there. Go make your own shitty maymays website, just with no ads instead, problem solved.
To remove all temptation of putting up ads and coin-mining Javascripts, make it a Gopherhole instead.
The fact that ads give money is just corporate greed? What does that mean? I honestly don't understand your post.
Company A makes a product. They want to sell this product to make money. (People, including you, like money.) They pay John money to place an advertisement on his website. Bill sees the ad, likes the product, and buys it with money. Why shouldn't John receive money from Company A? Is he not providing a service?
If you go off on a tangent about how money is evil then I'm gonna have to check out of this thread.
>they put intrusive ads and popups everywhere
>get mad when people block them
>they actually think people will turn off their ad blockers and not just find an alternative site to browse
i guess these dumb motherfuckers will find out the hard way. they will see when the traffic to their sites starts dropping off.
I wish I could bash your head in with a slegdehammer.
>make it a Gopherhole instead
Rise, Gopher, rise!
i use my raspberry pi as a dedicated ad blocker with pi-hole
works great and no need for browser ad blocker
How did the internet have sites before ads and pop-ups?
i thought there were ad block detector blockers?
I can't remember that far back, but I remember late 90s / early 2000s. The better sites didn't have ads, if the admin was chill enough to host a site without ads (Or the rare non-intrusive ads that they selected), then it usually reflected in the community. This was when everything was fractured and not consolidated into
of course there are
There were a bunch of sites that was information about their business, there were hobby projects, forums etc.
It never did cost a lot of money.
Back then you could also get away with a UDP server that just sent the site to anyone who requested it.
Today, you need to build the system so it can handle all the users.
>How did the internet have sites before ads and pop-ups?
Questions like this strike fear into the heart of the internet advertising, marketing, and telemetry industries.
>sankaku complex
Depends on the site. Most news websites have very little reason to exist. All they do is repost the same article.
do you run your site becase you like it or you just want to make money? get a fucking job faggot
>dev tools
>delete node
Why do you desperate webcucks always sound like the redditiest of newfags, anyway.
>want 2 dig a hole
>company 1 is just a dude who picks up a shovel and digs a hole for 50 bucks
>company 2 hires a manager, he hires HR, they hire marketing and product development. Can't forget the financial team. Development get an unpaid intern after gender studies to dig the hole and tge digging itself takes more time. Total cost is 10000$
And then you have retards screaming that company 2 has to stay in business and do you even know how expensive management and that shovel is?
>it's not us who are entiltled, it's them!
You don't have a right to a website that generates money. If you want money put up a paywall, which you won't do since your content is a garbage not worth paying for.
>which you won't do since your content is a garbage not worth paying for.
You literally just described your life
Im not entiltled, if you want to put a paywall
You won't
It was much simpler, less polished and more homebrew.
And that was a good thing
Depends on the content you’re looking for, it was certainly a worse time for porn. Low quality degraded jpegs were not so great, but it was the best we could get for free.
It’s like a golden age of porn right now with how easy it is for folks to upload to everywhere and in pristine quality.
That was more a speed problem than actual contenet delivery though
Are you implying somebody except your family would pay for you?
Your job is running a website?
Does your website help me produce value?
Does your website sell a service?
Then why the fuck is it your job? You aren't doing shit! If you were, you would stop fucking around and charge me to use the website!
And that is why I circumvent your ad wall.
Here's an idea next time:
Get an actual job, 8 hours a day contributing to society, and use your pocket change for the $50/month hosting bill.
You’re kinda showing how young you are user. Given that you haven’t experienced issues due to browser and memory limits we had in the day.
Internet speeds were far from the only issues.
Making donation worthy content takes actual work
Making merch takes actual work
The milennial and gen Xer fucktards who think "running a wesbsite" is a job are not capable of actual work. They want to do nothing but things they enjoy, never give anything up, and still live like kings. And for that, they want you to do the opposite. Do things you don't enjoy, give things up, and live like a slave. To their wishes, of course.
I fear the day when these idiots get old enough to enter government.
No it's not you dumbfucks. 20 years ago nobody had ads on the internet and it still grew. Mio.+ users sites like eBay and Amazon are literally the reason for ads. Nobody cares whether your shitty blog gets any ad revenue. If your content (databases, journals, articles, research, porn) is worth paying for people will gladly buy it using their cc.
Nobody gives a fuck whether your 100000000th review for Minecraft will get you any ad revenues. Your mindset of expecting of people to support any shit is what's wrong. I don't give a damn about knowyourmeme or any site that blocks adblockers because even if it dies it's 1) archieved 2) noone remembers memes from 2005 3) at least 20 new meme explaining sites will open.
nice to meet a fellow Sup Forumsack
NOOOOOO my site has literally THOUSANDS of visitors daily
You have to go back
gas the kikes, race war now
no u
It's always the same. Webdevs argue that they need the ads, they need to generate revenue, they need to stay afloat. Then you just tell them to put up a paywall and they just break, overcome with realisation that their content ain't worth shit they turn up shitposting to max in order to get the thread deleted
ITT ad shills and menchildren argue about things they don't understand.
I'm actually a NEET
I shitposted here because I saw a lot of tension
they waste my bandwidth too by using all of their shit bloat.
Do you think browsing the internet is free?
A website use to be just a few kb, now you can find websites that are 20mb or more because of pajeet code, javashit, and dependencies out the ass.
You cant even browse the web without blowing through your bandwidth because these fucknuts make it mandatory to download all of that shit to your computer just simply to view the webpage long enough to determine its shit
I'm very fair by the way, I took both sides of the argument
ABP, uBlockOrigin, Ghostery, NoScript - and usually that detection won't work
>I would give an argument, but I'm so inteligent that your meager brain would explode.
>Hurr durr spamassasin and spamfilters are evil. You are hurting all that hard working viagra sellers and scammers.
>Supporting ads on the internet is like supporting piracy. Only warez sites had ads in the beginning of the internet.
>not installing anti adblock blocker
In no way am I trying to sound like a smug shit, but why are there threads on Sup Forums complaining about websites wanting you to turn off your blocker, and at the same time threads complaining about crypto mining at the same time? I can also see ad nauseam being related to the recent youtube monetization fiasco and probably more problems for websites to get ad revenue on a whole new level.
Is this cognitive dissonance?
Nobody is forcing you to visit that shit, you pathetic faggot.
And nobody is stopping you from making the same site (without whatever is bothering you) either.
Preetty much
>They want to do nothing but things they enjoy, never give anything up, and still live like kings. And for that, they want you to do the opposite
just skip those sites.
usually their content is worthless
>Nobody is forcing you to visit that shit, you pathetic faggot.
In a way they are. If their website is returned in a Google search, and I visit the site, and then I get some scumbag scree-blocking message that says "MUH REVENUES!", then I have been tricked by click-bait.
Solution? Google needs to use their telemetry shit to help the users. If I am using an ad-blocker, then Google should NOT RETURN any search results of a website that is using ad-blocking blockers.
That would be totally fair.
And that would cause contentless feces-spewing parasite aggregators to drop a giant shit of fear in their pants, as they suddenly find themselves on the outside looking in.
Sounds like a win-win to me.
That's a search engine I would use.
>That's a search engine I would use.
I would too. Now make me one and host it, I will donate a dollar if I like it
there's nothing worth reading on the internet anyway
idk why you're bitching about this
ur mom's not worth ... wait ... no ... this isn't working.
The only people who use ads are people who fail to provide any valuable service. If your service is actually worth paying for, don't you think people would pay for it?