What sepples IDE do you use?
What sepples IDE do you use?
[spoiler]i use clion[/spoiler]
netbeans, although i primarily use it for C
Isn't netbeans for java essentially?
visual studio and vim
VS Code on KDE Neon, I'll look into KDevelop once I've got the time.
CodeBlocks. It still remains the best free IDE of this decade.
What's the fastest IDE?
>Isn't netbeans for java essentially?
netbeans is essential for everything.
I've been ditching it several times for eclipse, but FUCK eclipse, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, it has a subset of netbeans' tool... and I am done having 10 eclipse installations on my pc, just to use some idiot's "special" ide.
codeblocks randomly dies.(only the latest version)
I lost my 4-5 times my progress.
until they fix this, I'll use something else.
Vim + g++
it gets shit done
No it doesn't. For me, I mean.
I have to work on OS X, is there anything I can use other than that piece of shit xcode?
QtCreator lightweight open source and cross Plattform
Qtcreator when I started, but now I use kdevelop.
I would recommend qtcreator to most people though.
I use an ordinary text editor for C++. Generally Sublime Text or Vim.
Vim and VScode
Why use Qtcreator if you don't necessarily use Qt?
Qt is just a library you can use. if you want excellent c++ support ___without bloatware like VS____ it is really a shame because of the qt branding everyone think that this idea only is good for qt development
Typing is hard on a mobile phone....
Qtcreator isn't bloated? Are there any other IDEs like this or is it the best one
Just tried to open Visual Studio only to get the "can't find devenv.exe" notification. It also looks like the ol hard drive is a few gigs lighter. Should I even bother reinstalling?
CLion. It's slow javashit but still decent and cross-platform.
>using VS
do it cost?
VS Code is nice though, use that instead
notepad++ d:^)
VS Code is shit and isn't an ide
It is not shit and it can be easily extended to be an ide while being faster than most IDEs.
i recommend clion or any other software from jetbrains
Except intellij is their Java ide. Jetbrains make the best ides just crack it
It crashes too much
An IDE shouldn't crash at all, let alone multiple times in one sitting.
Vscode is worthless for anything but #. And even that jetbrains does it better
more IDE's need to be as stupid-simple as dev c++
Why are IDE creators so fucking atavistic?
sublime text 3
should i use an ide? my programs are all
>stupid simple
Isn't that a text editor?
vim with no plugins
this is the ultimate redpill for C and C++, using a text editor with little to no plugins
But IDEs are better for big projects. If you need to contribute to a large codebase, IDEs make things easier
You use an IDE when you're working on something very large.
you gotta admit though that C/C++ are great for the simple fact that you don't need an IDE to write it, just look at java for an example of the contrary
isn't this more a matter of interface design
Can you give an example of a program you can write easily in C++ without an IDE, but not in Java? Or really anything concrete.
Not that I don't believe some examples exist, but it's not obvious to me what they would be.
Eclipse or QtCreator when I need to use Qt, no botnet
Most of the time just vim though.