They released netscape and gave it to Mozilla. What're the chances they'll do the same with AIM?
>the same company who deleted my .aim email without warning
I still have a deacrivated facebook tied to this email that i can do nothing about
I don't know precisely why but that picture makes me feel kinda sad. Yet another part of the young web is gone, like, tears, in rain...
You can never go back.
Never ever.
>he isn't on comfy alternets
At least they announced anything at all, unlike GeoCities where the shutdown was only discovered because of a single line in a helpfile.
I have a bunch of old 1998 or so AOL chatroom logs stored on an ancient harddrive somewhere.
They were my brothers and some of them are kind of funny because of drama
Actually you can get the key to midgar and go back
>marriage poem
yeah I have logs of him and his girlfriend at the time (she was barely 18) they were planning on getting married or something after meeting in a chatroom but he would cybersex any girl that wanted it and it fell through kek, have their nudes too.
Its only interesting to me because I used to go in these chatrooms too as his little bro and knew most of the people
Aren't they deader than, well, AIM?
Please stick some on pastebin?
I only have a few on my current PC right now
This is some fat slut that ended up coming to our house and fucking my brother, showed me her tits after too kek
Theres a funny follow up drama with this whore too. Got super jealous once he started dating his fiance and calling him a pedo etc
And so dies another little piece of Internet 1.0, and web history.
Like what?
At least Tripod and Angelfire are still going.
>for how long?
only posting part of the long ass chatroom because editing out the names is tedious
>tfw interest forums,personal and fan pages, chat clients, all either going or going
All these moments will be lost in time, like tears...in the rain...
>Tfw Bliss is fucking dead IRL
>tfw the windows 95 mountain lion is long dead
>Everything is boring flat garbage now
I went on Albino Black Sheep the other day to see if it was still there, it was, but none of the flashs would play.
I guess Flash is going the way of RealPlayer and QuickTime.
>tfw i actually live near aol
>they even have a street named after them
>they're surrounded by failing schools and a trump golf club
Just open the logs in a text editor and replace the names
Yeah I should have just edited the html file (they were saved as) Not going to post anymore text stuff since its personal (I found the marriage poem.txt kek)
Heres a random slut
jesus that's cold, i didn't even know that. it's amazing that so many geocities sites were archived before the shut down. otherwise it'd be lost forever and i couldn't go back and relive all the shitty geocities pages i used to visit when i was growing up. yes, they were shitty, but it's a different feeling being able to go back and at least capture that feeling.
I think talking about their quality is missing the point. They were an expression in an art form that had no standards yet. I'd rather that than the awful JS-heavy, and centralised sites we have now, with no identity at all.
>jesus that's cold,
It was literally a guy trying to do something in his site, then when he couldn't he went to the help and it said "due to the shutdown that feature is unavailable." That was it, for the 200th most popular site in the world.
feels bad man
i wish i could go back in time to when i was young, and the world didn't suck and the internet was cool....
i guess i added in about how they were "shitty" because so many underage b& faggots here always pipe up with "BUT THEY SUCKED LOL HOW WILL OLDFAGS EVER RECOVER". yeah, shit was different and crude, but it was unique and made by individuals. i miss it, a lot. i used to have a homestead.com site or some shit like that back in the day. i wish i could find an archive of it and cringe at my 11 year old self "reviewing" dragonball z music videos me and my buddy made in realmediaplayer.
When I think back, it's like a totally different world started after 9/11. Nothing seemed quite so hopeful or innocent after that, a lot less confidence. I think that's why individual websites started fading into the new millennium and then finally died by about 2005. Not a direct cause, but a lack of that same creative outburst culturally just ended, in terms of culture we're almost post-apocalyptic when you think about the youth of today.
I downloaded so fucking many AMVs and VGMVs back then. I remember one really well for some reason, a FF8 one set to Three Doors Down.
>all those Newgrounds games that will just disappear
I hope someone has a backup.
>Not using deadAIM back in 2003
honestly i welcome it because i forgot my password and knowing that i can never log in again is pissing me off
I guess I'll shut down my bitlbee service in the New Year.
Don't look back, you can never look back.