Top this, bitches

top this, bitches

Weak bait. Sage.

>two days on mostly standby.
>thinking this is impressive
wtf is wrong with you?

This, plus I bet you had the power saving enabled the whole time


>Globe LTE

My pajeet sensor is going haywire OP

but it is

but of course


Pls do the needful.... sir....


poo on the designated street....



leaving your phone in standby for two days is not impressive.
only using your phone for 4 hours in two days would be impressive if you left your house.

You know that's pretty bad, right?
Sure you can find Android phones that do even worse, but it's not something to brag about


fuck off shit skins


6hrs SoT on a cheap-ass Lenovo tablet... You were saying?

but I do go out, believe it or not (I know you won't)
I just don't pull it out for whatever like most people

it does the job


most impressive

enjoy your dumbphone with a touchscreen because that's literally what max mode is

>5hrs activity
my 4 year old android does 8 hrs with two days of standby

3h sot on an S5 since I can't find a fucking replacement battery. 381mb Stock MM on xda, it's great and functional but fuck me is the battery life just horrid because of the 2 year old battery.

can't you buy a new one

show me



it's a nice phone, if a little too hueg
no standby time?

ChinkMe Note 3. Not even trying

My KeyOne can last like 4 or 5 days on standby

>pajeet with mindset that makes him think having an iphone makes him rich

>sexy as fucc
>not absolute top-of-the-line processor
>not the best camera
>heart wont allow me to purchase it

Why can't someone make a phone with a keyboard that also has great specs? I would pay up to 1k for this phone.

I'd explain myself to you, but I'm in the middle of a paper

but how is the keyboard? miss my Curve

it says Screen 15% but what app do you really spend the most time on


That was from some other day. Pic is from today, excluding the first four items which are the same as on the first pic. Clover doesn't even register on the list.

What paper? JEE? NEET?

Not the best doesn't mean not great user

It's a lot better specs than the OnePlus One I came from

Yeah but I have a brain problem that doesn't allow me to buy anything but the most "modern" phone when I'm in the market. Ended up with an HTC10 which is pretty good but I'm replacing it in about a year and hopefully there'll be something with keys awaiting me on the other side.

We are at the point where mobile processors (hell even desktop processors) are way more powerful than what you will be need 90% of the time now so it's kinda irrelevant

Amputate at the neck

>since last full charge

lol fuck you mang

also impressive

send n00dz lol jk

Keys are the antithesis of modern when it comes to phones.

Congrats, you have autism

I wanna iphone and i want it now!!!

>The state of iCucks

I can use my Chinese-made cheap android phone to watch movie for over 8 hours before it needs recharging

show me



Cry me a river, faggot.

Muh me loge?


another pinoy user

iOS has some wizard tier standby times, but when actually using the phone it drains faster than lagdroid

reminds me of my car, yeah
when it hits 50% the gas just flies away





yes that was after 2 days of light use
where's your standby time

