
Christ, people. Fuck. Just read this shit, including the commnents:
(It's ultra cringe, but fun)

I mean, how the FUCK can people who have the balls to call themselves "programmers" or "developers" still not be able to solve FizzBuzz in 2017?

Seriously, this thing drives me INSANE.
My company recently rejected some "super qualified kid with a degree from a top university", and while many of my colleagues saw the recruiter as "too severe", I agreed with him.

I understand that it's not a problem you will EVER encounter in any real job, but it's so trivial that anyone who wants to work in a field even remotely related to programming should be able to do it.


Other urls found in this thread:

>the absolute STATE of the programming """"""industry""""""

How can one be not be able to solve FizzBuzz?

>one of the first tasks for learning loops in Java in my highschool programming course was fizzbuzz

What the actual fuck? How can people not solve this?


This is why I don't work in IT, despite it's the main thing I'm qualified for. I'm not going to deal with the intrusion, leeching and scavenging of normfags attempting to reinvent themselves in tech, and the spiteful HR letting them in "cuz they special too".

Is software engineering a mature discipline, yes, but has it sufficiently cemented to *systematically* select BELONGING candidates, no.

Guys I'm not kidding, it's not a meme, google it. A lot of "programmers" are unironically unable to solve it

Lol, what is your current job, and how did you get out of IT? That's exactly what I'm trying to do too. I'm soon going to graduate with a Master's degree in computer science, but the industry disgusts me.

Web development was a mistake

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

jesus christ you people, not everyone spends their """""well earned""""" neet hours programming le fizz buzz in every obscure language imaginable

some people just want to code

>people OP was talking about finally appear

t.' """"Code""""" artisan'

I discovered a niche and turned that into shareware.

We should worry because I see bad times ahead

This is why breaches happen.

whoa, it's another episode of "retarded management has no idea about wtf their shit company needs", presto, call the police!

Name another industry where you're expected to keep doing your job and teaching yourself the latest technologies in your spare time FOR FREE because you like it so much.

It wasn't. But it had too much growth hormone hence the insane amount of exotic languages that exist right now. Some technologies are very proper, but underutilized because the learning curve is too high.

Medicine. Any form of engineering. Art. Any career that requires skill of any kind in a non-stagnant industry.

This is a legitimate issue. A fraternal HR is the only defense against barbarism. Long story short; I don't want Chad or Sanjay to "enrich" my entry level position.

choose 1 and only 1

If you can't solve fizzbuzz without if statements you're as bad as her.

I've never coded in all my life, is it as easy as it seems to an outsider? If that's considered programming and some people can't even do that I might be succesfull in the IT business after all.

It's actually pretty easy. the only reason its a high demand field is because people think it's still the 90s

Anything that changes over time and requires you to solve problems

Wtf is going on now?

For puseodocode
Bool mod(int x , int y){
If(x - y == 0){
Return true
}else if ( x - y < 0){
Return false

For (int x = 1; x

And since when do you have to have js to view the catalog?

That's actually kinda what I imagined it would look like. Damn that's pretty easy and there honestly are people who can't do that shit? It's not just a meme?
How can you even be mad if you aren't eligible for a job if you can't do that shit, that's what I imagine the first seminar of a CS degree should cover.

it was literally my first lesson of high-school CS. a 10 year old could do this

Seems like a good way to blow the fuck out of your call stack for sufficiently large x's and small y's.

have you ever been at a medical update course?
they get paid for the shitload of stuff they're supposed to memorize - and to put in your body in a month - or as soon as the equipment comes in. Partly, of course, but still paid. Which was this anons' point Of course it is - but it entirely depends on your view on the definition of the "issue". See, we are programmers, and for us, as long as we're getting paid, the quality is the ultimate goal. Thus weak hires, being the HR's responsibility, are indeed an issue for us, since they lower the quality while raising the quantity.

From the business perspective it's an entirely valid decision - a weak hire can churn out a pile of shit code, which they'll be able to show to the customer as a "prototype", which won't ever be touched again unless it breaks. That hire may even spend more time than the competent programmer - nobody cares, since the latter's time usually costs more (which is why the programmers often don't do interviews). And, as soon that the breakage happens, since fixing shit is way harder than writing it the first time - the competent programmer enters the game.
He will actually fix it and probably even stay over time to improve it, since - being actually good at his job - he can't stand the sight of the garbage written by the weak hire. Profits maximized, time optimized, client is happy.

Welcome to the real world, faggots

I'm taking the assumption it uses rational numbers

But yes, doing mod (100,0.1) would probably break the thing

>I understand that it's not a problem you will EVER encounter in any real job
real jobs don't require "take every n-th element" shit? hmm ... maybe I only had unreal jobs?

>babby cant into simple loop algorithm
its not practice, it's having a rudimentary grasp of algorithms. Any self-proclaimed "programmer" should be able to solve it.

Writing fizzbuzz doesn't even involve thinking, you just throw a couple if ... else statements inside a loop that check for the cases mentioned in the description of the problem, and that's it. If someone can't write it in their language of choice, then they are seriously retarded, or don't know that the modulo operator exists (I know you can solve it without using the modulo operator, but that actually involves thinking).

the first thing to ask in that situation is "what language do what this shit written in?", not "when will this be useful?"
it takes seconds to type that in a PC, a 1min by hand maybe, in any language youre familiar with, twice that much maybe if youre not familiar with the language but you a little example of how it is

What if those people who fail it are nervous as hell because it is an interview and possibly their best chance to get a decent job?

Come on, I want to have some semblance of hope

You do realize that a mod b is just a - (a / b) * b, where / is integer division, or a - floor(a / b) * b, in case integer division is not available in your language, right? Your function is retardedly inefficient, and using recursion instead of a loop makes it even worse. It also seems like bad practice to name your function mod, even though it isn't actually a modulo function, but a divisibility test.

That fucking modulus function.
This is what happens when you skip maths kids.

>here is the nigger that posts his solution
>with his own, incorrect modulus function

As incredible as it sounds, no, it's not a meme. Many self proclaimed "programmers" can't solve it. Have you read OP's article? Have fun, especially in the comments.

Judging from the article, it seems they wanted people who can program. Anyone who can't solve FizzBuzz can't program, no matter what they tell themselves.

Not an issue when the ternary operator exists.

Yeah, should probably replace the '-' with a '/'

Ive been ricing my arch OS too long to notice it

Also with
==0 -> ==1
< 0 -> < 1

You would be amazed at how far connections and social skills / charisma can get you. I know dudes that were absolute shit developers in school and got 6 figure jobs before they even graduated because they know people.
It's fucking bullshit, honestly. You either have connects or be brilliant. It's really hard for average dudes to get their foot in the door anymore.

for (int i = 1; i

fizz = ["fizz"]
buzz = ["buzz"]

for i in 0 to 100
print(fizz[ciel(i/3)] + buzz[ciel(i/5)])

In a meme language with safe array acces...

What the actual fuck does this have to do with the thread.

eh forgot a " after fizzbuzz

Fizzbuzz is a meme: either blow the competition away with how you implement it or suck dick to get the job

Yeah I realized after posting it that it might not be completely on-topic. My point was to say that even dudes that can't solve fizzbuzz can still somehow get a job, and frequently do.

Jesus fucking Christ I know you all can solve FizzBuzz, stop posting your meme solutions

Bullshit none real-world tests in interviews should be banned.
I spend my time programming, not doing bullshit little exercises to impress some high almighty prick.
Look at my portfolio of work and talk to me about that.

worst part about these threads - a bunch of tards come flooding in desperate to prove they're not part of the problem because they can solve this trivial problem

The fact that incompetent people get jobs because of the right connections is a sad reality no one is denying.

What OP was trying to say, if you read the article, is that there are quite a lot of "programmers" who can't solve such a simple problem, get rightly rejected at interviews, and then complain because "it's not a real world problem". That shit is ridiculous.

if you're such a prodigy programmer why are you so mad about fizzbuzz. should take less than a minute, right?

>He doesn't find it fun to come up with alternative solutions to trivial problems
Please leave.

I'm a programmer and research mathematician (just finished my phd on computational algebra on simple extensions of galois fields) and I have no idea how I would go about solving that problem in an efficient manner to be honest. I would probably just google the solution and use that. I'm sure everyone you would ask that in an interview "solved" it the same way.

I'm not a prodigy by any means (I'm just a fucking code monkey), and yes of course I can.
I don't understand how it proves you are good for a working software house. It proves you've spent too much time looking at software interview procedures.

>he wastes time solving an already solved problem instead of focusing on building some new interesting project

>how can you call yourself programmer/developer and not be able to solve fizzbuzz
Best explanation is wordpress and the shits out there that think they're web app creators because they can set up a forum plugin. Specifically why most job ads pre-emptively tell you to fuck off if you're a "plugin guy". Unfortunately businesses are even more clueless and let them get paid for 5 years doing jack shit before they go cartoonishly under, then they try to apply for another job and think they'll be able to bullshit their way through this one. Every marketing or UI piece of shit I've ever met pretends to be a programmer and then they fucking try to type to access the admin panel

It's 2017 and I still don't know what a fizzbuzz is

Yeah I've noticed an uptick in the number of "programmers" bitching about "white-board interviews". Sorry, maybe you should have paid attention in class and practiced problem solving in your free time instead of playing Overwatch and watching Million Dollar Extreme. Nobody cares that you created a meme web app from a tutorial one weekend.

hows this

it's just an entry level test to prove you're not competely retarded its not that big of a deal

isn't FizzBuzz pretty dependent on remembering what the modulo operator does rather than the seemingly important control flow

its kind of a meme problem
go do a search in your current project to see if you used the modulo operator

>It proves you've spent too much time looking at software interview procedures.
Valid. But I'm sure sum of primes under 2 million could be used somewhere.

10 years ago i would have said you are trolling, but given the current state of Sup Forums, where nobody even knows how to allocate memory, i know you're being serious

You cannot call yourselves "programmers" if you can't solve such a simple problem.

You don't need to spend time to look at interview procedures to solve this problem if you are actually qualified for this job.

The FizzBuzz problem is the following.

Write a program that iterates on natural numbers, from 1 to 100, which does the following, for every number: if the number is divisible by 3, print "Fizz", if it is divisible by 5, print "Buzz", if it's divisible by both 3 and 5 print "FizzBuzz". If none of these are true, just print the number itself.

That's it. And people unironically can't solve it.

The REAL fizzbuzz test should be
- implement fizzbuzz
then if they pass, ask them to implement it without using modulo, and without using conditionals.

I've written a basic function plotter in Java, and I've used the modulo operator all the time.

>You cannot call yourselves "programmers" if you can't solve such a simple problem.
Do you have a job like we do? Or are you just a basement dweller who's so busy learning every little useless code trick people post on this website that you have no time getting a job?

uhh congrats I guess

you shouldn't have to "remember" it, its not some arcane, unused operator
>people would still unironically fail this

I don't know how to program nor would I ever be applying for a programming job but I could at least tell you the mathematical and logical operations you would use to determine the output of fizzbuzz. I can't actually implement it in any language though aside from highly visual languages like labview though.

why don't you factor x and see if y shows up

wait what the fuck this is easy as shit what kind of retard can't do this kindergarten crap

Well, I do have a Job, not that it matters to the discussion.

You must be really bad at yours if you can't solve FizzBuzz and are this bad at reasoning.

> if some_bool == true

Found the sys admin. You haven't got a job, you are basically a security guard.

Apparently 90% of "programmers".

I need to see some proof of people unironically and explicitly saying they can't solve it before actually being convinced the programming industry is a total joke

Can you read/write a recipe? Can you do basic algebra and arithmetic? Is your pattern-recognition average?
You'll get pretty far.

Wait is this like how expert mathematicians struggle with basic arithmetic?

Have you read OP's article, comments included? And that's just one example. Read also

>being this assmad about a simple tard
-sieve """"""problem""""""
user, y-you didnt happen to fail the test did you?

you dont need to write your own modulus function genius

Apparently guys with (((PhDs in computational algebra))) do.

No. Whilst I'm not going to provide proof for the security of my job.
I am a junior developer for a large company, I aced the interview but strongly disagree with the way it was delivered.

>After spending a few hours coming up with something that semi-worked, I found the solution on StackOverflow and, in my honesty, linked to it in the code.
This has to be a joke, it can't be real

I hope it is, user, I hope it is.

" mean – I would be suspicious of someone who could solve fizzbuzz off the cuff. They are likely to:
1. have too much time on their hands
2. had too many interviews asking that question
3. be unsufferably arrogant
4. or all of the above. "
this is a fucking gold mine

but she never said she was a programmer, she makes websites that look nice with responsive design and stuff
I bet 90% of the people who can write fizzbuzz cant do that job, the point being the two groups dont overlap

well considering children can solve fizzbuzz you wouldn't think it'd be that much of an issue for someone applying for a """tech""" job to have at least a semblance of basic creative problem-solving

>actually being able to think instead of just shitting out stack overflow code means you have too much time on your hands, or be arrogant
I hate people

>being suspicious of people who can actually program

This. I have seen students who have never programmed before solving it as an exercise for the Intro to Programming course without major issues. Not knowing about the existence of modulo is no excuse, you can still solve it using some counters or by taking advantage of integer division.

So, just the 100 prints manually typed is a better solution?

Well, it would use less cycles, so i guess it's "more efficient"