>Photoshop + Illustrator
>Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint
>Light gaming
Budget: $1500 - $2000 CAD
I've narrowed it down to 3 choices
Since I'm a student portability would be nice and the two MSI Stealths fit the bill (0.77 inch thick vs 1.1 on the Lenovo), and the graphics are the same as well, 1050Ti and 1050. Obviously the Lenovo and MSI GS73 have better cards, 1050Ti 4gb vs 2gb 1050 on the MSI GS63.
I'm wondering though if the 1050 will be enough for me to do Photoshop and Illustrator plus lots of Microsoft Office, and will the 1050Ti give me better performance for these things or would I not notice it?
Price wise, the Lenovo is cheapest at $1400, the MSI GS63 is $1750 and the GS73 is $1900 (normally $2100 on Amazon)
One more thing to note, the Lenovo screen apparently sucks, but the MSI screen has two types, and IPS LED for the GS63 and TN 94% NTSC on the GS73 with 120hz.
Is the 1050Ti with 2gb more DDR5, plus 120hz high quality TN panel, and 2 inch more screen worth an extra $150 CAD vs the GS63 with the IPS LED screen, and 1050 only with 2gb ddr5?
And I mean, is MSI reliable as a brand? I don't want to constantly send my shit in for repair, even though it has the warranty for 2 years. Does anyone else own the Stealth MSI laptops and can put their feedback on it?
Thanks Sup Forumsays and Sup Forumsyals