Reminder that piracy is theft

Reminder that piracy is theft.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that shills promote anti piracy to get you to buy anti consumer video games and DRM locked comics/cartoons/anime

Reminder that there are more normies than autists, and normies still pay for software like the good goy they are.

>you wouldn't download meat

piracy is passe.
apt get software that respects your freedoms.

Reminder that no one cares

Reminder that shitposting is a bannable offence

What's with these piracy threads?

Reminder that anyone saying this is full of bullshit.


Copyright is theft too because he steal resale right from legal owner.


Reminder that you should Fuck off back to plebbit, go to r/diy and make a seedbox out of your raspberry pi, as many as you can

Information is free. Capitalist scum.

reminder that DRM was forced by jews who mainly controlles the media, so piracy movies contributes to stop sending money to Israel.

Row row row your boat


Reminder that you're not being reminded.

reminder that moralfags are the cancer and piracy is the cure

Reminder that the software corporations would rather you pirate their products than switch to a free (as in freedom) alternative.

> I have the urge to defend corporations that try to kill privacy and freedom

Don't mind me just pirating this bread.

piracy is copying

Ok. What does pillaging on the high seas have to do with technology?

Yeah well I consider price gouging theft so fuck off.

>Anno Domini 31
>still buying DRM-locked bread

You are correct OP. Good job I only infringe copyrights then isn't it?
Your post is just so wrong.

>"hello police?"
>"yes, how can i help?"
>"someone just pirated my car"
>"and how the fuck did they do that?"
>"they downloaded it from Pirate Bay"

Reminder that anyone that truly believes this literally has shit for brains and deserves to be gassed.

It's copyright infringement, and every time you say its theft you sound like a fat Social justice whale calling everything rape because "it sounds harsher", thus creating more pirates in the process.

Reminder that copyright is a restriction on the free market and a form of monopoly.

stop stealing my time with your bullshit

Reminder to deal with it

I am "the faggot"

Reminder that (You)s from a shitpost doesnt count

Ok then sweetie.