Go back 10-15 years. Were people always this serious about technology and brands as they are now...

Go back 10-15 years. Were people always this serious about technology and brands as they are now? I know Macfags have always done anything to justify their purchases but now we have fanboys for every camp.

Im laughing my ass off going through forums the past few weeks seeing how mad people are getting at tech reviewers for pointing out that the Pixel has a shit screen, that the iPhone X is just a terrible idea or the Galaxy Note is a ripoff.

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maybe it's because a lot of this is really fucking expensive, so people need to feel secure about their purchases.

Telling someone their car is shit yields the same type of responses

In my experience if its a used car most people dont seem to mind.

Unless if they wear a Subaru or BMW tshirt, then you shouldnt say anything bad about those brands.

Why don't we go back 25 years?

It's mostly kids who give a shit about 'brand loyalty'. There weren't as many kids using high tech products other than video games 15+ years ago, and they weren't on the internet either.
That's why you see more of that kind of stuff nowadays.

genesis does what nintendont

>genesis sucks
>nintendo doesn't

Yup that's about right


>Were people always this serious about technology and brands as they are now
Yes, shitting on linux while praising microsoft and vice versa.

>but now we have fanboys for every camp.
Not really. Pretty much all the subhuman brainlets have gathered under the fruit flag.

Linux users are zealots, if-you-aren't-with-us-you-are-against us, with basic morals gone like batshit

Windows users are moronic gamers that know jack about hardware and have a massive lust for cock, anyones really

Apple users like being self-centered sheeple, that are the same as with Windows users but with their own ecosystem

I love the rose-tinted glasses that people put on everything old on Sup Forums.

>We don't have fanboys in every camp
>Posts the same anti-Apple images on every single thread in, in which, mentions Apple.
You really proved your point there bud.

Why do you care so much about other people's choices of OS?

>not using Samsung screens

Pixelcucks on suicide watch.

>t. applelfag

Been looking longer than that with atari vs magnavox

I don't understand it when I hear people argue about things like LG vs Samsung. From what I've seen, all smartphones are pretty much complete shit compared to what they could be and the only difference between them is how far each company will push it's dick into the Android OS.
With Android vs IOS at least there's a difference between them.

I would think 15 years ago branfaggotry was more serious and there was more substance to it.
15 years ago Chinese shit was actually shit.
>Sony - the literal gods in flesh
>AMD are shunned even more than today
>ATI - an actually well respected brand
>Samsung - literal cheapo chinkshit
>LG - the only brand worse than Samshit
>Apple - some obscure shit nobody cares about
>Thopmson/Phillips - quality TVs you could expect to last

yeah if it ain't Apple or Samsung it's shit

what's nice is that even the passing normal person knows what's under the hood in their phone, and I can talk to them about how nice they are

Brand loyalty is a new marketing strategy like the "team company A vs team company B" bullshit, it plays into people's desire to be part of a group to not be left out and to feel superior to others for that.
People feeling insecure about their expensive purchases also plays a secondary role to that along with people wanting to have something to show off in order to not look poor even if they live paycheck to paycheck and they can only buy this stuff on credit.

>even the passing normal person
>I can talk to them

>yeah if it ain't Apple or Samsung it's shit
Both are complete garbage though.

I think it's mostly a strategy to push sales desu, nothing spells death for a product like indifference. There's a simple reality to most of the arguments on this board but people still argue about them endlessly.
Take intel vs amd for example. People argue endlessly over benchmarks and specs, trying to justify that one is better than another, but the reality is (and pretty much always has been) the same - the differences are insignificant, intel is ultimately faster but overpriced, amd is considerably better value and still perfectly fine for 99.9% of scenarios.
You think most people here are really so stupid that they can't accept that simple reality, and need to argue about it endlessly? No, it's a corporate strategy, shills argue back and forth because they're trying to secure sales, and the constant back and forth keeps the conflict relevant, making people believe they need new cpus when pretty much any decent cpu from the last 5 years will do fine. Processing power has had diminishing returns for a while now, but god forbid people realised that en masse!

>Both are complete garbage though.
They have the best hardware, though? Samsung doesn't offer the best UI/software but the hardware is unmatched.

You don't have to justify owning a Mac. I simply don't want anything to do with Windows or Linux if I can avoid it. I'm happy with my mac and I don't care if anyone doesn't like it.

>You don't have to justify being gay. I simply don't want anything to do with heterosexuality if I can avoid it. I'm happy with being gay and I don't care if anyone doesn't like it.

>wanting anything to do with apple

Samsung doesnt make the hardware except the batteries and displays they only put shit together and slap their name on it. The hardware in chinkshit phones isn't any different.
Apple outsources everything to foxconn.

Arguing "their" hardware is like arguing "Dell vs Acer" today the phones are much like PC except it's soldered together.

The thing is latest iphones blow up on their users, the previous ones did bend - no quality control, shitty engineering and whatever hardware is inside isn't even theirs.
Samsung galaxy series has been using shitty plastic, crappy design with curved glass that breaks no matter how you drop it, they did blew up too.

The only difference in between smartphone manufactorers is enclosure and assembly quality, the guts are all the same, even on chinkshit. And both Apple and Samsung are shit with their enclosures and quality. Even HTC are better.

>waah the company that collected money from people who wanted to spend their disposable income on entertainment instead of charity isn't giving all of it to charity
fuck off communist

Gorgeous tits but that toe-thumb brings down her score to 7.5/10.

> but the hardware is unmatched.
Here's a long list of all the phones that run same exact hardware.
It's off the shelf, you idiot, anybody can buy it from qualcomm even the chinkshit


>Were people always this serious about technology and brands as they are now?
Are you forgetting carfags? Coke vs Pepsi shit? Console fags? People always were obsessed about brands and brands spend millions to ensure it stays that way.

Almost the most irrelevant part when it comes to a phone after a certain level.

Only Applel has comparable screens and they are buying theirs from Samsung. Their design is a lot better than most of the Android shit out there too.

Years ago different brands weren't all made on the same chinese factory from the same parts on the same line though.

Xiaomi also buys Samsing AMOLED displays for their premium phones, check out Mi Note Pro 2.

do you not talk to people lol

lol dream on

The pixel 2 uses a Samsung screen. It's the Pixel 2 XL that uses a LG screen.

What is the most autistic following? I think LG Shills are the worst. They're either slightlyyyy off in the head or a pajeet

Mech keyboard fans

apple not paying fair tax, and fuckos like you are why the states is a shithole.

>fair tax
Please go back to /leftypol/. Taxation is theft, and there's absolutely no reason why a company shouldn't use every legal tool available for delivering a profit to shareholders. What exactly justfies billions of dollars in tax each year for those companies? What is the united states government providing them that is worth that much? The world doesn't exist to cater to your wishes. If you want to help "those in need" give them the money you'd spend on your stupid smartphone.
[spoiler]also I'm not an american

>Please go back to /leftypol/.
Follows this up with "Taxation is theft" insanity, that's laughed at even by most libertarians and cuckservatives.

>What exactly justfies billions of dollars in tax each year for those companies?
Don't the kids learn that in 5-6th grade?

Say that to a hyundai car owner

Oh, i don't know.

>National grids. power, gas, water.
>Legal infrastructure.
>.>Laws to protect from unfair and dangerous practices, from companies and individuals.
>.>Police. Boots on the ground to investigate on your behalf and catch and detain such individuals.
>.>Prisons. A place to hold said individuals whose transgressions were so great they are deemed a public hazard.
>Military for protection from Forren threats.
>Research and projects that leade to new technology that otherwise would have taken too much capital for any company to afford to bootstrap. eg:
>.>Bletchley park, both a research and a military effort. The berth of computing.
>.>The space program. NASA's work laid the foundation leading to the development of general computing.
>.> University funding. Research for research's sake. This makes discoveries that otherwise would not have been of commercial interest. Some of which is finding more commercially viable ways of applying said discoveries till it gets to the point where companies can take over.

Should i go on user?

g/... That's a funny way of spelling pol/