Is he the greatest programmer of all time?

Is he the greatest programmer of all time?

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No. He just impresses gamer kiddies who don't know anything about computers other than "you can press buttons to make images change"

Real greatest programmer of all time would probably be Linus Torvalds desu


Is that an older moot?

It's almost like he didn't come up with great things that changed many things.


*blocks your path*


He's up there but probably not really the greatest of all time
he made several useful advancements in the field of computer graphics (not the "fast inverse square root" meme though)





he's a nigger who steals other people's work, so no


He stands more out. There are so many brilliant game programmers, but as with any other profession, most stay behind the scenes.

founder of 9gag

No. Just the same Cornwallish face.

>he's a nigger who steals other people's work, so no
You do understand science is built on this foundation and we would not have a society as advanced today without it? It's the critical points behind free software also, being able to improve code not of your own making.


literally who

he stole other people's code, put his name on it and profited from it, that has nothing to do with free software no matter how you wanna spin it
go wank to that nigger sociopath somewhere else

>he stole other people's code, put his name on it and profited from it, that has nothing to do with free software no matter how you wanna spin it
You ignored next to everything I said minus the one thing that suits your position. Care to try again? While you are at it, what code did he steal and profit from and what was the percentage of that stolen code to code that was entirely his own?

Fast inverse square root?

float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

return y;

It somehow ended up in the Quake source code, but Carmack never took credit for it.

Why don't you actually come up with an argument instead of excuses based on idealism that he doesn't even profess much less take into practice, and what he stole is public and easily searchable so do it yourself.


Carmack faggots need to go back to

no, is moots future.

John Carmack is a glorified toy manufacturer.

The only people who talk about him like he's the best engineer of all time are people who limit their worldview to toys. (Aka gamers who know fuck-all else about computers.)

He's the best video game programmer of all time. Which is like being the smartest kid on the special bus.

You are still ignoring next to everything I said and now won't back up your claim (y'know, actually back up YOUR argument) Guess I won.

>but Carmack never took credit for it.
True, but he hardly protested when people gave him credit anyway.


Agreed. Carmack has a wife and children. Why would a god-tier maven sabotage himself like this? Fucking bullshit.



That's why he's celebrated; he has social skills lurking under his antisocial skin.

The most skilled and ambitious people don't burden themselves children. That's a fact now.

he clearly has a lot of knowledge and has been at the forefront in the past when it came to realtime rendering techniques.

that being said, his engines are dogshit. Id tech 4 ran like shit for hardware of that era, and looked worse than Source. and let's not forget the Rage AMD debacle

I'd argue it's the opposite. He has superficial charm (seems like a nice guy) that conceal moderate sociopathic tendencies (allowing other people to give him credit for things he didn't do.)


>literally the guy who though Java 1.0 was a shippable product

I really have no idea what you're trying to say or how it relates to my comment: Video games are a type of toy. His innovations are in the field of toy creation. Not really anything important to humanity. People who obsess over him are the same people who spend too much of their lives playing with toys.

>all these wageslave programmers

Oh, you mean only the most autistic self-select themselves out of the genepool?

*tips fedora*

Fake news.
The most skilled and ambitious people are usually old guys, and old guys grew up in a time where not being married with kids was much more irregular (and difficult, given the greater preponderance of forced social interaction without the Internet) than it is today. This is probably why being single and childless is a rising trend now. But most of today's greats are, by user standards, normies.

No, Bill Gates is the greatest programmer of all time

Haha, he created windows, how do others even compete?

Vidya programmers are the best programmers.

The best vidya comes out of Japan, not the west.

Japanese = best programmers

>he thinks that realtime 3D graphics rendering has ha no impact on medicine, air traffic control, emergency management, or the large demand for more and more powerful PC hardware

The guy builds and launches fucking rockets, in addition to being a godly programmer. You jealous neets in your shit stained panties can complain all you want but you will never come close to Carmack. Suck his dick.

greatest =/= most financially successful

Notch is a cool guy and he hit it out of the park with Minecraft, but the code was shit and had to be heavily refactored, just to be completely rewritten by Microsoft after the acquisition.

Nawwww that ain't fair. Carmack is clearly a brilliant programmer — maybe not a hacker
posterboy like Dennis Ritchie, but why should he? He makes GAMES after all, executable jokes.

>>The most skilled and ambitious people are usually old guys,
Wrong. Most great achievements are made by men in their 20s or early 30s. This is most true in fields that demand intellectual capability. For example nearly all famous mathematicians and physicists did their most important work when they were young.

he's a fat hack who got lucky

Nope. This guy's still doing the same product today.

Jesus user your emdash is s-so long!

who the fuck cares about code quality anyway. hack together a prototype/proof on concept, see if it's successful and if it is, hire some indians who rewrite that shit


>John Carmack
the guy is worth double digit millions

This guy, along with Palmer Luckey. What's the secret to their success?

Because they weren't married with kids?

>realtime 3D graphics rendering has ha no impact on medicine, air traffic control, emergency management,
It really doesn't.

Surgeons and doctors aren't using Nvidia-rendered 3d graphics. Neither are air traffic controllers. Computation-intensive medical research like protein folding doesn't require real-time 3d graphics. Pretty much nothing but video games does.

GPUs are used for computation in many fields, but not in the capacity of generating real time 3d renderings.

> make some game on Java
> Microsoft buy it billions
Poor c#

Those who maintain it.
You can't always afford to throw out a "proof of concept".
Or in other words, sometimes a "proof of concept" is non-viable; you have to ship an MVP and those have to be semi-maintainable.

Shipping code with good quality should be nearly effortless anyway, unless of course you're a shit programmer using shit tools.

Japanese can't even program their own games

The original final fantasy games were written by an Iranian American.

he's not CTO so he's a wageslave

No. Because after your mid 20s or early 30s, your brain gets shittier. You get more experience sure, but in fields were raw-intellect is what separates the wheat from the chaff, great discoveries are made by young men who have more brain power than experience.

And the games that come out of Japan are shit compared to the West's, just like their shows and movies.
Fucking weeb lobotomites on this site desu senpai

*closes your ticket*

Forgot image.

Completely wrong, pleb.

Sure he's smart. I never said he wasn't.

he's literally CTO though

stfu, all you get outta western games is fucking COD style rehashed braindead shooters. Japan has more decades of quality compared to anything the west could muster.

>Socialism is what we call "undefined behavior"



Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Once you're in your 40s, you're basically half-senile. It's not like you could leverage the extra one to two decades of experience you've accrued by that point to keep accomplishing greater things. No old people ever publish or commit groundbreaking shit.
I fucking love neuroscience.

wrong pic

That's a matter of the willingness of companies in each country to finance weird shit. American companies want "safe" products that can be marketed to a wide audience. As a result, everything that gets funding is boring. Japanese people are nuts, and so are their companies. Therefore they give funding to projects that are nuts.

It has absolutely fuck-all to do with programmer skill.

That pic has normie written all over it.


Japanese games have just copied ultima for 30 years

>It has absolutely fuck-all to do with programmer skill.

Of course and I never suggested otherwise.

>cultural hegemony of the planet
>singlehandedly produces majority of media and heavily influences outside media
>has a lot of crap
>also anything can be crap if you're a smug enough hipster autist btw
>a counterargument

Japan went from "my life for the emperor" full blown feudalism into full industrial modern cities in like 100 years, so it's only normal that they are a bit nuts.

>Once you're in your 40s, you're basically half-senile.
Half-senile? No. Past your mental prime? Absolutely. All research on this matter is crystal clear: experience always grows but raw mental ability peaks sometime in your 20s.

In some fields, experience is more important than raw intelligence. An experience machinist with average intelligence will run circles around an inexperienced but intelligent machinist.

However in other fields, experience counts for relatively little and raw intelligence is far more important. Mathematics is an extreme example of such a field. Fields strongly related to mathematics, like physics and PROBABLY programming, also exhibit this phenomenon. Obviously experience counts for a lot in programming, but if you're innovating instead of applying existing engineering solutions, then youth will be favored.

John Carmack is famous for shit he did when he was young. That's no coincidence.

The era of game programming requiring any skill at all is long past

>An American friend went to work at a big Japanese development studio and was appalled to see that they still used C,
His friend is retarded desu

40 years (heck even 30 years) of bodily oxidation and intestinal labor dements the body dramatically indeed.

That's very true.

America steamed gunboats into Japanese harbors and forced them at gunpoint to open up their nation. Less than 100 years later the Japanese attacked the American Navy and declared war on America with a powerful modern navy.

Genuinely incredible.

>all of these carmack fags
I bet you don't even know who Knuth and Dijkstra are.

They had a really advanced pre-industrial society

Another glorified toy inventor.

Yeah he's DEAD.

Compared to China's? Fux no. China was on some 20th century shit in the 13th century. But it was unified. Too unified. Japan, like Europe, was balkanized, so suffered less from poorly-steered collectivist rule. It did not, however, lead to the same stimulation of innovation and exploration--

just read Guns, Germs, & Steel.

so is ritchie :(

They may have been socially advanced (that's REALLY debatable) but they were technologically primitive.

>muh nippon steel folded six gorillion times
Japanese metallurgy was shit. Early-19th century Japan was far more technologically primitive than the Romans.