Opinions on this piece of shit?

I'm using it on Android and it's better than Chrome (based on ChromIUM, open source, adblocker etc), but I'm not too excited about the future prospects (getting served BRAVE ads instead of Google ads?!)

What would be the next best option if I want something fast with an adblocker that isn't built to Jew me over in the near future? No Firecucks.

Brave is what you use if you're too stupid for naked browser

its shit. chrome is the only browser worth using, sadly.

Chrome has ads.

i used dolphin for awhile until i found a telemetry process aways running why the app was closed.

i tried that armed broswer and same shit.

brave is just chorme so can't really download stuff.

i need a browser that can fetch media and download it but also has some kind of adblock

life has ads

try lightning browser

>0 results

why even bother coming here

>(getting served BRAVE ads instead of Google ads?!)
if you choose to opt in.

I've made it my default on mobile, might consider doing so on desktop once it gets a userscript manager extension.

Firefox is the only answer.

I have AIDS


Naked browser is ass. Brave has ad block and https its based. Its botnet though.

You're describing Firefox

Brave ads are not even comparable in anyway to Google, two complete different things.

A retard like OP should not be using Brave anyway, Firefox is more suited for someone like him.

unless they have drastically changed something in the pass year the app is fucking slow as hell and most of the extension barely work.

DNS66 if no root

>you're too stupid to gobble up ads

Honestly this is why iOS is superior. Stock browser, no ads, no frills.

Block ads at device level and run whatever browser you want normie

>no ads
Yeah cause your apps don't have ads all over the fucking place that you have to pay to remove right

try lightning browser + adaway

People shill this shit to get people to buy BAT tokens. Brave is a scam.

Also if you are not using iridium then you a cuck.

Have you tried Samsung Internet Beta? It's basically Samsung browser for non-samshit phones, you can get it from the PlayStore as well as ad-block extensions for it. It's unironically good.

It's okay in its current form, just Chromium+adblock and open source, which is everything I could ask for. The problem is what it will become.

Firefox indeed sucks. IceCat or ungoogled-Chromium are in actuality the only options.

Not if I close my eyes.

I don't get why brave won't play webms embedded here, but if I open in a new tab they're fine. Makes me use chrome.

On IceCat I use a add-on that blocks access to the browser's resources which has the effect of not allowing play of embedded webms. Thought I should mention this as a possible avenue of explanation.