Why is there almost no online community or wiki related to Solus? I mean it's probably the comfiest/most stable distro I've ever used yet still barely nobody talks about it. Meanwhile Ubuntu has become a shitfest and it still has a pretty active community.
Why is there almost no online community or wiki related to Solus...
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It's one of the newest. Ubuntu was a really solid distro and has been around forever. Linux wouldn't be where it's now without Ubuntu. Giving away an unlimited amount of Ubuntu CDs was also extremely nice of Shuttlewurst.
Still the eopkg packaging system is not as relatively straightforward as most distros and having a wiki for it would be very nice.
make a wiki, write it yourself. im sure whoever made the distro would appreciate it, as well as other solus users
Isn't it basically just Ubuntu? Just read the Ubuntu wiki.
Antergos with gnome seems better
Hello kevin
It's independently developed, not based on ubuntu, doesn't even use the same DE or packaging system.
Just refer to the Clear Linux documentation, that's what it is, after all.
Didn't Solus author try to make a distro before and scraped it after several years? I would be extremely wary to install an OS backed by a single person, that could stop being supported any moment.
this, if you like the project you can contribute to it yourself. The developers and the community would appreciate it. Welcome to Open Source.
man eopkg
In what way is solus better? Really seems inferior
Anything equivalent to aur?
It's far cleaner than your shitty Antergos. It also has a completely different target group. You should just install Arch it's not that difficult and it's far cleaner and more stable than Antergos.
As to why Antergos is not really comparable to Solus, I can't be fucked to type everything out here but in a nutshell:
>Solus is one of THE EASIEST DISTRIBUTIONS mainly aimed for polish and ease of use, mostly competes with shit like Ubuntu and Mint
>Solus is usable out of the box, you can install it to your friend who has never tried Linux and he'll do just fine, you don't need any AUR front-ends or any other shit, just open the graphical software store and all the normieshit you'll ever need like Steam, Spotify and Discord are one click away
>Ikey actually cares about the project, while Antergos devs are bunch of lazy and incompetent cocksuckers who somehow managed to make Arch less stable
>Solus actually works on shit, they've made awesome Steam Linux Integration, improved the MATE DE a lot, made a whole new DE meanwhile Antergos devs just package outdated packages with Arch shit and toss a few themes on top of the steaming pile of shit they've created
>or packaging system.
What does it use? Can you install a .deb from my PPA?
It was only shilled here and only the weak fell for it
M8, it's just Clear Linux, AUR has pamac if your into that,and your package count is abysmal.
eopkg, which is actually a pretty good package manager. The main Solus dev, Ikey, is quite the perfectionist and is not afraid to reinvent the wheel if he feels like something is lacking or implemented in a bad way. We need more people like him. The man even quit his job at Intel once his patron hit $1500 a month, just to develop the distribution he likes.
Can you quantify how antergos is less stable? I've never had an issue through 3 machines and a lot of different installs
>eopkg, which is actually a pretty good package manager.
Does this mean I would have to make a maintain a new fucking package for this piece of shit distro?
I'd actually bet Solus Budgie installation is smaller than Antergos with GNOME. Probably package count too but only idiots care about that. I had the same software on Debian and Arch and while Arch had 800 packages Debian had like 1600 just because the software is packaged differently. Take that into consideration when comparing base Debian (400 packages) with base Arch (over 500 packages) and realize how bloated Arch is.
Yes. You'd also need to make a new package for anything that isn't Ubuntu pr based on Ubuntu since nothing else supports PPAs. Depending on what you've made, people should just make install it in case it isn't very large.
>Making 18k/year to develop a distro
What a fucking loser
Somehow I doubt this is a sole revenue stream
Fuck that. I'm making a snap (supported on Solus btw). Statically linking GLES2, GLFW3, libsoundio and FUCKING CLIENT-SIDE VIDEO DRIVERS.
This is what you get for being a neckbeard faggot reinventing the wheel.
It's 30MB btw.
It's called dedication. He's a really talented programmer and extremely dedicated to developing Solus. I for one appreciate his work, even if I use Debian on most of my machines. Really wish him the best of luck and hope his distribution will replace the steaming pile of shit that is Mint.
I agree Snaps and Flatpaks are cancer but you can't really blame Ikey for your problem. Apt is a dated package manager and Arch, Suse, Fedora, Void, Nix and a million other distributions don't support packages made for Ubuntu either. Packaging for most distributions is extremely easy and if your software truly is used by others, someone will package it for other distributions. Packaging is not difficult, provided you make it easy by offering clear installation instructions and versioned releases.
green is a terrible color
It is. It's there only to match the default Adapta theme (which is not used in OP's screenshot). I don't know why, but Adapta is replacing Arc as the new "standard Linux look". I personally fucking hate Adapta.
Because Arch and Manjaro exist.
Arch and Manjaro are also supported by snap, by the way
In other words: "because an Arch installer for a retard like myself exists"
No packages and special snowflake package manager.
>Stop using my precious packages